MovieChat Forums > Little Manhattan (2006) Discussion > Anyone else find this slightly creepy?

Anyone else find this slightly creepy?

Just wondering if anyone else noticed the under tones?!


you are out of your mind. I don't know what film you saw. It is really funny and sweet.


i find it really weird too...i mean a movie about an 11 year old kid who is in love!!! what a stupid idea of a movie.


If you've lived in Manhattan as I do you would know children here are much more mature and street smart especially then people from the midwest or other cities I've lived in. Children here are surrounded by mostly adults and have no choice but to interact with many more people then you would have to in an average city. I mean, how many people do you walk by in an average day down a city street? Probably very few if any since you most likely spend all your time in a car not interacting with people. Just a thought, but it is over the the top, but its a movie!


I don't see the need to play the culture card here--most of the 11-year-olds I've known were just as socially mature, Manhattan elite or midwestern farm boys. As human beings, we tend to idealize what's closer to our own experience. It's not a bad thing, not a good thing, just another leftover survival instinct. For the record, though, I don't see how putting down the maturity of eleven-year-olds is any different from putting down that of midwesterners.


Still wrong after all these years. Kids here creep me out. They're not real kids like they have elsewhere!


It's people like you who help people in other parts of the country think that all New Yorkers are arrogant and snotty. Thanks for making it a "joy" to travel to other states for me, because you know I can't get enough of, "Oh, she's from New York. They think they're better than us."

And newsflash -- children here and children "there" have very similar lives and very similar interactions with adults and peer. It's just that they don't take the subway to school "there".


I'm sorry to offend you. I was just talking about the movie and how its not so far off. I'm from the midwest originally so I know first hand the differences between the two. You're forced to grow up fast living in any urban environment. If thats a fault, I'm sorry.


Well, I am sorry that you happen to get so defensive when people speak about the midwest like it is your duty to protect it with duty & honor. I happen to be from a small town now. It is not the mid-west, but the same logic applies, wher, children here nowhere near a big city. And I am not offended at all by any comments about the differences between the maturity level between small town children and big city children. As it is completely true. Especially when it was clear that all that was being pointed out, is that the two enviroments, one being where the movie was made (manhattan) or it could be any other big city is going to have different effects on children as they grow up. People weren't knocking the mid-west or calling their children dumb and immature?! Obviously, it is common sense that a child being introduced to the streets at an earlier age, sometimes maybe being forced to interact with another god knows how many strangers a day, as opposed to just maybe his parents, friends, and family. Of course every child is going to meet strangers over their lifetime. But the rate at which it happens in the country pales in comparison to what it does to in the big city. Smarter is not the issue, nor is it an issue of puberty or physical maturity. It's actually an issue of being more mature on a mental level and having more "street smarts" per se. Alot are also more emotionally more mature and have more experience at a younger age; with a lot of different things (which isn't always a good thing mind you). Though this part seems to be leveling off more and more every day.

As for someone being creeped out by the movie? Are you kidding me? A cute little story about a boy's first girlfriend and love? I mean mabye the movie isn't for everybody, i understand, but creepy? If somebody found that movie creepy, I'd have serious questions about that person's psyche myself. IT is so uncreepy it is beyond me. And it is very plausible and believable. What parts did anybody have trouble getting? The subaway? Cause I have been to Boston. Have seen plenty of little kids not more than 10,11, or 12 on the sub-way, bus, and train before. The kids walking around, cause I have been to Boston, New York, and a layover in Chicago on my to Las Vegas on a train ride and we saw some kids-a-walkin'...I also lived in Pasadena for a year and Hollywood CA for a year. And believe it or not, I did not see so many kids walking around there. But you get my DRIFT. It does happen. And the movie took place in little MANHATTAN!!

MY first gf was in 3rd, and i know nobody cares, but why is this 11 year old to immature to have a girl friend at 11? It isn't like they were having pre-marital sex? There was one peck for an on screen 11 yr old kiss and the little girl ran away after it. Hard from creepy. Anybody see the movie 'Thirteen'.? Cause that is what the kids of today are really actually doing at 13!!!!! And every parent says nope not my kid, I raise mine right. It's all the parents fault. Well guess what to those all-star parents. I hope your right. Cause I know when I was in high school, and now with my little brother and sister, all the kids in the honors classes were and are at all the same parties as the other kids, and they were doing ALLL those things the other kids were. Cause those kids with the parents who think they it's every kid but their's could give two bleeps if they come from two parent households, with parents who are PTA members or holding down combined figure salaries when they are out partying. I bring this this up because, 13 yr olds are doing that, but you can't buy that an 11 yr old could have his first girlfriend and find his first love by 11 yrs old in the movie? NOt too mention, IT WAS A MOVIE!!!!!!! AND NOT A VERY CREEPY ONE AT THAT!!!!!!!! 5 STARS


What's wrong with the midwest? Just cuz we got our cornfields doesn't mean we don't have Chicago. I mean I have to say that the ration of "bullets requiring you to duck to number of people" is much higher is chi-town than in manhatten *swells with pride*



Agree. I mean, which type of parents allow their 11-year old son or daughter to go out on a date.



ya its like...a "play date" but kids might call it a "date"..wanting to seem grown up...


