MovieChat Forums > The Queen (2006) Discussion > from an irish perspective...

from an irish perspective...

this seems really weird, i thought the queen was just a tourist attraction, i didn't realise the prime minister had to meet up with her on a regular basis, or that she had to ask him to be prime minister. it just seems so backward to me, i mean do english people still really believe she has a divine right? if not what justification do you have for giving these people so much power and luxury? i find the idea that she brings in more tourist money than she takes from the tax payer extremely cynical, im sure celebrities bring in a lot of money to california should they get government money? i mean at least they earned their position. the idea of divine privilege sickens me i have to say, also i lived in salford for a while and after seeing the poverty and underdevelopment there i find the idea of government money going to these people even worse.

it doesn't effect me so i dont really mind but i just cant imagine how any educated person could support the idea of a monarchy...


I am English and I love my country much the same way I imagine you love yours. That said, loving my country does not mean I agree with all aspects of how it is run. I am not a monarchist and I, like you, find the pomp and circumstance of the royal family utterly bizarre. Whenever supporters of the monarchy roll out that old chestnut about how the Royals bring in tourism to the UK, I feel an intense irritation. The idea that foreigners would cease to visit my beautiful country without a royal family is ridiculous to me. The French, who have long since rid themselves of their monarchy, enjoy a booming tourist trade and I find it insulting to suggest the same would not be true for us Brits. I am equally irritated by the argument that the royals cost the British taxpayers very little. The truth is I do not care if they cost a penny a year per citizen to run - it's my penny, I worked for it and I'd rather decide the institution it maintains for myself thanks all the same. I wish them no harm but I would rather we had abolished the ridiculous shower years ago.

