MovieChat Forums > Samurai Chanpurû (2005) Discussion > If I like this and Cowboy Bebop

If I like this and Cowboy Bebop

What else will I like?

Not really huge on Anime, obviously seen Akira and Ghost in the Shell and loved them amongst a couple others but Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo completely rocked my world. Is there anything out there similar? Good characters and stories...I usually can't handle anime, some of it's just too extreme and random for me but I adored these 2 series.

Also does anyone know what Shinichirō Watanabe is doing these days, what he plans to do next?


"I aim to misbehave..."


Black Lagoon, Darker Than Black and Baccano! just to name a few.

Let the truth be known though the Heavens may fall...


For an excellent character driven storyline try either FMA or Berserk, but like it's said Berserk doesn't really end. The last episode goes as far as it can, but completely leaves you hanging because it's as far as they'd gotten in the manga when the series ended. Research a bit about the manga to find what happens if you want, but the ending is a pretty minor complaint because the whole story is great. The main character's my favorite of any series, too.

FMA just rocks, and I've heard that the reboot is excellent as well. They've got that on Hulu if you want to check it out legally for free.


Other popular well known series from the looks of it.

Stand By For Action!


Rurouni Kenshin is absolutely EXCELLENT!
(And the OVAs Tsuiokuhen AKA Trust and Betrayal are a masterpiece).
Too bad the final arc was never completely animated (Tsuiokuhen is part of it, and a very, very summarized version is shown in part of Seisouhen AKA Reflections, the final 2 OVAs) because the anime handled the middle arc (Kyoto hen AKA the Kyoto arc) masterfully.
Definitely try it. It is not as "hip" as CB or SC, but it has superb art design and the stories and characters are brilliant, even the kinda minor villains.


Samurai Champloo is probably my favourite anime but a close second would be Elfen Lied so if you havn't seen it yet i'd recommend giving it a nudge.
I found the story amazing and it dosn't drag on which is good (13 episodes total). There is good violence, the characters are well developed and it has BEWBS!!1! Yea, but seriously - it's good.

I've watched a decent number of anime series right through and also made an attempt on some (which I didn't get into and stopped watching) and of them all i'd rate Champloo and Elfen Lied at the top.

If you disagree god will reach down from the heavens & bust your chops. That's science.


Depends on your age and "acceptance" meter. Some people think Samurai Champloo is too over the top, due to episodes like Purple Haze, and Zombies...well in general on paper that already sounds gawdy. But if you enjoyed this, than can you state which anime's you dislike?. If you can accept SC you can deal with anything else. As when it comes to ridiculous, Champloo takes it. I mean theres a zombie episode and a baseball episode in this don't really get anymore random than that.

You will probably like FLCL, or even Bleach. FLCL doesn't have the time to develop characters quickly enough, but it does deliver on making the audience accept them easier than most. And while Bleach really is just Monster of the week + Sword fight fluff, it actually takes time to provide filler and develop the story and characters very well.

heres a list:


NGE(Overrated in my opinion, but it is a classic)
Trigun (story driven with easy to understand characters)
Wolf's Rain (a great story with character development)
Fist of the North Star (simple plot, easy to follow, very meathead, very over the top)
Full Metal Alchemist (story driven, very nice visuals)
DragonBall (Z,GT)- over the top obviously, but if you want fight fluff this is it
Lupin The 3rd.
Outlaw Star
Any Gundam Series(overrated by now, but still has decent stories, yes the stories are decent if you get tired of the gundam on gundam fight scenes or the one gundam vs 1000 spaceship fodder.)


Anything Hayao Miyazaki (Ponyo was fluff, but it was well written fluff)
Vampire Hunter D
Ghost in the Shell (part one, not part 2)
Tokyo Godfathers
and of course Wicked City.

Keep in mind that everything I mentioned has great story and usually great character development. Some are just fluff, like Fist of the North Star, but even then its story driven.

"One gay beer for my friend, because he's gay, and one normal beer for me, because I'm normal."


Well, this may seem like an odd recommendation, but you should look at the mini-series Gundam 0080: "War in the Pocket."

Unlike most Gundam series, this miniseries is very compact and is much more about the storyline than the giant robot fights (I believe there are 2 total). It follows a young boy who is friends with his older neighbor who fights for "the good guys" and eventually befriends one of "the bad guys," and the story explores his relationship with the 2.

I though it was really well done, however it is much more dramatic and story driven than most anime (no offense).

If you are looking for a more lighthearted anime that still has a tight story arc, I'd consider looking at Dragonball, as it is a very underrated show (because it catches a lot of flak for inspiring DBZ).

Neon Genesis is a classic, of course.


