znapper's Replies

If you have watched the original movies, you'd know that Daniel is a naive but well-meaning kind of guy, so I am not at all surprised that he greeted him the way he did. I was more surprised about the kick in the head comment, that's not very Daniel'ish, but then again, he is older, people do change a bit over time. - Seeing Daniel's family, I can understand that he may have developed a sour edge over time :P I am speaking generally about the karate I know (Kyokushin), to try and make sense of it. Everything in Karate kid is illegal and it was back in 1984, since such young people were never allowed to perform bare-knuckle full contact fights at all :) Then again, Daniel Russo (Ralph M.) was what....? 25 in 1984 :P It's all bullshit ^^ The kick he performed from the 'crane stance" (lol most stupid stance in the history of karate-films, apart from the ridiculous full-contact matches with teens, with no pads or protection) is a front-kick, directly to the face. In some forms of full-contact karate, these kinds of kicks are illegal indeed, even if you are otherwise allowed to hit the head by kicking, hitting or kneeing. I think it's because of risk of serious injury from broken nose bone being forced into the brain, because of the upward motion of this particular kick. Fun fact 'The wife' actually also plays Sheldon Cooper's sister in the big bang theory ^^ I find the casting of Chris O'Dowd very strange. I mean, I love the guy, but he is automatically typecast in my head as a comedian, which he is. Thus....what the heck is he doing in this movie? Him loosing his arm and him being Chris O'Dowd just created a farce-like situation, funny and completely out of context really. I suppose he could play a romcom or something, but not a space-horror/mystery...thing. In the original Cloverfield, there was something falling from the sky at the end, most likely what set off the whole thing. There was nothing falling to earth in this one (and they were all eaten by the monster, which makes no sense at all). Crap movie. Even Apollo 13 was way exaggerated. If they had made a 100% true account, the audience would be sleeping half the time. But yeah......how they manage to shoot the worst idiots into space every single time the earth needs saving, is a huge mystery and extremely annoying. The 'best' newer film in this regard, is IMO 'Europa report', but even that one stretch the discipline a lot, with certain astronauts insisting on moving too far or staying too long. The best overall must be '2001', I suppose. I wish they could write just ONE movie, where the crew was sensible and did everything right and still got into huge problems. Dude..... A medicore film is 5/10. This wasn't even close to that :) Cloverfield 8/10 Cloverfield paradox 3/10 10 Cloverfield lane 3/10 The two latter should not have the name 'cloverfield' in the title -at all. Fox didn't make enough money on it and they only look at tv-ratings, not IMDB. Fox also tend to send certain shows on crap-times, look up 'Firefly' another gem they decided to kill. Looks like you have an issue with people from south america :) [spoiler] In the season finale, hearing her swear away in her mother tongue while kicking ass, is actually quite amusing. Too bad they never showed/used more of Will Yun Lee, sure is cooler than the stone-faced aryan roboclop. [/spoiler] If they are indeed trying to create a Blade Runner'esque universe, then diversity is one of the thing they will land on, it's ok by me, refreshing to have diversity in a film/series without emphasizing the differences between race. *spoilers ahead* [spoiler] He is physical, but it is never really explained what he actually consists of. He may seem like a 'regular hologram', since he is 'beemed' to and from various locations in the hotel. However In episode 9, he is killed by the bad-guys and you can see he disintegrate into powder, during that process, you can also see his inner parts. [/spoiler] I'm done with season 1. Still don't know what to think. The story, universe and setting was something else (which I normally like), but it is a little slow and creates a pretty large and complicated web of stories and characters. I just hope they don't drag this on for 7 seasons, but rather conclude it after 3 seasons, it seems most series just fail after 3-4 seasons. ....should not need that much to tell a friggin story :) Dude..... ....almost human was awesome. A cyber-punk detective series, with a start and an ending each show and a bigger plot developing in the background. I loved Durban in that....lot's of dry humor and witty situations. I hate that they cancelled it, instead they spin up another 'CSI' crap. :P Just finished season 1 of this series and I don't know what to think. It's ok, but slow moving and fairly complicated regarding the plot and tech. It's refreshing that they can now show the human form as-is (and as in Westworld), was getting really tired of the classic 'all gore, no nudity' weirdness coming out of the USA in the later years. I believe that the OP is thinking if parts of the filming is an actual monkey, superimposed onto the screen, ya know, how stuff was done before this cr@ppy, fake CGI. No, every shot of Kong is CGI and they still haven't managed to figure out mass and inertia and gravity and a whole bunch of other things, so the film looks like a cartoon. That's because it was filled with millennials and later that have no concept of 2006-2009. Everyone over 25 laughed, but 80% of the cinema was packed with snotty kids....and rightly so, I find the series quite childish (I was forced to go along with my 4o something comic-nerd friends). There were many many people arrested and killed for opposing the Nazi-regime in Germany. