MovieChat Forums > House M.D. (2004) Discussion > Chase kissing a nine year old girl

Chase kissing a nine year old girl

I'm sorry, but has the whole world gone crazy? Chase literally molested a child. I don't care what the situation was, a nine year old cannot give legal consent to any sexual act, which kissing on the mouth definitely is. I find it absolutely baffling that I need to explain this. If you still think I'm being a prude, just answer this question: Would you do it to your daughter? Exactly. In real life, he'd probably go to jail, and he'd definitely end up a registered sex offender. And of course he'd also lose his medical license.


If you think that kissing a 9 year old girl is sexual, then you are the one with the problem.


It used to be normal for children to kiss either parent on the mouth. In a more sophisticated time than today, nobody thought anything about it. Now so many people have become such hysterical prudes, the Victorians would laugh at them.


I remember I found it so weird that my friend would kiss his dad on the mouth lol. I never said anything or thought anything past it, but I was pretty darn surprised.


It was a little uncomfortable to watch and yet I'm not as icked out by it. It's all about the context. Chase didn't want to kiss her; he was thrown off from HER request for him to do it. But considering all she's been through (she's so brave) I am sure he sympathized with her view that she didn't want to die never being kissed by a boy. she liked him as a crush and she talked about how she had lost a previous chance to tell a boy she liked him/wanted to kiss him so took the chance with Chase. If he refused it probably would have broken her heart. It wasn't a sexual kiss. He didn't groom her. He wasn't 'into' it so no; I don't consider it as Chase molesting a child.

I think it was a beautiful little moment in the sense that it showed us a 'take a chance when you can' lesson but I do agree that giving that lesson between a 9 and a 30 year old...probably not the best choice.


Simply kissing on the mouth is not a sexual act. Where did you grow up?


It depends. I don't remember the episode, but I doubt they were sucking face, swabbing tonsils, and exchanging spit. It was most likely quite innocent of any sexual intent.


It was a brief peck on the lips. I call that a sister kiss. But a doctor kissing a patient of any age is not appropriate even if not disturbing.



So this is a major problem, but the whole team of doctors breaking into everyone one their patients houses isn't? Lol whaaaa?


Yes, the whole world has gone crazy, but not in the way you think. Actually, you represent the craziness. My mom used to kiss me on the mouth, and so did my dad when I was very young. Lots of parents did. There was nothing sexual about it. When I was in my early twenties, I had several female friends who were in their early teens, and I used to occasionally kiss them on the cheek or the forehead. It didn't mean anything sexual, and their parents didn't think anything about it. In the past, people were more sophisticated and less uptight about everything.


And how long did your parents kiss you on the mouth? A little peck is fine. If you hold it for a while, it's wrong. That's what Chase did.


she came onto him and was only kiss nothing else
