Rip avengers 4

Shazam going to crush this film in box office people is fedup to watch shitty avengers again and again .Shazam would easily gross 1 billion at box office #DceuRules #DceuIsBest #McuSucks


Hahahahahahahahahahaha whoahhahahahahaha so let me get this straight, BVS couldnt make a billion, Justice League couldnt make a billion and even the highly rated WW couldnt make a billion , and you think this is going to beat Avengers IW 2? holy mother of god you really are stupid, hahahahaha.





If it's true, why are you hiding a thread about Avengers 4 in the Shzam! board?


It’s interesting that you have high hopes for this movie when it appears to be a comedy aimed at a younger audience.


Hmm you never know with these things but I am thinking if successful more in the 500-600 mil range. Its Shazam, not Wonder Woman.