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_resistance_to_Nazism There were also many attempts to kill the b*stard; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassination_attempts_on_Adolf_Hitler The problem in Germany, was that it was virtually impossible to organize a national resistance group, since, well, the country was saturated by the Nazi dictatorship, who would you talk to, to organize such a thing? I am pretty fed up as well, with the black and white tales of both Hitler and the German people. Hitler was a human being, not even an insane one, he was a megalomaniac and a hard-core ideologist war-criminal. There have been several like him; Stalin, Pol-Pot, Idi-Amin, Kim-Il Sung and probably several more, no one had horns and hooves, even though they did evil deeds. A great part of the German people were pro-Hitler, but so was much of the world, also in the US (Ford and Lindberg to mention a couple). During the war, Germany became an information-bubble, controlled by the state. Listening to the BBC was actually punishable by death or life-imprisonment. It's not like people had smart-phones and the Internet, people knew what the Nazi-controlled press told them, and the threat of Stalin coming for a visit with his troops would surely keep many in the ranks. Thanks, I corrected it, for some reason was focused on "storm" ^^ As for the intelligentsia focus in the OP's post, it should be mentioned that most people back then, had 6 years of primary and then started working from the age of 12-14, meaning that people with college-degrees, wasn't necessarily the broad part of the population in any country. And yet another point (which is controversial today), is how universities, students and our so-called educated societies look at things like Wikileaks, Manning and Snowden. Sure, they may have broken a few laws regarding "national security", but so was also the white rose group. (I am sure the Nazis weren't pleased that tales of military failures and various atrocities leaked out, and even during a time of war). In the US, it is common to believe that Assange should be put to jail, Manning is in jail and Snowden should be tried for treason and shot/locked up forever. What they are, are whistleblowers, exposing state-crimes and war-crimes, and people are free to believe what they want about them. But for some reason, every time someone goes around an American (or many other nations) college-campus, the students there all want them dead and gone. It's that easy to be on the right or wrong side of the fence. They lived more or less by the famous words of George W Bush: "If you are not with us, you are against us". Defeatism and political-work to undermine the state of Hitler was punishable by death, most people new that, which makes her courage even greater. But just so you don't go around and hate Germans all the time, go to youtube and read about the slaughter and mass-raped that happened in 1945-1946, after Germany was beaten. That part of history is surely showed deep under a rug. Just google "europe genocide after wwii" and you will get a few videos to enjoy. Even if many people were rightfully angry and wanted revenge after WWII, it just shows that genocide and mass-murder was in no way, shape or form, a German phenomenon. Which makes you, a millenial in 2017, rather hypocritical, you have no idea how the world was between WWi and WWii, read a book, watch some history documentaries and you will quickly find out that Hitler just as well could have appeared in France, England or even in the US if the conditions were different. You fail so see the situation in context of the times and how the world worked back then. Up until WWII jews were hated all over the western world, not just in Germany. Jews, blacks, gypsies, gays, mentally challenged (see how politically 2017 correct that was?), criminals etc etc was the scum, bottom-feeders of society, shun, imprisoned or chased away. Many countries had laws that prevented Jews from entering the borders. Politics was tough and often violent, there were communists, fascists and all in between, often ending in brawls and street-fights, strikes and also a huge economic crisis in the 30's adding to the mess. Germany was left with an unimaginable debt after WW I, which crippled the economy, people went hungry, no jobs and inflation that caused people to bring a wheel-barrow of money to buy a single bread. You cannot judge the time between the great wars with 2017 eyes. And for the record, Hitler didn't only have supporters in Germany, there were many supporters in the occupied countries as well, sometimes as much as 50/50. The Germans are no different from any other people and people thinking they are, should watch The wave: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083316/ How many supported GW Bush in the US? A man, with his henchmen that started two wars because of oil and made abduction and torture a common tool to get information? It's easy to be seduced by leaders who know how to seduce......and no one can tell if they would be a white rose or a hitlerjugend in Germany during WWII, after Hitler performed a coup, the country was ruled by a dictator with absolute power and the people to enforce it and it took him 10-15 years to do so.