MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > For those of you who are still confused....

For those of you who are still confused... [SPOILERS]

I took the liberty of writing down EVERYTHING that happened in real time (from both movies).


~ Kayako falls "in love" with her professor and writes everything in her Diary.
~her husband (Takeo) finds the journal.
~She comes home to find Takeo reading it. He gets enraged and breaks her neck. He then kills her son (Toshio) and the cat.
~Kayako's ghost kills Takeo. (You don't see this, but you are supposed to assume it because he was hung up by her hair.)
~The professor goes to the house to find everyone dead. He also finds the journal and knows that Kayako was obsessed with him.
~He goes home and jumps off his balcony.

~Matthew Williams gets a job in Japan, where his sister (Susan) already lives.
~He moves to Japan with is wife (Jennifer) and his sick mother (Emma.)
~They move into The House.
~They need help cleaning the house and caring for Emma so they hire a girl (Yoko), who is killed.
~Because Yoko is killed, the social workers send Karen over to the house to help instead.
~Jennifer is killed.
~Matthew is killed.
~Susan is killed.
~Emma is killed.
~Karen goes into shock and is taken to a hospital.
~The cops go to the house to investigate.
~They find Matthew and Jennifer's bodies up in the attic along with Yoko's lower jaw.
~The head detective starts to think that the deaths may have something to do with the house, so he goes back and is drowned by Takeo.
~Karen's boyfriend (Doug) goes to the house.
~Karen goes to the house.
~Kayako attacks them and Doug is killed.
~Karen sets the house on fire.
~Karen is taken to the hospital.

~Karen's mother tells Karen's sister (Aubrey) that she has to go to Japan to bring Karen back
~Aubrey goes to Japan
~Aubrey goes to the hospital
~Aubrey meets up with a reporter (Eason).
~Aubrey is led to Karen's room where Karen starts screaming hysterically and she is restrained by the nurses.
~Aubrey goes outside where she meets up with Eason again.
~Karen breaks free of the straps and runs out of her room and up onto the roof.
~Karen is attacked by Kayako and she is thrown off the roof.
~The next day, Aubrey and Eason go to the House.
~Eason finds the diary.
~They go to Eason's friend to translate the Diary where they find out about Kayako's mother.
~That night, Kayako kills Eason in the photo room.
~The next day, Aubrey goes to visit Kayako's mother.
~Kayako kills her mother.
~Aubrey returns to the house.
~The ghost of Takeo kills her in the same way he killed Kayako.

~Three schoolgirls (Allison, Vanessa, and Miyuki) are in a courtyard at school in Japan.
~The Girls go to the House.
~Allison sees the ghost of Aubrey in the closet.
~A couple days later Miyuki dies.
~Then Vanessa dies.
~In the principal's office Allison tells the principal she wants to go home. Then she is chased out by the ghosts of Miyuki, Vanessa, and even the principal too.

~In Chicago, Trish moves in with Bill, Lacey, and Jake.
~Allison goes home to the USA, allowing the Grudge to get into Chicago.
~Bill uncharacteristically becomes jealous because he thinks Trish is having an affair.
~That afternoon, Lacey visits her friend (Sally) who is compulsively drinking milk.
~Sally dies surrounded by milk cartons, the ghost of Toshio, and the cat.
~The next morning, Trish, possessed, Kills bill with a frying pan.
~Later that day, Jake and Lacey come home. They split up and Jake finds Bill dead. He goes into the bathroom and finds Lacey dead too. Then Trish is pulled under the water by Toshio.
~Jake runs out of the apartment and sees Allison in the hall.
~Kayako comes out of Allison's sweatshirt and kills her.
~Kayako kills Jake.

To be continued...

(yes, there is going to be a Grudge 3)

Hope that helps.

EDIT from sin_city1876:
"Jake is still alive! I saw the trailer for the Grudge 3 and he is put in a white room [psych ward?]
but yeah thought i would say that lol"

thanks for the update!

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


Jake is still alive!
I saw the trailer for the Grudge 3 and he is put in a white room [psych ward?]
but yeah
thought i would say that


Thank you, thank you for putting that in order...I liked the first one but didnt get around to seeing the second one till just now and i was so all makes sense now and Im kinda looking forward to a 3rd one


If I'm correct in this, I believe I saw it in the commentary on Ju-on 1 or part 2, the originals.

If you notice at the end, it was not Kayako that took her, it was Toshio. In the commentary it stated that, Toshio had a black cat and they were always together. Toshio was killed by being drowned in the tub, his father also killed the cat in the same tub. In The Grudge, you see Toshio on the couch, he opens his mouth and the cat meow sound comes out. In the commentary, I believe they said that because they were killed the same way, their spirits fused together or something along those lines. So back to The Grudge 2, seeing that at the end Toshio took her, she was being haunted by Toshio/the cat, not necessarily Kayako. In that aspect, the cat/Toshio's spirits where tormenting her, I think that's where the milk drinking came into play.

Or it could be drinking too much milk made her puke, even though she wanted more.

I noticed that the ghost inside the closet when Aubrey was in there, looked nothing like Kayako. Guess I was correct.


You should be given a medal!
NOW I understand it all!







Jake wasn't dead... yet. I just watched the Grudge 3. Jake was under surveilance in a mental facility. He's freaking out cus he knows she is there. They leave him alone for 5 mins and the male nurse sees on the video footage that hes being agressively pushed around by a force as if he were a rag doll. Every bone is broken in his body. Which brings us back to the apartment. The grudge girl (forgot her name) her sister come to Chicago to make things right. +
Many more killings. Be prepared to add to the list haha.


I'll save your post in another file!
I'm sure I'll see the Grudge 3!
did you like it?


I liked the overall storyline,
but I didn't like how they make the new ghosts...
they look so unbelievebly fake.
All they were were people in white body paint and eyeliner...
Nothing scary.
Plus they looked less asian,
which took a lot from the movie overall.


good point about the make up.
I didn't think about it like that.


thank you!


In Grudge 2, Takeo killed Amber Tamblyn's character, Aubrey. Near the end of Grudge 2, Aubrey was the ghost that Allison saw in the closet, which implied that Aubrey might have replaced Kayako. BUT Aubrey is NOT IN Grudge 3, so Kayako is still the grudge.

Also, Grudge 3's scenes are in order. If there is a Grudge 4, the people who did Grudge 3 should do it so that they can keep the "let's make all of the scenes out of order" butheads who did the first 2 away from it.

& I know that that's how they did it in the japanese originals, as if that is a good excuse.


The scenes being out of order was the way the director did it in the original Japanese films, also, and I thought it was an interesting way to tell the story, not knowing when certain things happen till the end of it.


Cool, thanks! I was a little unsure about the timeline.
