I thought it was just garbage, not even remotely funny of clever in any way. I was horrified that a genuinely talented comedian like Billy Connely appears is such a boring *beep* pointless movie. The "joke" sounds like the ramblings of a bunch of dirty minded 16 year olds, I know the point of the joke was to be offensive as possible with the "ironic" punchline, but it just came of as boring and tedious.
I don't mind offensive dirty jokes, as long as it is funny. This Wasn't. If you want to see talented comedians then watch anything with Sacha Cohen or Ricky Gervais, two great comedians who would never lend their name to *beep* like this.



That's the whole point of a discussion, to examine ALL aspects of a subject pro and con. If you just want to listen to a bunch of cheerleaders extolling only a single aspect of a subject, that's fine, but don't mislabel such a pep rally by calling it a "discussion".


this was an insult to every comic in it. it sounded like a bunch of school kids who were told they could cuss like sailors and not get into any trouble. the jokes were sick and some even mentioned child molestation("you can finger my neice") oh, how hilarious. sickening is what it was.


Um, the aristocrats joke was going on for decades, I don't think these people were waiting for this documentary to do these.

And what are you talking about 'some' mentioning child molestation? They all did!
The idea is that it is an invitation to be as obscenely creative as possible. Of course the jokes were sick, they're supposed to be sick. However the essence of the joke is not in the punchline, it is in watching how far the comedian can go before the punch line. Sort of a meta-joke for comedians.


Still not funny!



well. are you a comedian? If not then the joke is not for you


I understood the point of the joke. I just didn't find any of it really obscene. Maybe it's because my friends and I have said effed up stuff for years, trying to gross each other out. The comedians in the movie sounded like amateur gross-out artists.

"As you wish."


I'm not a comedian, but I freaking love this joke, I tried to tell it to a friend of mine who cuts himself, and HE told me to stop. I disturbed him (YAY)
I then told it publically to a group of people during a performance (Music, wierd music, not stand-up) and no-onw said boo, though they may not have heard me.

Join the John Waters Myspace group


So, basically you are saying this is a joke that only other comedians will find funny? Isn't that odd, considering comedians make a living performing for audience members, and NOT other comedians. Why make a movie of one single joke being told 100 times, if no one outside the comedic circle would really appreciate it?


The point of interest in the joke is the improvisation, not the punchline. If you can appreciate that you can enjoy the film.

And I don't get your point. There are dozens of specialist films out there that are of interest only to a specific group of people. Why should comedians be any different? Because their famous names will attract unrelated viewers? Not everything a comedian says is and does is a direct part of his act. I don't think the film was ever dishonest about what its subject matter is.



cpfh writes: Well. are you a comedian? If not then the joke is not for you

What a stupid thing to say. That's the type of mindless jabber I'd expect from someone defending a 90 min. poop joke movie. But forget your retarded logic that this movie is only somehow for comedians, it has nothing to do with the joke. The movie sucks and is NOT FUNNY, the joke not withstanding.


I was going to respond to this, but I checked your page and see you have some real unhealthy obsession with this film. My suggestion, just forget about it, leave us "poop joke movie" aficionados to our plight, and save yourself a heart attack. Just let it go man, let it go.


cpfh, Thank you for not responding.


> Still not funny!

Well, some people get it and most don't.

Why don't you tell us a joke that you find funny.

"Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand." - S. Wonder


"Why don't you tell us a joke that you find funny."

What makes a grandma say "F*&K!!!!"?

Another grandma saying "Bingo!"


No, they did not all mention child molestation. Some of the jokes were actually told in a clever way that never went there. You can be offensive, funny and shocking without being incredibly vile.

Anyways, I tried to understand the point of the most common telling of the joke through this film, and it dragged on sluggishly without being amusing like the joke. I can see why the most perverted people in the film don't seem to get a lot of quality work. At least I know I haven't seen any good films featuring Gilbert Gottfried.

You didn't see Chris Rock or Jon Stewart going on about raping children. Even the point of the South Park sketch was that nobody gets it, but people insist on telling it anyways to prove how vile they can be.

Do these people really need a loved one to admit they were molested before they see how unfunny they are? Well here is a dose of reality- I was molested as a child. Now here is the moment where some guy who thinks he is hilarious is gonna make a joke about my tragic childhood. Go ahead. Prove who you are.


Were you fingered by your uncle?



huh?! what does that have to do with anything? do you have to have been molested in order to be offended by molestation? this movie was not funny! i understand the concept of it. i understand that the point is to be offensive. it is still not funny.


The movie is not meant to be funny, its a documentary regarding the joke, and you can see the humor in that if you want, or not.

I described this as a meta-joke because the laughs aren't in the actual gross-out descriptions, but in the capabilities of the joke teller to keep ad-libing, and this is more accessible to people that are familiar with the challenges in that, i.e. other comedians. Recognizing the various techniques used in the skits offers more meaning than to the average guy looking for a laugh. The offensiveness is not the goal, its is the means of the challenge.


Oh God someone's cracking out the term "meta" like it means anything.



Oh goody, someone's wearing their ignorance on their sleeve.


How am I ignorant?



Oh, first you insult and know you ask for explanations? Why don't you look up the meta- prefix in the dictionary before you make a comment, I mean its not like there aren't any dictionaries on the freaking internet.

Here, I even did the work for you!


