MovieChat Forums > Sunshine (2007) Discussion > 100 Things I Learned from Sunshine

100 Things I Learned from Sunshine

Can't believe this thread is missing...

1) Extreme light therapy makes your body a vessel for a homicidal god and gives you superhuman strength and some weird cloaking ability.

2) If your precious garden catches fire you weep like a baby.

3) Duct tapped insulation makes for one hell of an improvised space suit.

4) A rotating antenna array can't be shutdown (stopped from spinning) to prevent burning up outside of the sunshield's protection.

5) If there's a fire in a sealed room, you can't vent the oxygen to space put it out, but flooding the room with pure O2 will do the trick.

6) You can perform an orbital slingshot operation by orbiting Mercury several times.

7) An advanced AI computer can't predict the trajectory of your payload beyond 45% accuracy.

8) Fissile material can restart fusion reaction in the Sun.

9) If you spend too much time in the video confession room, expect a beat down.

10) If you spend all your time focused on fuel loads and velocities you'll forget to adjust the sunshield and the only way to redeem such an offense is to hara-kiri yourself.

11) An advanced AI computer failed to parameter check the trajectory adjustments prior to applying them. And, it can't simply reorient the ship to lie in the shield shadow.

12) Waves make me peaceful.

13) 4% will blind you, but 3.1% is good for 30 seconds.


40. If in the event you do find the first ship that failed for some unknown reason, lacking any preparation for such an event simply let one person make a hasty decision using the "it's a coin flip" logic, then let everyone retire to their separate quarters, and leave one guy alone to crunch all the numbers and turn the ship's trajectory. Don't bother to go over the procedures as a group in a peer review type of process. No big whoop... Chang can handle it. Don't even let the super intelligent sexy sounding AI chick review it.


41- when it turns out you need to kill someone to have enough oxygen for the mission to succees, you keep the most important people. You definitely keep the botanist, you know the one who takes care of the oxygen garden. Oh wait...

42. If you need to send someone to scount the other ship, you send the most important people to do so. If something happens and they die, no biggie, at least you still have the botanist!

43. There are also no cameras in that part of the ship that connects to ship number 2 to be able to check later why all of a sudden it broke off.

In the beginning there was nothing, and it exploded.
