MovieChat Forums > Battlestar Galactica (2005) Discussion > Starbuck should NOT have been a woman!!!

Starbuck should NOT have been a woman!!!

I grew up with the original Battlestar Galactica. Awesome series. Loved it, loved it, loved it. My favourite was of course Starback, the cool, funny, likeable chap (later Face in the A-Team, another massive favourite).

I was sooo incredibly happy when I found out a few years back that there was actually a remake of Battlestar Galactica! My favourite series, with up-to-date effects, that should be awesome!

Until I started watching the thing. Starbuck... a WOMAN!? What the bloody fuck!? I fucking hate it when series suddenly go 'woke' and some prick behind a desk decides that what is obviously a man's role should be played by some chick.

Introducing a new character that happens to be a chick isn't enough, noooooo, a chick needs to actually replace a male character.

Not that I don't like the actress but Starbuck is a MAN. Just like James Bond is a MAN (and I don't mean daniel "no Bond" craig, that's an ugly dwarf). We don't see a man play the character of Lucy in a remake of I Love Lucy, do we!? Then leave things the way they are supposed to be. FFS.


Get over it. Kara Thrace/Starbuck was a GREAT character.


There you have it from the Police Information Desk !


She did a pretty good job, IMO.


I was fine that she was a woman, but to me, the core of BSG was Starbuck and Apollo, back to back, fighting off Cylons to the death to save the human race. So the change in their relationship, in their whole arc, for the remake, was a problem for me.


This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the woke movement.

Not to mention, this show is 100 times better than the old one.


Dude it ended like 14 years ago. You don't have to be angry anymore. Its mostly forgotten show now. It started off ok and than quickly turned to shit like the original series. Relax.


True story.


True, the SUPERIOR 1978 series had Sheba the hot shot female pilot. Ronald D for dumbass Moore chose to ignore that and began the gender swap retardation that plagues sci fi to this day.


I can't believe anyone would champion the original BSG full stop, and worse still consider it a classic.

Even back then, it was always an obvious TV movie rip off of Star Wars. A handful of watchable episodes, but thats it. And it did indeed turn to shit very quickly. Silly aliens, constantly reused effects shots, stupid plots....ans that stupid dagget.
And the less said about Galactica 80...

So I appreciated the remake so much more. It took the basic premise and made something much more interesting. Yes it was much more serious in tone, but it worked. The characters were much more fully realised, the cylons motivation and backstory was fully fleshed out, it looked superb and had some awesome effects and set pieces.

Lost its way a little in the finale maybe, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


The original BSG was exciting and groundbreaking. It had the good fortune to die a quick death and left a lot of good will. The reboot should have been that fortunate. Instead, it lingered and went from darn good to beyond awful.

Galactica 80... let's not discuss, but we probably agree.


Agreed. They could easily have made Sheba a character instead of making Starbuck a woman. And I do like the actress who played Starbuck. But, like the show itself, I grew tired of her nonsense.


Well, first of all, "woke" wasn't even a thing in 2005. And while political correctness and shoehorned-in minorities and genderswapping happened occasionally, it was hardly as epidemic back then. And, in cases such as this, it was actually beneficial to the story and made sense to the plot.

Hell, they made Colonel Tigh (an intelligent, competent black character) into a curmudgeonly old white man. You think they'd do that if remaining woke was a priority? If that had happened during wokeness, ABC studios would have probably been burned down and a stoic mural of Terry Carter would've been spraypainted on whatever rubble remained.

This was neither a remake nor a sequel to that old, fun-but-dated series. It was a complete re-imagining, utilizing only the most basic elements of the plot and characters. 99% of it was different. It's like complaining over the difference between The Last Man on Earth (1964) and I Am Legend (2007). Hardly any of the characters were like they were in the old series, whether they shared the same genitals or not.



There's another clue that it was not a woke choice: the relationship between Apollo and Starbuck was one of the best things of the show. You can notice how woke movies are usually dull because choices are made to check boxes, not to create stories.


Just like James Bond is a MAN (and I don't mean daniel "no Bond" craig, that's an ugly dwarf).

Excellent point.

Although to be fair, I liked both versions of Galactica. The episode in the original series with Lloyd Bridges as Admiral Cain was just brilliant. Again though, they replaced the character with a woman in the reboot.

Although, just to digress a little, I think she turned up in Picard as well - the actress, not the character. Thinking of that though, a BSG Star Trek crossover could work quite well!


I read a BSG04 meets The West Wing fan fiction a long time ago

it was pretty great!
