MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Anyone else think Djimon Hounsou shouldv...

Anyone else think Djimon Hounsou shouldve won oscar?

I thought his performance was better than Arkins in Little Miss Sunshine.
What about you?

"Feel Free To Change The World"


I totally agree that Djimon Hounsou should have won the Oscar.

I'm a huge fan of Alan Arkin and i did like Little Miss Sunshine, but he won the Oscar that year more for the body of his work and not for that single performance. It might not be fair, but they do it all the time at the Oscars.

On a positive note, Hounsou still has many years of great acting ahead of him, and if the powers that be give him the right vehicle, he'll win eventually.


he should have one

a wizard did it


I agreed! He was robbed. I just watched the movie last night and when I jut found out that he didn't get an Oscar, I was totally surprised. He should have won one! He was friggin brilliant! I cried in the scene with his son. He had such emotion. He needs to be in more films that showcase his talent.



I thought he was pretty poor in this film, a nomination is over-exagerated for this performance.
And no I am not a troll, i do think he is pretty good, but not here. The scene with the spade was so over acted i cringed.

Truth be told I didnt enjoy the movie as a whole either, i sold it 2 weeks after purchase was hugely dissapointed. I liken this film to Shawshank Redemption, it tries to manipulate those emotional strings, which people then lap up and rave about, but it does it with no soul!! Obviously a lot of films will try to manipulate your emotions to get affect, however this was to mechanical for me.



I agree. His performance was brilliant.


Yeah I know what it was all about and where he was coming from, its not as if i asked 'what is that scene about?'. I just didnt believe him is all.



I think Djimon should have won as well. It was very obvious that out of all the Best Supporting Actor nominees that year, Djimon's role was definitely the weightiest job to take on (he could even be considered the main character of the movie), and also perhaps the most demanding.

Alan Arkin is great, but the award felt like it was going more to his overall career achievement than to his single role in "Little Miss Sunshine."


I would've liked Djimon and Leo to both win that year. I think they both were amazing. Leo's accent has been picked apart but his raw emotion for the part was great-same with djimon. Both really took you into the movie and both I think deserved it. I love Blood Diamond-one of my all time favorite movies


Nah, I think you guys overrate his performance a little bit. There were points he seemed to be going real over the top, but that might have been due to bad writing when it came to his character (One of the only things that irks me about this flick).



Without a doubt. I thought he was fantastic in the movie. Actually I don't understand how is he the supporting actor? The story is about him and his family.

