MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2004) Discussion > Better than A Tale of Two Sisters

Better than A Tale of Two Sisters

Which is better Shutter or A Tale of Two Sisters?



Shutter was more scary and a straightforward movie.A tale of 2 sisters was a very well made psychological thriller but was a very complex movie(have to watch it atleast twice to understand whats really happening). But both movies had great climaxes. Both are gems in their own ways.


What everyone else been saying.

- AToTS was such a beautiful and magnificent film when I first saw it. It scare scenes were rare, but haunting and bothering when seen. Factor in the inspiring atmosphere, characters' depth and uncovering, soundtrack that captures the right mood, and a complex plot....
You got yourself the better movie overall


Shutter is barely average, with it's cheap and predictable scares and ridiculous ending I found myself bored throughout the whole movie.

A Tale of Two Sisters on the other hand is a piece of beautifully crafted art.



Oh yeah. The ladies in Two Sisters may have been prettier but overall, Shutter was far more satisfying. Poor Natre. But the lady who played her appeared in another film later on [title regrettably forgotten], where she plays a sympathetic character to a loser who is forced to humiliate himself to win a big load of cash. Sound familiar? The ending may come as wtf to you. Worth watching. Good night, all.


i just watched both shutter and a tale of two sisters so i was already thinking about this.. i would say both have incredibly well shot and unique sequences, both are beautifully crafted works of art and not typical mindless horror, even though they go in different directions as far as how they are scary. i would say that a tale of two sisters is one of the most beautiful movies i've ever seen. the characters in shutter are more likable to me. tale is more thought provoking and is more psychologically scary, while nothing in the film is necessarily very scary. shutter might be the only movie i've ever seen with good 'jump scares' and the end of shutter has more impact to me than anything in tale. acting in both were great but tale probably has the edge there. tale is a little more creative, but also needlessly convoluted and needs a lot of analyzing to get the full effect of what the movie is portraying. so for me, both are great in different ways, rated both 8/10. if i had to pick one i'd probably go with shutter. the remakes of both aren't as good as the originals but the uninvited is way better than the shutter remake