I know the meaning of the word.
That wasn't my point.
Clearly you missed it, so that makes you the ignorant one.



My post was informative, yours was derisive. If you've got time to scoff, you've got time to explain what was wrong with my use of the word. Unless you want to put your knowledge where your cheek is, you come off as ignorant and evasive to boot.

Have you got something against the meta- prefix in general? Thats your damage, not mine.


It's the 21st century and you're still getting offended by things? Get over yourself and grow up.


ani - Your reasoning cracks me up: Getting offended is antiquated and those who do are full of themselves. Keep that in mind the next time you hear something you think is inappropriate.



How could you, no how dare you wear the mighty name of that mighty grappller of grim forrest phantomz, the one canny + resolute in all armour bearing the finest mail coats in all of middle earth, and then talking about you find this souless lameness funny????!

I'm concerned for you friend, more's the pitty when some seek out the fires embrace out of their youth and misguidances!

Beowulf would not have found this funny he would have grappled each lame comedian and squeezed their chests until their sinews poped and burst from every seeming, and smahsed bone house in to bits!

How could you.




Before you start cussing other users out, PLEASE learn how to spell, or at LEAST use a spell-checker!

I find it hard to really consider your points of complaint in this conversation, if you are to concerned about being heard, to even take 10 seconds to look over your work.

It's a sad day that we have reached. To each his own? What happened to that? Ok, maybe it is a little gross, but that was the point of the film.

Next time, why don't you come to IMDB, and read about the movie BEFORE you watch it!!!!! Of course, opinions differ, but you can at least get a rough idea of what the movie will be like if you look hard enough.


If trees could scream - Would people still cut them down?


When you can't attack the argument attack the person making the argument. Nice work.


This documentary was really about stretching creativity to the limits. Do you think a group of magicians would be able to entertain each other? Probably not. It's the same with comedians, they tell this joke to try and outdo each other, get the creative juices flowing. I enjoyed this film BECAUSE they sounded like "a bunch of dirty minded 16 year olds;" it was mindless entertainment-- dumb? Yes. Trivial? Absolutely! But still funny as hell, to me, anyway.

"MUMBLER! Seriously, I cannot understand a SINGLE WORD you are saying!" Willy Wonka


The problem is that they weren't creative, not really.

"As you wish."


Okay, but that's a pretty broad statement; a lot of comedians took part in this project. Are you saying there's not a single one whose performance you enjoyed?

"MUMBLER! Seriously, I cannot understand a SINGLE WORD you are saying!" Willy Wonka


You are soft *beep* who doesn't have a sense of humour!!! *beep* off and watch some *beep* Robin William movie *beep*


yeah, this movie cracked me up. then again one of my favorite bands is GWAR. anyway, if you're offended or whatever, then you shouldn't be watching a movie about an offensive joke in the first place. of course the stuff they're saying is completely sick and twisted, that's the point.




"Did I leave the gas on? No, I´m a @#¤%ing squirrel!"


I have been a big fan of all kinds of stand-up comedy since I was 12 or 13. I've enjoyed everything from Bill Cosby to Andrew "Dice" Clay. Currently, Dave Attell is my favorite comedian due to his hysterical album "Skanks For The Memories", but I have to say that this film really grated on my nerves.

After about a half hour, the film became excruciating. Actually, the best way to watch this is in clips on youtube.

"There go the god damn brownies!!"


i agree i think this joke may have been funny once. a long time ago. it is ironic and it is offensive but it isn't clever beyond the blatant irony.


I agree that it was not funny. I was so looking forward to it, and I must also admit that I did not finish watching it. This is the first time I haven't finished watching a film in years, but since I knew the "punchline" and knew how tedious the first 45 minutes were, I simply could not endure any more of it. Perhaps part of the problem is that as long as you know anything goes, nothing can be very shocking - taboo humour comes from people violating the rules of what is socially appropriate, and if you've got a video on which a bunch of comedians are doing nothing but sitting around with other comedians being juvenile and obscene the context doesn't violate any rules, so it is utterly boring, not shocking. I disagree with one of the comments that the whole point is that the punchline is supposed to be tedious - they might as well have gone the whole hog then and produced an entirely blank DVD - that would at least be pure tedium, and would have the virtue of at least permitting people to think their owen obcene "jokes".

I also agree that the comedians are not very obscene - real grossness lies in very explicit detail, and this was generally lacking.

One thing this film did is make me realise that possibly in real life, professional comedians aren't that funny - I really do know fourteen year olds who could do so much better.


Agreed: Total rot.

There is nothing funny about "fingering" a child. "You can finger my niece" is as vile as it is unnecessary.

These grownups remind me of a bunch of social misfits. What's frightening, though, is that these "misfits" are fast becoming an accepted subset of the population. I'm surprised there weren't jokes alluding to how much children NEED sexual initiation with their fathers and Uncles as mentors. This disgraceful "comedy" was only a step behind this concept. I suppose its sequel will pick up where the first abomination left off.

Of all the actors in this movie the one who I find to be the biggest disappointment is Bob Saget. For some reason I expected much more from him.
If I were superstitious I'd say Bob Saget's luck is going to change as a result of the filth in which he is participating. Saget, drop off the Raunch Wagon now - before you fall under the wheels.


One of the reasons it's funny is because you people are offended by it.

Classic. Thanks for making me laugh guys.


I find the "Spencers Gifts" in the local mall to be more offensive.
