MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > The scariest film ever made.

The scariest film ever made.

user comments wrong again. he says this aint has good as the 1st lol. it blows number 1 out of the water. grudge 2 grudge 3 grudge 1, thats the order.


I have it the other way: Grudge 2, Grudge 1 & Grudge 3. Still, don't understand why so much hate for this one. Sure, the movie didn't make sense or had good acting but it was still fun flick to watch if you want get scared once in a while. The first two Grudge movies are on my top 15 scariest movies list with The Ring with Naomi Watts in there, too.


So 2 years ago, when i was 13 i decided to go and see this (this was pretty much my first scary movie). I happened to be out of town at the time, and apparently nobody in Montreal sees movies so i was all alone in the darkest, longest movie theatre i've ever been in.

I'm not sure if i've ever been more scared in my life. I was too scared to run out of the theatre because it was so dark and huge, so i pretty much hide under my coat the whole time. Ha ha... Good times

[Insert funny quote here]



I'm sorry but I'm just not getting into it at all. I would definitely hate to be in the same room as either one of the "grudges" but it's NOT the scariest movie ever made, not even close.


No it's not AT ALL.
It's cheap scares if anything, just loud musical noise with creepy boy/girl suddenly in the shot.
That pretty much sums up this whole movie.


The people who hate this movie just don't have the same psychological fears as we do. The don't understand why the counselor turning blue and saying "BUHHH" is scary, and they just laugh at it. They don't have our nightmares. I agree with you; Grudge 2 is the scariest movie I have ever seen in my life.


You're probably afraid of the dark too huh? "Grudge 2" is definitely set out for cheap scares. I mean, yeah there were some freaky scenes and (like I said before) I would pee my pants if I were in the same room as the grudges but it wasn't the scariest movie I've ever seen, AT ALL. Try watching "The Shinning" or "Misery" (both with psychologically disturbing themes) and you tell me if the "Grudge 2" is still the scariest thing you've ever seen.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it. It's not the scariest movie YOU'VE ever seen, but it is pretty damn scary. It startled me many times and I don't even like movies. I prefer real life shows -- real ghost investigation shows, documentaries, ect. -- over made-up movies but this was good. I enjoyed it.


Alright, first of all, I don't even like scary movies. I'm not a fan of them one bit but this just wasn't scary. I mean, I'm sure I could scare myself by setting the mood--turning out the lights and watching it alone. I was definitely surprised at certain parts like the married couple with the kids. Didn't see ANY of that coming. I'm not trying to knock your opinion I'm just saying. This is watered down "horror."

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The shining had a few creepy moments.

Misery wasnt scary at all.

The Grudge I think is in the scariest movies i have ever seen. But the 2nd movie was boring and predictable to me. It was trying to hard to scare with the same tricks and didnt build the dread or tension the first film did. Its only so many times you can make a face pop up in the frame before it gets old. And Kayako or Toshio just didnt look right to me.

I went and saw it in a theater alone, with probably 2 other people in the whole theater, and left completely unimpressed and dissapointed.

I love the first Grudge Remake, saw it in the theater, and I own it on DVD. Definitely most genuinely scary scenes in pretty much.


I have yet to see Misery for some reason but i did see The Shining. It wasn't that scary to me. in fact i thought most of the movie was dull even though I love it. The Grudge 2 left my heart pounding. I just watched it for the first time and it's the only movie to ever truly scare the *beep* out of me. I have no idea what it was honestly. I mean the duuuuhhh noises were kinda dumb but the cracking and the dark really scared the crap out of me. YES i'm afraid of the dark. So? I don't like to be able to not be able to see my surroundings. It is nerving. Thus making the grudge 2 an actual scary movie. PLUS people who laugh at movies are generally actually afraid and just trying to hide it. I've worked haunted attractions I've seen it a lot of times.


I have seen The Shining and The Grudge 2 is definitely way scarier than The Shining is. I'd rather be in the hotel of The Shining than in the house of The Grudge 2.


Do all retarded feel as you do?



I completely agree with you.

To do is to be - Descartes, To be is to do - Voltaire, Do be do be do - Sinatra.



the grudge 1+2 = scariest movies ever, in my opinion. case closed :)


Then watch more movies. Now, case closed.

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love the grudge movies and you cant change my opinion about them so shut up :)


Umm no one is trying to change your opinion. It's YOUR opinion, idiot. I just said watch more movies...end of story.

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My order is Grudge 2, Grudge 1, Grudge 3.
Grudge 3 was kind of cheesy.

By the way, I hated The Ring, it wasn't scary to me!!!

Forget love, I'd rather fall in chocolate!-x


The Ring (American remake) was absolutely cram-packed full of cheap jump-scares. I have NEVER forgiven that movie for the time it made me jump by showing me a woman opening an envelope and discovering a millipede. I wasn't frightened by the blooming millipede, but I was extremely badly startled by the spooky sound effects and the loud musical note that accompanied it.


You're so lying if you say you didn't find this scary! I mean seriously!



nah I respect the fact that you didn't find it scary but I just hate it when people express it in a mean way like what you said it's scary if you're a 16 year old girl or something like that



thats ok :)
yeah thats true


Why the hell is this thread about the grudge 2 called "the scariest movie ever made". ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha

thank you, really, that made my day. this movie is a comedy.


It's better than the grudge 3


But not better than Grudge 12.

When the heck are these people going to wake up and realize they're just beating a dead horse now? Stop making sequels.

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I watched the 1st not to long back (the remake one) and thought it was enjoyable, it made me jump a couple of times, but mostly kept me tense. Then again, I kind of have a fear of curses and ghosts. Seems to me like if anything could be real, it would be this kind of stuff. Haven't seen Grudge 2 yet, but I will tonight, I bought it on psn.



Guys, if you really want scary watch the original films, the japanese films: The Grudge (2002, original title Ju-on ). Also, Ring (1998, original title Ringu ).
I would also recommend Audition (1999, original title Odishon, ) and Dark Water (2002, original title Honogurai mizu no soko kara, ). But most of you will probably not understand a thing from a film as complex as Audition and Dark Water has nothing really that scary but it's a really good film. The american version wasn't bad either with Jennifer Connelly being amazing as usual. Even so the japanese versions of each of these films is better. Americans have a knack for ruining good films so...