It's not about that. It's more about this little boy and his love affair with manhattan. As a manhattan kid I can completely understand and relate.


Hasn't anyone seen "My Girl"? Nobody thought that was creepy...


uh, yes it was. very creepy.


I don't think it was creep at all. It was sweet and real and great to see an 11 year old character portrayed as being intelligent and urbane and who deals with the world in a real way.


The boy in the movie says over and over that he is ten. The girl is 11. Yes, I found that too young for such grown-up emotions. Nevertheless, I loved the movie, even though it was unrealistic in many respects. A child would not be allowed to roam all over NY City alone in this day and age. It was a fantasy--very few people on the streets, mostly all white people in every scene--it didn't look like the NY that I am from. I still thought it was funny with good acting and a feel-good ending. The nostalgic Beatles song at the end made me cry.


I mean dun u remember being in love when u were kids??? my first crush as a lil' boy was like 5 yrs old...



What is really weird is anyone imagining that an 11 year old kid could not fall in love. It happens all the time. Perfect puppy love - the kind that is absolutely pure. You are the weird one thinking that 11 year olds do not have the capacity for love. Your attitude is very typical of Americans - no European would say that.


i am english not american!

I come from a long line of quitters.


"i find it really weird too...i mean a movie about an 11 year old kid who is in love!!! what a stupid idea of a movie. "

That's not the point of the movie, though.
It is meant to be a "cute" movie about the truth behind love. If you just look past the fact that they are 11 year olds, you'd see the deeper meaning. Sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to but we can still look back and see that there were good times in a relationship despite the fact that it may have ended badly.

It would have actually been creepy if they -weren't- 11 year olds. If Gabe and Rosemary were adults it would not have had the same effect.


I think it sucked.

Kids aren't emotionally mature enough to understand any love but family type love.

Anyone who says different is a teenybopper bitch.

reply Were you ever a child? I had my first crush when I was 5 years old. His name was Matt and I remember being nervous around him, holding hands with him, and saying that we were gonna get married. It's called puppy love. Jeez. It was a cute movie. I don't understand why people think it's creepy. Most kids have their first experience with puppy love at that age. I think it's cute.


emotional maturity is a myth
there's no such a thing as emotional maturity and no way to measure emotional maturity with age. There are 50 year olds politicians that have the same maturity of 4 year old kinder garten children.

Kids are perfectly able to find love
And by the way "love" is a very simple basic emotion and it's retarded to believe that love is a complex "adult" feeling. It doesn't need any more than some attraction (which is inside every male and female of whatever age) and being on the same wavelength.

Speaking of which: all novels about love are of young people (Romeo was 14 and Juliet 13) because it has always been understood that love is more something in tune with youth than with the fake-complexity of arrogant grown-ups.


Would you like to explain these undertones you speak of?


Nothing "creepy", except it's a formulaic story with younger actors saying grownup lines (somehow he makes it to the wedding at the end, has infinite taxi money, etc). Nothing about this movie made me think they were 11-year-olds acting naturally, because no grade-school kids I know of are so hopelessly "in love". All in all, it's typical movie studio crap with a glitzy-yet-tender marketing campaign thrown on.


Spot-on Cornelus! Exactly what I thought when I saw it about a minute ago.

Enid: So what was all that about enlarged holes and tight cracks?


I think this movie looks cute and the kids look like they carried it well. I'm a sucker for cutesy love stories, though. I'd rather see a blockbuster movie like this rather than a crappy Michael Bay movie any day.

"Making Pictues Move"


You must not know many junior high schoolers then because many many many of them are hopelessly in love. This movie isn't necessarily a depiction of all junior high children who are in love (and they are in love, more so than some adults) but a depiction of first loves in general.

It's about your first love, and how magnificently awakening and beautiful that is.

Now I can't post for two minutes.


the movie's message is simple and clear: its about a young boy's maturity through love. i don't think there's anything "creepy" about it because first love always comes at some point, whether you're 20 or 11. so this movie is just his story about it.


Infinite taxi money? You haven't seen the movie have you?


i find this topic very funny coming from someone with the name 'pervyprincess' :D

the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity


the person hu started this board listen up coz u r so stupid 2 noe wads been going on in kids minds...ok i confess im 13-years-old...not sum idiotic fool like u. I had my 1st love wen i was onli 7. u saw it? 7-freaking-years-old!!! n u sae this is impossible 2 happen at 11-years-old...i bet u're bias can start at ani age except 4 years old and younger...i find this movie really cute,funny..reminds me of my 1st love i confessed u noe...dat gal din accept...thinks im a retarded fool or sth..aniway end of it...dun u dare sae this movie sux until u watch it..

with gweat power cums gweat wesponsibility


I don't understand what you are saying, type in english!


