MovieChat Forums > Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage (2005) Discussion > Weimar Germany forgot what universities ...

Weimar Germany forgot what universities are for

They are for the development of persons capable of and committed to the building of a more humane society. Citizens. People who accept responsibility for their own national government.

Universities are not a factory for turning out narrowly specialized grinds and amoral "unpolitical" bystanders.

When you look at it that way, Weimar Germany (apart from those who were subsequently driven out by the Nazis) succeeded in educating maybe a dozen or so students over the course of two decades - the hardcore members of the White Rose movement.

What a pathetic result for a country so proud of its Bildung (education).

So next time you contemplate the origin of fascist oppression, don't single out the Nazis for blame. Virtually all of Germany was implicated in the rise of German barbarism.


3.5 years later, I just want to say "hear, hear." The US forgot this too, and we are now paying the price.


You fail so see the situation in context of the times and how the world worked back then.

Up until WWII jews were hated all over the western world, not just in Germany.
Jews, blacks, gypsies, gays, mentally challenged (see how politically 2017 correct that was?), criminals etc etc was the scum, bottom-feeders of society, shun, imprisoned or chased away.

Many countries had laws that prevented Jews from entering the borders.

Politics was tough and often violent, there were communists, fascists and all in between, often ending in brawls and street-fights, strikes and also a huge economic crisis in the 30's adding to the mess.

Germany was left with an unimaginable debt after WW I, which crippled the economy, people went hungry, no jobs and inflation that caused people to bring a wheel-barrow of money to buy a single bread.

You cannot judge the time between the great wars with 2017 eyes.

And for the record, Hitler didn't only have supporters in Germany, there were many supporters in the occupied countries as well, sometimes as much as 50/50.
The Germans are no different from any other people and people thinking they are, should watch The wave:

How many supported GW Bush in the US? A man, with his henchmen that started two wars because of oil and made abduction and torture a common tool to get information?

It's easy to be seduced by leaders who know how to seduce......and no one can tell if they would be a white rose or a hitlerjugend in Germany during WWII, after Hitler performed a coup, the country was ruled by a dictator with absolute power and the people to enforce it and it took him 10-15 years to do so.


Excellent post. And truly, how much can universities do to influence public opinion in a democracy? The current situation in countries like USA, Philippines, etc, is not much different from Germany in the 1930s. People will always be seduced by authoritarian leaders. History is bound to repeat again, and again, and again, just with new players. People invariably let their emotions guide their vote, and there is little that the academia can do to intervene. Everyone in the American academia (as far as I could tell) is horrified by Trump (including all the conservative ones I met). But that didn't affect the outcome, did it?


"It's easy to be seduced by leaders who know how to seduce...."

For sure and a thing that deserves highlighting. Great post overall.

A small errata: your link point to a very provocative and on-point drama, but the correct title is 'The Wave.'


Thanks, I corrected it, for some reason was focused on "storm" ^^

As for the intelligentsia focus in the OP's post, it should be mentioned that most people back then, had 6 years of primary and then started working from the age of 12-14, meaning that people with college-degrees, wasn't necessarily the broad part of the population in any country.

And yet another point (which is controversial today), is how universities, students and our so-called educated societies look at things like Wikileaks, Manning and Snowden.
Sure, they may have broken a few laws regarding "national security", but so was also the white rose group. (I am sure the Nazis weren't pleased that tales of military failures and various atrocities leaked out, and even during a time of war).
In the US, it is common to believe that Assange should be put to jail, Manning is in jail and Snowden should be tried for treason and shot/locked up forever.

What they are, are whistleblowers, exposing state-crimes and war-crimes, and people are free to believe what they want about them. But for some reason, every time someone goes around an American (or many other nations) college-campus, the students there all want them dead and gone.

It's that easy to be on the right or wrong side of the fence.


That is deep and compelling.

How Hitler and the Nazis came to power: *PART 1* (2.30 minute read)

March 13, 1932: Germany's presidential election. The German President held a lot of power, and Paul von Hindenburg had served in the post for seven years. At eighty-four years of age and in poor health, Hindenburg wanted to step down but was persuaded to put himself up for re-election when the Nazi Party leader, Adolf Hitler, entered the presidential race. (P. 96).

As an Austrian rather than a German citizen, Hitler should have been ineligible to run for president. He had also been tried and convicted of treason for his role in a failed attempt to overthrow the government in 1923. He had spent a year in prison, where he passed the time writing about a rambling book about his life and beliefs, titled "Mein Kampf," "My Struggle." But in the days leading up to the presidential election, Hitler found a loophole that allowed him to become a German citizen and run in the election. To stop Adolf Hitler from attaining the post, Hindenburg ran again. (P. 96).

In the presidential election, Hindenburg eventually won 53 percent of the votes, while Hitler received 36 percent. Dietrich breathed a sigh of relief. Yet he was greatly concerned about Hitler. Gaining 36 percent of the votes cast for president gave Hitler a lot of power, even if he wasn't president. (P. 97).

