Not scary at all

This movie was supposed to be scary? It was just nasty.. The jump scares were all predictable and I never even watch scary movies. The monsters were also very weak, most teenage boys could have killed them easily. Absolute joke.


I remember I saw this at a cinema in London and the entire audience collectively shat itself!!! The atmosphere was so submersive, full of dread and unbearably claustrophobic. I remember being quite surprised at how effective it was, as it's rare for Horror films to truly disturb. The friends I saw it with were likewise pretty shook up and we all laughed about it after the experience as though we had actually survived something traumatic! No other horror film has ever done that to me. At the cinema, this shocker truly worked its charm.


Yea, I would have probably enjoyed it more and maybe even have been scared if I saw it in a theater. I watched it during the day in my house and it just wasn't scary at all. Not even a single jump scare got me.


It means nothing if a jump scare gets you. A horror movie can have 200 jump scares and still be crap. I don't think you're much of a horror movie fan, tbh.


I just saw it today and... I have to agree with you (at least on the fact that it didn't scare me).

Like, I completely agree with nkavy's explanation in a previous reply, about how it's not necessarily the monsters who're supposed to scare you but the claustrophobia and the darkness, etc. And I can see how that would be scary for a general audience, but I really just couldn't bring myself to be scared.

.... Of course that could be because I watched it in the daytime and at home where I'm comfy. I'm sure I'd have a totally different experience if I had seen it in theaters or at night. Though my feelings right now remain the same.

However, despite all that I really did like the movie. I recognized the techniques they were using and how well they pulled them off, and I especially loved how capable and strong all of the girls were written up to be (with the exception of the couple of easily scared / panicky girls at the start of the conflict, but that's completely understandable in a situation like that).

I have to admit, this was also the first movie that actually made me like a jump scare. You know, at the beginning when Sarah gets out of bed and goes to the window? I heard a crow at the beginning of the scene so I was expecting one to slam into the window. NOPE! Turned out to be a rod. Now THAT got me, and I can only commend it for fooling me like that.


lol its british what do you expect? scary?


You feel cool and tough now that you wrote that? :P I'm curious, what movies did you find scary (notice how I asked for your opinion not fact)


I found this movie very immersive and you could say scary. Not that I get scared by movies so I imagine things outside in the dark. But yes I think his movie is scary.

Since you dont find this movie scary. Can you list few movies you see as scary movies?




I kind of agree


HAHAHAHA! One of the greatest horror films of all time isn't scary.

Motherlover, you're taking a weak-ass piss on a massive monument.
