Poe and the shotgun

If Poe is a code/program/hologram and not an android then how it is possible for him to interact with objects? I mean, passing keys to the guests is no big deal, but operating a shotgun and killing people is just... unrealistic!


It's not mentioned in the series, but i imagine something like the Holodeck in Star Trek:

"The holodeck is depicted as an enclosed room in which objects and people are simulated by a combination of matter, beams and fields onto which holographic images are projected, which appear solid to the touch. This matter is known as "holomatter", and usually disintegrates when the virtual-reality program is ended."

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodeck


This makes sense. Thanks!
Now that you've mentioned it, I remember something similar in the X-men comics.


Yes, X-Men has a training room in some of the comic books.


*spoilers ahead*

He is physical, but it is never really explained what he actually consists of.
He may seem like a 'regular hologram', since he is 'beemed' to and from various locations in the hotel.
In episode 9, he is killed by the bad-guys and you can see he disintegrate into powder, during that process, you can also see his inner parts.


Oh... thanks! Gotta hurry and watch the remaining episodes.


The AI in the book (named Hendrix) was done differently. It wasn't an integral character. The show writers wanted a bigger character, I think. I don't know how he was able to interact with physical objects though. nothing else in that world seemed to be like him, so I think he was overplayed. I really enjoyed his character, though.


Yes, he was all right. The AI in the book was also OK.
