I thought it was just garbage, not even remotely funny of clever in any way. I was horrified that a genuinely talented comedian like Billy Connely appears is such a boring *beep* pointless movie. The "joke" sounds like the ramblings of a bunch of dirty minded 16 year olds, I know the point of the joke was to be offensive as possible with the "ironic" punchline, but it just came of as boring and tedious.
I don't mind offensive dirty jokes, as long as it is funny. This Wasn't. If you want to see talented comedians then watch anything with Sacha Cohen or Ricky Gervais, two great comedians who would never lend their name to *beep* like this.


I think the joke is poking fun at the essential irony of being very wealthy. You can have all the money in the world, and be about as disgusting a human being as you can possibly imagine. Plus, of course, the joke puts these hoyty toyty people right square in the middle of acting, or being a comic act. The joke is very hard to listen to in my opinion but it's just funny to think of people who are so classy being so classless ... and class was a big deal in England back in the day, and probably still is. It's even something of a big deal here in the US: the whole old money vs. new money thing. The joke skewers the very rich, or at least the very uppity ... in England, you can be an aristocrat and threadbare. I think it really does have a punchline. After detailing the most appalling acts anyone can think of, the family tells the agent they're going to call their act: the aristocrats!
