MovieChat Forums > Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Discussion > Why did Dwayne have to go on the trip?

Why did Dwayne have to go on the trip?

Apart from the fact that the movie required them to all be in the van, I mean. A fifteen-year-old should be able to spend a weekend alone in the house, and Dwayne didn't seem like the type who would get into trouble.


They wanted the entire family to support Olive.

"It's like I'm talking to my Aunt Sylvia here!"


He went on the trip because his mother said she would allow him to go to flight school if he came along.


Apparently you're unaware that it's against the law to leave a minor home alone without adult supervision in the United States. Doesn't matter if it's for one night, a weekend, or longer. It's against the law. Welcome to allowing the Government to stick it's nose into how you raise your children.

When I was a kid, it was perfectly fine to leave your kid alone for a night, and maybe even the weekend. These days? Forget it.


Apparently you're unaware that it's against the law to leave a minor home alone without adult supervision in the United States. Doesn't matter if it's for one night, a weekend, or longer. It's against the law. Welcome to allowing the Government to stick it's nose into how you raise your children.

In Nevada we don't have any laws on what age to leave a child home alone. So people here do it quite often.

The family probably wasn't comfortable leaving him home alone b/c of his vow of silence.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


Not only is this not true, and varies from state to state, but if it had been the case, it would've come up in the script, problem solved: "It's against the law for you to stay home.". I also wondered why Dwayne had to go. It wasn't exactly a "Home Alone" situation.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


I never knew there was a Federal law on leaving a 15 year old alone for a weekend. It would be up to each state to pass this law, not the Federal Government.


There no federal law against it. It varies from state to state.


*clears throat*
Actually there are only two states that have a legal minimum age to be left alone (Maryland and Illinois) which is age 13.
All 49 other states have no minimum age by law and all neglect cases in regards to unsupervised children would be investigated on a case to case basis.
However there is absolutly no law against leaving a 15 year old alone for the weekend.

In Canada the law is no child under 10 may be left alone and no child 12 and under may be left alone while supervising younger children.

So basically everywhere in north america it is 100% legal to leave a 15 year old home alone and it is up to the parents discretion whether they allow it or not.


They needed Dwayne to keep an eye on Uncle Frank. Remember the sleeping arrangements in the hotel?



Yeah this ^^ either silent Dwayne and suicidal Frank stayed alone behind for the weekend (bad idea!) or they both came along for the ride so Dwayne could keep an eye on Frank at all times.

and off topic, about 15 year old's staying alone at home, both my parents were working when I was young (lot younger than 15) and there were lots of times I was alone at home or unlocked an empty home coming from school/classes, they advised me never to open the front door to strangers, not to answer too many questions from someone I didn't know etc.. it worked.. no big deal, unless you live in a really bad neighborhood.


My family owned a restaurant years ago, and I was often home alone when I was 10, with a neighbor keeping an eye on me. And as another poster said, there is no federal law. Only a nincompoop republican would say something that stupid.


Only a nincompoop republican would say something that stupid.

Well, that's mature!

You and Obama have done such a great job.



Richard had to go because no one else could drive a stick.

Grandpa was Olive's coach and she wanted him to go.

Some parents would leave a 15 year old home alone, but these parents would not.

Frank could not be left alone.

There you have it.


There's no way in hell I would leave my 15 year old son or daughter in my house an entire weekend without me or my husband there .... I want to come back to a house lol.

I'm reaching for the life within me. How can one man stop his ending. ~ Blue October


You've got to be joking, who would leave their 15 year old child in the house alone for a weekend!!!


Oh, my mother lots of times, but then again she's not really a good mother. I only realized that when I got older.


Someone without kids, that's who. Or a really,really bad parent.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.


...normal people?


Normal bad parents, yeah



My parents left me alone for two weeks when I was 15. I was fine. Of course, that was before the days of helicopter parenting.


Are you an idiot? A fifteen year old left home alone for a weekend is considered neglect!!

It doesn't matter if he didn't seem the type to get into trouble, what about getting into medical trouble? Like having him miss a step in his weightlifting and having him be pinned?

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty


It's not idiotic, it depends heavily on the case. Plus, it's also a cultural thing. But I wouldn't put much faith in a country where people are allowed to buy guns sooner than drinks.