The Bonhoeffer family waited and watched as German parliamentary elections were held on July 31, 1932. When the results were announced, the Nazi Party had won nearly 38 percent of the vote and 230 seats in the Reichstag. However, it was not enough for them to rule Germany outright. In the weeks following, despite intense negotiations, it became clear that none of the other parties wanted to enter into a coalition with the Nazis, and a political stalemate ensued. As a result, a second parliamentary election was called for Nov. 6. (P. 97-99).

Later that day Dietrich had learned the results of the parliamentary elections. They were no more conclusive than those of the July election. The Nazis had won 33 percent of the votes, or 196 seats in the Reichstag; the Social Democratic Party, 121 seats; the Communist Party, 100 seats; the Catholic Center Party, 90 seats; and the Nationalistic Party, 52 seats. A range of other small parties held 32 seats among them. The Nazis had 34 seats from the July election, while the Communists had gained 11. Although Dietrich was pleased that the Nazis had lost seats in the latest election, still no single party had enough seats to form a government. (P. 99).

The weeks that followed were filled with political wrangling and rancor, but eventually Hitler and the Nazi Party wore down President Hindenburg. In an attempt to overcome the political impasse in the country, on January 30, 1933, Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor of a coalition government. Without the majority's vote, an Austrian criminal had become the most powerful man in Germany. Few Germans worried too much about this. They were just glad that Germany once again had a strong and vital leader. They hoped he would show the rest of Europe that Germans were strong and brave and would no longer be bullied by other countries as they had been in the Treaty of Versailles. (P. 99).

On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag, the German Parliament building, went up in flames. Nervously Dietrich watched the fire from the second-story window of his parents' house, certain that Hitler and Nazis would turn the incident to their advantage. (P. 100).

The next day the German newspapers carried the headline that a Dutch communist by the name of Marinus van der Lubbe had been found in the burned-out building. Van der Lubbe was accused of setting the fire. Instead of treating the incident as arson and allowing the German justice system to deal with the situation, the Nazi Party treated the fire as a matter of national security. Hitler whipped the German public into a frenzy of hatred towards foreigners and communists alike. Jospeh Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, proclaimed, "This is the beginning of the Communist Revolution! We must not wait a minute. We will show no mercy. Every Communist official must be shot where he is found. Every Communist deputy this very night must be strung up." (P. 100).


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How Hitler and the Nazis came to power: *PART 2* (2 minute read)

On February 28, Hitler responded to the situation with the Reichstag Fire Decree. He claimed that a secret investigation had uncovered a plot by the communists to pillage and burn Berlin to the ground, murder anticommunists, and create civil war in Germany. The burning of the parliament building, Hitler said, was the first stage in this campaign of terror against the German people. Hitler then proposed a perfectly simple solution: He and the Nazi Party would take care of everything and keep everyone safe. All the German people had to do was give them the power to make decisions for them and the good of Germany. To many Germans this seemed like a great idea. They would be safe and secure, led by a strong man and a loyal party to back him up. Peace and prosperity would surely follow. (P. 100-101).

President Hindenburg quickly signed the Fire Decree into law. The decree suspended most of the civil liberties in Germany as set forth in the Weimar Constitution. This meant that the German people could not expect any privacy. Their phone calls could be tapped, their letters read, their houses searched, and their children questioned - and they had no right to protest. It also meant an end to certain freedoms. German newspapers could print only things the Nazi Party approved of. People could not assemble in groups without approval or talk about anything that was anti-Hitler or against the Nazi Party. The decree also stripped away the right of states within Germany to make their own laws - all laws now came from the Reich government and were to be obeyed without question. (P. 101).

Dietrich and his family were shocked at the speed at the way things were changing. The Nazis were right-wing extremists using emotionalism and nationalistic slogans to stir up the people. They also knew how to manipulate the German political system to their advantage, as evidenced by the way they got the Enabling Act to pass in the Reichstag on March 23, 1933. To pass, this act needed two-thirds majority of the Reichstag members to vote for it, and the Nazis had nowhere the number of seats needed for that kind of majority. However, the Reichstag Fire Decree allowed the Nazis to eliminate from contention the communists, who held one hundred seats. Through intimidation, threats, thuggery, and intense negotiation, the Nazis managed to get enough votes to pass the Enabling Act into law. (P. 101-102).

The Enabling Act was so named because it enabled the chancellor and his cabinet to enact laws in Germany without the participation of the Reichstag. In short, Hitler and his fellow Nazis could now pass laws without any parliamentary consent or control. In certain circumstances the law could deviate from the constitution. Any thought of cooperation or coalition in government had been swept away. The German people wanted to feel safe and proud again, and Adolf Hitler now had the power to do that for them. The Third Reich had begun. (P. 102).

Benge, Janet & Benge, Geoff. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness. Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.: YWAM Publishing, 2012 (Second Edition): Ch. 9, P. 96-102

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