MovieChat Forums > znapper

znapper (33)


So, people go to highschool until they are 40 in the US? Is it possible to make these sap-free? Talk about crapping all over an initial gem Marines this, marines that Trolls creating fake movies? - Spoiler - He should have helped catch them View all posts >


If you have watched the original movies, you'd know that Daniel is a naive but well-meaning kind of guy, so I am not at all surprised that he greeted him the way he did. I was more surprised about the kick in the head comment, that's not very Daniel'ish, but then again, he is older, people do change a bit over time. - Seeing Daniel's family, I can understand that he may have developed a sour edge over time :P I am speaking generally about the karate I know (Kyokushin), to try and make sense of it. Everything in Karate kid is illegal and it was back in 1984, since such young people were never allowed to perform bare-knuckle full contact fights at all :) Then again, Daniel Russo (Ralph M.) was what....? 25 in 1984 :P It's all bullshit ^^ The kick he performed from the 'crane stance" (lol most stupid stance in the history of karate-films, apart from the ridiculous full-contact matches with teens, with no pads or protection) is a front-kick, directly to the face. In some forms of full-contact karate, these kinds of kicks are illegal indeed, even if you are otherwise allowed to hit the head by kicking, hitting or kneeing. I think it's because of risk of serious injury from broken nose bone being forced into the brain, because of the upward motion of this particular kick. Fun fact 'The wife' actually also plays Sheldon Cooper's sister in the big bang theory ^^ I find the casting of Chris O'Dowd very strange. I mean, I love the guy, but he is automatically typecast in my head as a comedian, which he is. Thus....what the heck is he doing in this movie? Him loosing his arm and him being Chris O'Dowd just created a farce-like situation, funny and completely out of context really. I suppose he could play a romcom or something, but not a space-horror/mystery...thing. In the original Cloverfield, there was something falling from the sky at the end, most likely what set off the whole thing. There was nothing falling to earth in this one (and they were all eaten by the monster, which makes no sense at all). Crap movie. Even Apollo 13 was way exaggerated. If they had made a 100% true account, the audience would be sleeping half the time. But they manage to shoot the worst idiots into space every single time the earth needs saving, is a huge mystery and extremely annoying. The 'best' newer film in this regard, is IMO 'Europa report', but even that one stretch the discipline a lot, with certain astronauts insisting on moving too far or staying too long. The best overall must be '2001', I suppose. I wish they could write just ONE movie, where the crew was sensible and did everything right and still got into huge problems. Dude..... A medicore film is 5/10. This wasn't even close to that :) Cloverfield 8/10 Cloverfield paradox 3/10 10 Cloverfield lane 3/10 The two latter should not have the name 'cloverfield' in the title -at all. Fox didn't make enough money on it and they only look at tv-ratings, not IMDB. Fox also tend to send certain shows on crap-times, look up 'Firefly' another gem they decided to kill. View all replies >