Anyone who thinks you can't be deeply in love at 11 years old either is too old to remember or never had it happen. You never love so deeply.

"Now run home and get your *beep* shine box."


"Anyone who thinks you can't be deeply in love at 11 years old either is too old to remember or never had it happen. You never love so deeply."

Tell me about it. Tressa, where are you? Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I grew up to be a straight woman but she was my first, and greatest love. In vain, I've sought that depth & intensity, and utter purity of feeling, since then.

Why am I telling you all this? OMG! *blushing & running shamefaced from the room*


The creepiest thing I found here was that young persons post that just butchered the english language. My god man what are they teaching our young people in school today.


yes i agree, im 14 and i hate it when my friends do it, it just makes them seem so simple minded


we all commit mistakes! i myself also. I forget to proofread my past post. And the fact that he/she is 13 yrs old. As he/she admited. lets give him/her a chance. If he/she is in a college level. Now thats a whole different story.

We all are human. We all commit mistkes. But what matters is we stand and correct each of thoose mistakes. "Its not how much you fall. But how much we stand against each fall we've made."


Some parts were creepy. Most parts were really dumb and unrealistic and it even used scenes from other movies, such as The Graduate. Just a poorly made movie.


No no no no no!

It was too obviously bad to have been "mistakes".

This was a clear attempt to make 13-year-olds look like total idiots.

Those spellings were done intentionally to throw us off.

Personally, I think it was Dick Çheney.


This film is probs a paedo's dream.


ew.. loser



use your words.



you may have had a good argument, but nobody can tell because of how you write. please, act like you are 13 and have gone through years of writing. what is the need for purposely writing incorrectly spelled words? you might have been profound, but nobody can tell because nobody wants to read through your crap message, you do look like a retarded fool, because the way you write, makes you look STUPID.


the OP didnt say the film sucked they said "Just wondering if anyone else noticed the under tones?!". anyway what exactly is your argument here? its ignorant to assume that people cant be in love if they are young? or that you can fall in love at any age? because you have given an exact age at which YOU think it is acceptable! "love can start at ani age except 4 years old and younger" you're a hypocrite! In anycase Love is not a real thing! it is completly subjective! people experiance it differently. this isnt Disney Land kid. and as you get older your idea of what love is will change. you may find that when you were 7 you wer'nt really in love. or you were but Love is completely different for you now. i notice this post is quite old so you may have already found this out.


Just wondering if anyone noticed the poster's username?

...Come on, get your head out of the gutter...



If anyone thinks a young kid can't beleive they are so.... in love is wrong...
My younger brother was 7 and crazy about a 16yr old girl at the church my family attended......
He loved because she was beautiful, has a voice of an angel and was kind to him...all in his words mind you. He promised her that when he was old enough he would marry her.....he threatened to beat up her boyfriend and the best man in the end could have her..... he gave her presents candy, pictures, cards, etc....


17. Realized I was in love at 11 and I was with her for four years. You can love at any age.


I found this very funny at the beginning of the comercial, however, towords the end I was starting to feel ill. I think the kiss was what tipped me over the edge. So, yes, I thought this was creepy.


Love...creepy? Maybe for some... But I gotta say, this was a really cute movie! REGENCY rocks! :)



I dont think the movie is creepy so much as awkward... i mean its really unoriginal. Its just a generic romantic movie...but instead of being in their 20s or 30's they are 11.
seems lame



Come on! What was creepy about that kiss? It was beautiful, not too much and not too little. It was exactly as all first kisses should be.

This whole discussion is all about whether adults SHOULD BE ALLOWED to appreciate two children being infatuated in each other, not if it is right or not. Because it is going to happen, whether people try and stop it or not. The whole issue is whether movies like this should be made. And really, I don't think there is anything wrong with this. Grow up people and stop making this into something it isn't. There are way too many "creepy" adult movies in that case with too much sexual innuendos and the rest enough to make you throw up. Give me an innocent movie like this anyday! Long live the makers of this movie! Not a minute too soon for this release!



I personally can't wait to see this movie. I remember when I was 11 and asked the same questions. So I don't think that's weird at all. I also work with kids in that age range and the vocabulary the boy uses is the same as my kids. I know that in other parts of the country it seems weird, but kids in this area of the country are exactly what kids should be, younger adults. are people too, just because they're younger doesn't mean they can't speak their minds coherently. The wonderful thing about kids, though, is their naivity and blind hope for love. That coming of age moment that we all experienced at one time or another in our lives is what the movie seems to be about.


I'm 12 and I'm hopelessly in love :)


I'll buy having a crush at 11, even an infatuation. But come on, at 11 kids don't even understand how much they don't know yet. I think its a ploy to make child love more acceptable so Hollywood can lobby to bring Roman Polanski back into the country.


it's not necessarily that younger kids aren't in love, but that they think that such a deep feeling IS love. let them call it what they want, and besides, it's easier to say "i love you" than "i'm infatuated with you".. cuz that just sounds gross haha
