MovieChat Forums > The Proposition (2006) Discussion > Why does boring equal good?

Why does boring equal good?

I turned this movie off halfway through because i was bored out of my skull. Then i come here and it's got a high rating. Granted, it's got a good storyline, good acting, nice cinematography, but somehow still managed to bore me to tears. That happens a lot too and those flicks have a high user rating. i know there are tons of wanna be movie buffs out there, and i'm sure they will respond to this, but seriously, why does boring always equal good?


Movies can be about more than just images. A good film maker considers many different things when crafting characters and sequences. I've found that reading books has helped me better appreciate the possible depths that a good story can take me to. If you don't have this additional understanding of storytelling, you can't be blamed for not enjoying the movie, which was doubtlessly made for a more informed, and probably more mature audience.


this movie isn't for people with ADD, like most movie goers out there.




Who made you the centre of the universe?


OP= moron with no taste.


This film reminded me a lot of A History of Violence, which I found a bit better personally. Both are overrated in my eyes, and I came away from both pretty much thinking "what was the point in watching that."

The Proposition just felt dull, it had some good cinematography, a couple original plot twists, but at the same time it was depressing, and the characters just weren't there, honestly, it wasn't even really that great a story. Someone earlier in the topic mentioned that the characters felt "2D", that's probably the best way to describe it. That wasn't down to the acting either, which I actually thought was fine considering what they had to use to work with. I felt like Emily Watson and Ray Winstones character however had no chemistry and it felt like a forced relationship. I've noticed the majority of complaints in this topi have been about the pace I didn't feel that was a problem for me, I actually felt like it paced itself fine. In a lot of ways there were good things about this film, yet I came out of it feeling, well, nothing. I didn't care about a thing about it. And that's probably the worst outcome you can have with a film. I wanted to like it, otherwise I wouldn't have invested 1 hour 40 mins into it, but honestly, I would rate it a 6/10 at best. It was alright, but nothing great.


chappers-brfc I completely share your view, but I also agree with the OP that there are many films which are very boring to the general public and yet have a very high rating. Most people actually just make themselves think they enjoyed so they stand out in the crowd and think they have good taste in movies.

The best films are those which are favored by all, not just the self proclaimed movie critics.




Frankly, I found it dull. The story moved slowly and I did not believe in, much less care about, the people in it.

I don't care if the cinematography was beautiful; Avatar was beautiful, and that was dull as well.

I imagine the point was to create a certain atmosphere, but I just did not find that atmosphere credible. Someone really should remind filmmakers that people moved to the frontier because life was, on the whole, better there.


This movie wasn't just atmosphere - it showed why the precipice between civilization and the frontier is incredibly unstable and dangerous. It earned its complexity...

Which is something that Avatar never did.

It's fine if you didn't like The Proposition - just don't compare it to the cliched, melodramatic, sentimental crap that was Avatar.


I apologise, but I did not think the characters and their decisions any more plausible than those in Avatar.


@ Brian - you said...... "Granted, it's got a good storyline, good acting, nice cinematography, but somehow still managed to bore me to tears."

Good story, acting, cinematography....and you were bored. Souds like a personal problem. You sound like somebody who doesn't appreciate the art of film. I'm not sure what else you can expect from a good film. Those are kind of the major key elements.

You forgot to add that the score was beautifully done, the set and locations were perfect and the costumes were very realistic.

You're not a writer Fink, you're a goddamn write off


So after reading COUNTLESS threads like this, I've come to what I would say is a reasonable conclusion:

One man's treasure is another man's trash. Not only is there no consistent explanation or rationale, none are required.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I couldn't tell you if it's boring or not because I was so freakin bored watching it , I only got half way through.



I turned this movie off halfway through because i was bored out of my skull. Then i come here and it's got a high rating. Granted, it's got a good storyline, good acting, nice cinematography, but somehow still managed to bore me to tears. That happens a lot too and those flicks have a high user rating. i know there are tons of wanna be movie buffs out there, and i'm sure they will respond to this, but seriously, why does boring always equal good?

Boring does not equal good. This movie is not boring though. Must be something wrong with you. Judging from your post you seem emotionally stunted and plain stupid. The first part might be helped by medication, the second part is something you'll just have to live with. Or you could just end it. It's optional really.

