MovieChat Forums > Employee of the Month (2006) Discussion > Worst movie EVER. Hands down.

Worst movie EVER. Hands down.

And not because of Jessica; I thought she did fairly well. But the movie was stupid, pointless, boring and NOT FUNNY. Who's with me?


I agree that this movie is awful, but the worst movie ever? Not close.


You have no clue what you're talking about. This is a very funny, witty movie, not some stupid "Naked Gun" or "Epic Movie" garbage. You may understand in another 30 years if you're lucky. For now you're just not smart enough for this film.


You really just put Naked Gun and Epic Movie in the same sentence? Then followed up by saying Employee of the Month is better than Naked Gun?

Truly blasphamy! My God!


Worst movie ever? Really? You can't have watched many films.
Nope, it's not the greatest thing ever made, but it's light entertainment with enough jokes (subtle and not so) to keep it rolling.
At least it was better than Anchorman.


You just need to lighten up. Believe me, the movie is so much funnier if you've worked in a department store.

The only thing you know is that I'm a genius who got a dog to pee in your toilet. -House


Worst EVER? lol...... Not great but far from worst. Really not even close, I could watch the whole thing and gave a crap.



It came on TV today. At one point I prayed it'd turn into EPIC MOVIE because even that piece of *beep* was way better than EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH. It should be retitled WORST FILM OF THE CENTURY. This movie only appeals to lower classes, it should come with a warning: "IDIOCY ALERT! DO NOT WATCH IF YOUR IQ IS HIGHER THAN 100, THE LEVEL OF SHEER IDIOCY IN THIS FILM IS ENOUGH TO *beep* WITH ANY DEVELOPED BRAIN"


I think you guys wouldn't know a good movie if it walked up and bit you in the keister. This movie was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It wasn't the greatest movie ever made, but it was very entertaining. I thought the cast was uniformly solid--even Jessica Simpson was ok in the role--and Dak Shepard stole the show.

As far as Idiot alerts and all that nonsense,you guys need to watch it for what its worth--a comedy. It might not be what some stuck up snob with an over stated opinion of his intelligence would enjoy, but if your looking for a good flick to watch for some laughs than this would come highly recommended.


If you really think this is the worst movie EVER, you need to tune into Syfy any Saturday night and check out one of their Z-grade Photoshopped monster flicks. Now THERE are some of the worst movies ever.


Its decent enough. Certainly less annoying than anything Kevin Smith has done lately.


Worst movie ever? Obviously the OP hasn't seen Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector.

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