MovieChat Forums > Alpha Dog (2007) Discussion > Do You Think Sonny's Plan Would've Worke...

Do You Think Sonny's Plan Would've Worked?

I.E.-Having a "sit down" with Zack's parents, smoothing things over, and topping it off with a large sum of money to keep their mouths shut?

I myself could see Zack's parents basically telling them to F-off, they're going to the cops and turning them in; To keep their dirty money.(Besides, it seems that Zack's parents were already well to do, not lowlife's looking for a handout.)

However, I could see Zack stepping up and declaring he's not going to testify against them, and if they make him he'll just say he ran away and was staying with some friends the whole time. The case would've fallen apart without his testimony, and especially him defending the accused.

Now Zack's half-brother? That's another story altogether. I still don't think for a second that would stop him from going after Truelove or his gang.



The plan wasn't to pay off Zach's parents. It was to give zach a little money and basically become his friend. They were hoping he'd not tell what actually happened and say he ran away or stayed with a girl or something. Up until things went bad the whole thing was a big party. its possible that it would have actually worked especially considering Zach liked one of the girls.


Yeah, it was. I just saw this movie a few weeks ago again. When Sonny and his attorney are talking with Johnny about how they were going to proceed, Sonny said it would involve a "sit down" with Zach's parents and something about paying them off.(Obviously with Zach returned unharmed.) The part about "giving him a little money and saying he's our boy", was Frankie's solution to Johnny.


It’s certainly possible that Sonny’s plan would have completely worked. If it didn’t, any consequence would have been better than what actually happened.

However, according to the movie, Sonny’s plan materialized too late to stop the murder. I do think that was just in there for dramatic effect though, and not a legitimate plan that was considered in the real life story.


The point of this story is that anything would've been better than what actually happened

But Yes I think it could've worked. Returning Zack home safely would've been the biggest part of all of this. With him home safe, and claiming that they are his friends, there wouldn't have been much of case against them.

I don't think the money would make any difference. But I think having the biggest mobster in your town show up at your house would be enough to scare them in to silence. Im not saying they would've been threatening. They probably would been really cordial. "The whole thing is a misunderstanding." "The boys were just out having a good time" Here is some money for the trouble it's caused". But I think still the underlying threat, along with Zach being home safe would be enough for them to not want to pursue it any further, and even if they did, I think with enough time the lawyer could get everyone of the same page telling the same story about just hanging out an partying. If Zack is alive and telling this story, along with them, likely nothing would happen.


They chose the most ridiculously stupid solution possible. Bc that’s what young, dumb idiots do.


Regardless of what the outcome of this particular case would’ve been a scum bag like Jesse James Hollywood would likely be serving some life sentence at some prison anyway. Just for a different crime.
He was destined to be a scum criminal.