I won't bother to repeat anything I've seen, but as for the Gundam's, 08th MS Team was a cut above due to the fact that they aren't super ridiculous nigh-invincible war machines and instead have to rely on tactics and teamwork. The only other anime that springs to mind that is absolutely a must-see for me that has not been mentioned is Hellsing. If you really liked Bebop and Champloo (like me) and you don't really watch much anime (like me) I really think you'll enjoy them both as they are short story arcs (comparatively) and are absolutely packed with story, characters, design, and originality (as much as there is left to be had anyways...)


I was actually about to make a posting very similar to this, so I decided to offer up my thoughts on some of the series Ive encountered that were mentioned (and some that were not).
Well, this is going to be a long post... Lets get into it.

1. Bleach
HUH!?!?!?!? STFU!

Im sorry to be so disrespectful here, really I am, but to say that Bleach and Bebop/Champloo are even REMOTELY equal is complete *beep*
Ive seen Bleach, and it simply doesnt stack up to either of the previously mentioned in any way - the charactesr are bland, the stories arent very compelling and the episodic nature (of Bleach) results in unneccessary padding of almost every episode. As mentioned before, theres alot of fan service and, from my perspective, a huge amount of effort-to-create-characters-everyone-can-relate to... which essentially means you end up with a 200 character cast, none of whom are very well developed.

Straight up, Bleach is little better than Inuyasha... Infact, after my experience with both, Id say Inuyasha is alot better than Bleach; although thats like saying getting punched in the jaw is better than being kicked in the balls.
Both are episodic 'meh'-fests that cant manage to get a battle finished in one episode. If you want the feel of Bleach, just watch DBZ - its WAY better, its all available (I HAATE waiting for new episodes to air), and maintains the same kind of feel.
If you really believe Bleach and Bebop/Champloo are on even grounds, thats your opinion - and its my opinion that you have some SERIOUS deficiencies in terms of taste.

2. Black Lagoon
I havent watched much of it, but I have heard good things from people I trust to have good taste.

3. Full Metal Alchemist
The first FMA series (including the movie) is one anime that I simultaneously recommend and lament becoming interested in - the story and characters are some of the most compelling and downright ... 'brutal' that Ive ever encountered in ANY storytelling medium. Unfortunately, (I wont ruin it, but) the ending - of both the series and movie - are somewhat perplexing; or downright aggrivating, depending on your outlook.
The new series FMA: Brotherhood, a manga adaptation, doesnt really do it for me - its heavily manga-ized and (though I think this was conscious on the creators part) feels watered down. Theres alot more comedy in the new series (though, tbh, the first series had alot too - and it did it much better), and at least one of the changes in character voice has really done a number on my enjoyment factor.

Overall, I would highly recommend the first series/movie - and suggest holding off on the new series until it gets alittle further in... Then again, I only watch dubbed anime, so thats just me - the english dub of brotherhood is only available up to about ep9/10, due to Adult Swim having the rights to the dubbed version.

4. Hellsing
I know at least one person I trust (in terms of taste) that absolutely loves Hellsing; but personally, I just couldnt get into it.
Vampires arent really my thing though - especially not a snide douche-bag japan-version of *SPOILERS* Dracula - and my experiences with Blood+ turned me off japanese vampires for good.
*EDIT* Coming back to think on it, I cant say all Japanese Vampires piss me off - Vampire Hunter D (and the sequel) are pretty badass movies; and D is as far from the over-confident, snide-remarking douche-bag vampire as you can get - silent, deadly and oh-so badass.

*Note: What do I mean by 'japanese-version' above?
In my experience with (especially recent) anime, alot of it bears a protagonist whose primary ability of interest is being a 'planner' - for examples, take a look at Death Note or Code Gaes - and these sort of narcissistic dues-ex-over-confident characters (the sort that spend half the episode explaining how awesome they and/or their plans are) are almost never the kind that I enjoy watching. While Hellsing's main character isnt so much a 'planner', he does retain such a MASSIVE dose of narcissism that I had trouble relating to him in the least; to the point where you (or I, at least) eventually end up disliking him enough to actually want to see him get his ass kicked.

5. While Im there.... Blood+
Avoid at all costs. Do not watch, do not investigate - if you see the opening sequence starting, just run.

6. Berserk
Again, one I havent watched much of, but have heard good things. Ive seen a few scenes, but the animation is abit "old school" (reminds me of the 80's anime series; which I cant enjoy due to - comparatively - poor animation techniques). Reminded me alot of Ninja Scroll, for some reason.

7. Outlaw Star
A decent series, though definitely not on par with Champloo or Bebop. Close though.
Another candidate for the 'Our Endings Suck' anime trend; but well worth the watch. However, certain aspects of the series (namely, the style of spaceship combat) can at times get to be alittle too close to seizure-inducing confusion.
Definitely worth the watch though.

