MovieChat Forums > Little Manhattan (2006) Discussion > Anyone else find this slightly creepy?

Anyone else find this slightly creepy?

Just wondering if anyone else noticed the under tones?!


ok im 11 and i no alot of kids who are in love and have GF and BF so i think u all should just shut up


I loved this movie. Who cares if it's not realistic; Smallville isn't realistic but a lot of people like that show!

Dean Winchester-Do i look like Paris Hilton?


it is too realistic!!!

i went through the same stuff at that age!


i dont find it "creepy" at all. its just life. and those are the best movies. so i dont agree with you


i thought this was the cutest movie i'd ever seen. every guy i've ever watched it with either loves it or hates it because they can relate to gabe so much. "it's so true!" is the one thing most often said about this movie amongst the ppl i've watched it w/. i've been told that every guy has gone through what gabe went through, and that "basically, all males over the age of ten think like gabe." for the record, i'm in my 20s, as are most of my friends.
i don't think it's creepy. of all the ppl i've watched this movie w/, only one guy said it was "awkward," and it was mainly in reference to the scene in which the kids are practicing karate at gabe's apt and they straddle each other. but the kids have no idea that that could be construed as sexual, so it's not creepy. for crying out loud, gabe even thought that kissing her would be disgusting!
i think if ppl think this movie's creepy, it's because their minds are just in the gutter. kind of like playing that board game dirty minds. it's not dirty unless you make it so.


its not creepy whats creepy about love?? nothing.


"I found this very funny at the beginning of the comercial, however, towords the end I was starting to feel ill. I think the kiss was what tipped me over the edge. So, yes, I thought this was creepy"
what is so wrong with the idea of an 11 year old kissing? i kissed my first girlfriend when i was only five, yes on the lips, (nothing gross)and im 14 now and we are still together. so if i did the math right i believe that is nine years. so to those who are saying its not realistic to fall in love at an early age that is not true, and to those who say it is wrong to have a girl who is supposed to b eleven kissing doesnt know what they are talking about. also i keep hearing how the dialogue was very adult and out of place. how so? ever since i was eight or nine i have used dialogue just like in the movie, and i kept up with current events. so thats not impossible either. the movie was an awesome movie and i dont see anything wrong with it. and also it is a good movie to watch with other ppl, b/c it was meant to b a comedy. so its not supposed to be 100% realistic or serious, b/c if u listen to the directors commentary they say at the very beginning it is a comedy. i watched this w/ my g/f and it was her second time watching it. she saw it and recommended it to me. so i figured we would watch it and i figured it would b some stupid movie that she would like b/c she is younger but i actually enjoyed it. so there cant b nething wrong with the movie if i liked it b/c i am very picky.




Oh heavens yes!
It wasn't that two very young people were in love; children are capable of 'adult' emotions, I realize that. It was the extreme intensity of the feeling that creeped me out. I just kept thinking that if this little boy is this absorbed, this obsessed, and this passionately fixated on the object of his desires at such an early stage, just think how he’ll be in a decade. For a moment, I could really see him becoming the awful stalker boyfriend from so many Lifetime movies.
So, yes, this movie creeped me out just a little bit despite being sweet and funny.


i think it was an acurate potrayal.
As a child things are very exagerated, remembering my own first crush I felt like I was totally in love, at the time. Now being an adult and married i realize that what I felt back then wasnt the same thing I feel for my wife now. (no my first crush and my wife are not the same person) but at the time I was in love i found my soulmate what ever that ment (of course my first crush didnt think much of me I don't think)
I think this film potrayed this what it was liek to have a first crush from a childs point of view. The adult voice overs and things are a tool to try and convey this childs exagerated view of his expereince to adult viewers.

"put that in your pipe and smoke it! with your burned lips!"


it's just a movie. I don't see it as being creepy. Don't you know that kids can have these mature feelings at a very young age?


i remember i had my first love at 12.

life's a stage
we're the actors
wether the play is a drama or a comedy,
god is the director


Creepy? Not at all.

This movie is a very accurate portrayal of the feelings/thoughts we have when we fall in love for the very first time.

It touched me deeply by bringing back several emotions I felt when I met my first love.

Oh... it's been 14 years and I must tell you I still like him A LOT.

Great movie, that's all I have to say.


No, it wasn't creepy at all to me. Some children or pre-teens are extremely mature so they have the abilty to feel deep feelings for other people. I admit, this isn't my favorite movie, but I enjoyed it. And what's with the posts being completely wacked out on page 3?



Nah! I didn't find this creepy at all. Infact, I thought it was quite a genuine portrayal of a 11 year old's emotions on experiencing love for the first time. I actually had a smile on my face throughout the movie. It made me remember my first love.

I'm not a hypocrite. If I criticize, I criticize the idea and not the person.



This is a wonderful film, i watched with my 11 yr old son recently (not telling him the entire storyline of the movie, or he would have run!) and we both loved it. To those who think it's "creepy" or something, wow: the boy is almost 12, when was YOUR first crush? (Mine was in kindergarten!)

It was sweet and funny and completely entertaining ... a great slice of life movie for people who love Manhattan, too!

I have more great ideas for family movies... check out KidsFlix!



The story is about First Love... that's not really creepy.

Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped.


there's nothing wrong with kids falling in love, goodness. That's natural



I didn't find it creepy at all, but at the same time, when I watched this I was only 2-3 years older than the characters.

I thought the emotions were on point, the male lead's thoughts were like my own and really, I can't even now at 19 fully see what is odd about it.

I mean, I know and have had of people that age losing their virginity. That to me is creepy. Two kids doing karate, going out on a chaperoned date and everything else, I mean the date seemed sort of odd, but everything else didn't seem to far out of place.
