MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > I wish they'd hired another male Doctor ...

I wish they'd hired another male Doctor actor.

Because as long as Whittaker has the role, the fans who don't like having a female Doctor are going to keep whining like little girls, and I have to listen to them!

Seriously, man up, guys.


Actually, no you don't.


Actually, I wish theyd kept Capaldi on. I adored his Doctor!


Agreed! He was awesome! I thinkhe may be my favorite :)


I loved him, too. He felt the most real to me.


I'm torn between whether my current issues with SJWho are to do with Whittaker herself, or Chibnall's hack writing.


I think Doctor Who is gonna be a woman for a long time. Maybe forever more. But at least the next ten years. They're gonna do two or three women after Jodie. The "who was the best female Doctor Who" debate is too juicy too pass up. Chatter like that keeps the fandom hoppin.


Nah. I expect a man to be cast next.

If there's a drop in n the ratings, I expect a white man!


Money talks.


Yeah. If the ratings really tank, the next Doctor will be a really good-looking white man!

That's how these things work.


Maybe, or they could try a really good looking black man.


Well, since we're discussing it, I have a few suggestions as to future female doctors in the next 10 years bracket as transitions between actors occur for the role:

- Tina Fey

- Emily Blunt

- Kate Beckinsale

All charismatic with great comic sense plus believably intellectual.


as long as Whittaker has the role, the fans who don't like having a female Doctor are going to keep whining like little girls

Quite interesting how the very same people that keep bragging about how there's not biological difference between genders and how men and women are equal in every aspect and how everybody else who doesn't agree is sexist... then use a female!!! as example of inappropriate behavior in order to shame male fans :DDD

Subconscious is a little tricky bitch.


Knowing the BBC the next Doctor will be a wheelchair bound black lesbian. Would make for an even match with Davros I suppose.


I've thought for a long time that Paterson Joseph would have been very good. At least he got a chance to do "timey wimey" stuff in Timeless for a while!