If you havent seen this yet, go watch it right now; Ill wait....
Done? Good. Now pat yourself on the back - youve just watched probably the best embodiment of what I look for in 'good' anime that has ever been made.
It pokes fun at itself - at its entire genre - which is refreshing, and the characters are all pretty enjoyable.
The story - though confined to a mere 6 episodes - is better than most anime that run over 20 episodes, albeit abit schizophrenic at times, and its battle sequences are way better than any youll see on crap-shoots like Bleach.
Unquestionably worth the watch.
Also: The eyebrows make the man >;D

9. Trigun
Where do I begin? Trigun is one of my top 3 anime, right alongside Champloo and Bebop.
This show is so mind-bogglingly awesome, words fail to describe it.
The main character - all the characters infact - are some of the funniest, most compelling that youll find in anime... No, that youll find ANYWHERE in the media today. It backflips over the line between serious drama and slapstick comedy like a dolphin trying to bite its own tail.
The only downside? The ending, oh God, the ending.
Its epic. Its awesome. And it ends just before the point where going further would have made viewers crap themselves (literally) with glee.
Three words: Millie. and. Knives.
That alone could have been an anime series, despite us never seeing it.
Watch it, all of it, now. Do it! NOW! GO!!!

10. Adult Swim Yawn-fests
This includes Wolf's Rain, Code Geas, Big O, Ghost in the Shell, Morbito, Death Note, Paranoia Agent, s-CRY-ed and Trinity Blood; among others.
From my experience, none of these are very good or very compelling. Steer clear.

Note: I was hesitant to include Ghost in the Shell here, but really, theres no series better described as a 'yawn-fest': theres SO MUCH (relatively) unimportant dialogue in that show, that I couldnt remain interested for more than 10-15 minutes before seriously getting bored. If youre into technology, (which Im really not) and/or crime dramas (which Im really not), then you might really love this show.

11. Eureka Seven
This series will, to many, be so GOD DAMNED HAPPY-GO-LUCKY that it will turn you off. Personally, I found the well-rounded cast, interesting story and the addition of (WELL ANIMATED! :o) mecha battles to be seriously enjoyable - so much so, that you can almost ignore the childish 'romance' between the two main characters.
Worth a try; but dont expect to be wow-ed unless it touches a soft spot - like it did for me.
Note/Spoiler: If you can make it through the episode where Eureka and Renton are reunited without a tear in your eyes, you are a stronger man than I... Only time anime has ever made me tear up in sheer joy.
*sheds manly tear at the mere memory of that scene*

12. Tenchi Muyo (OVA and Tenchi Universe)
I dont know why, but I really enjoyed this. Albeit, that was when I was quite abit younger; so dont expect a mind-blow.
This is a combination crazy-space-drama and harem-fantasy anime, and its pretty much the only one of its kind that I enjoyed. All the girls are relatively interesting, the story is quite enthralling (so much so that, years later, a second series was released to tie up loose ends) and overall it can be quite cathartic to watch.
The first series is the one that was continued later on, and easily the best of several 'alternate universe' series that came about after; though the second series (Tenchi Universe) has a few episodes - such as Ryoko's assault on an entire *beep* planet and *spoilers* her apparent death in the process - that are pretty damn epic.
An old favorite of mine from when I was younger - so take what Ive said with a pinch of salt.

13. Blue Gender
This show is pretty crazy, and has alot of sex. No, really, theres people knockin-boots all over the place in this show!
But thats not really the focus, which is instead taken up by an Earth that was taken over by big bug-like alien creatures called 'the Blue'. Humanity has - for the most part at least - fled onto a massive space station, and now launch sorties (in big mecha) to the planet to recover resources and try to find a way to re-take the planet.
A decent series, but can be rather slow at times; if my memory serves (its been at least a year since I watched this series).

14. Neon Genesis Evangelion
Watch this. You may not like it at first, but just hang in there. I have yet to have met someone that couldnt get SOMETHING out of this series. It wont make ANY sense the first time through, but watch it anyway.
If you havent gone insane as a result of the later episodes - a real possibility - check out the movie. If you havent gone completely *beep* insane by now - a SERIOUS possibility after the movie - check out the new movies that have been coming out in theaters over the last few years; which are a reimagining (to some degree) of the initial story.
FYI - This series can be painful to watch at times, especially with regards to (poor, poor) Asuka; but the combat, the mecha, the monsters, the characters and the story are EASILY worth losing a few points of sanity to watch. Definitely NOT for kids though.

Hope it helps.




The Big O is another good one, along the same lines.


Sword of the Stranger

Source Code 6/10
Game of Thrones - 9/10
The Inbetweeners - 9/10
Drive - 10/10
