John Hurt's performance

All I can say, is "WOW". In the two scenes he was in, he was absolutely incredible. Little screen time, yes, but a knockout performance with what he was given. I mean, seriously, I still cant get over how chilling and brilliant he was here. Of course, the makeup and costume artists, and the writer should be credited for the final outcome as well; John Hurt's delivery, combined with their efforts, made one of the coolest performances I've seen in a long time ;) Anyone else agree?

Also, I got this on Blu-ray yesterday :D I love this film.


Wholeheartedly agree! His performance was probably the best in the movie! I've also never heard such a unique collection of insults for the Irish as I heard uttered by Jellon Lamb.

"Heineken??? F*#k that sh*t!!! PABST, BLUE RIBBON!!!" Crazy Frank in "Blue Velvet"



He would have been a prime contender for best supporting actor.


Personally I found his acting much too theatrical, as though he was in a Shakespeare play. I found this especially jarring in conjunction with the other more subtle actors. But maybe this was his way of portraying someone on the verge of insanity.


You do have a point about the Shakespearean quality of his performance; some of his speeches could have been him delivering soliloquies onstage somewhere. Your second point is probably what Hurt intended, the actions of a man half-mad.

"Heineken??? F*#k that sh*t!!! PABST, BLUE RIBBON!!!" Crazy Frank in "Blue Velvet"


Agreed. Never been better, has he!


I wasn't impressed, he seemed very hammy even given the context. Hurt's usually a wonderful actor though.

"What's the matter rednecks? Progress got you down?"


He is a huge over actor in many of his roles. I like him very much, he is the right man for the role.


I didn't notice. John Hurt is usually amazing in anything he does. It doesn't register as much for me anymore. I always expect him to do amazingly.



he should have gotten a best supporting actor nod ... man he was intense, drunk or sober .. but that scene in the bar is just pricelss ... he is superb

take care,

"One star in the sky
so I named it Otis Redding"
-- John Hiatt


John Hurt's performances are almost always the high point of any film he appears in, even in small roles such as in this film or in Dead Man (the latter was an otherwise mostly forgettable movie, in my opinion).

Ray Winstone was also very impressive in this movie, playing a very nuanced and conflicted character. We see the character's brutal and corrupt side as well as his basic decency, often in the same scenes.
