MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Just horrible, numerous plot holes and s...

Just horrible, numerous plot holes and stupidity

1. The Amazons and Diana know every language but nothing of the outside world and modern weaponry?
2. How did they defeat that warship? None of their arrows could have taken care of it.
3. Why did Diana act like a toddler the entire film?
4. Even though this was World War I, they made the Germans in this movie seem like the Nazis. I'm going to guess the majority of the audience is going to think this was World War 2. I didn't like how the movie's direction and Diana basically arbitrarily picked the British and the Allies as the good guys.
5. Ares has had millennia to do his thing, why did he have to be stopped now? Killing him clearly didn't even end war anyways.
6. By the end of the movie, it just didn't make sense. What was the moral of this movie? Diana didn't stop war. She didn't even stop World War 2. What was the message? It was just silly and lacked focus.
7. A woman directed this movie and it was totally obvious. This is why you don't watch war movies made by women. It was just unrealistic. There was just a lot of dumb shit, especially with Diana walking around moping about how horrible war was despite growing up training for war! What did she expect?
8. What Chris Pine's character did at the end made no sense.
9. The movie was blatant SJW propaganda. The Native American character was only written in to bash white American people. What a disgrace. Men in general also just were bashed at every turn.

I don't know what more to say. Flame on, but this was a terrible movie. Avoid if you have any suspicions about it being a SJW mess and not being good. It pretty much is just very, very bad.


You really expect anyone to reply to your post seriously after your point 6?


I don't really care about your SJW nonsense, I'm going to say it because I found it to be generally true when women make war movies. They can't do it.

The trench warfare scene was such a great example. I can't tell you how many women do think they're Wonder Woman and come into a situation, whether it's staying at your house, your coworker, etc. and think they can save the day because everyone else was just lazy, and then fall flat on their face. It's typical. The writing and direction of this movie was just terrible. It was a chick flick, and it's a major flaw of this film. Wonder Woman also demonstrated several times that she was a hypocrite. i don't know what to say.


Oh shut the fuck up you irredeemable piece of shit.



1. Dude, her skills at language were fictional. I was asking how she could know all those modern languages and their dialects but not know about modern weapons? idiot. Also, those people who claim to know multiple languages usually can't do it well. Even people who have learned one language all their life can't even master it, lol.
2. WERE YOU BLIND? There was a warship that entered Amazonia, it was fairly big and likely would have had guns that would have messed those Amazons up. They conveniently just had it disappear.
4. She took sides, once again, don't be an idiot. I asked myself how she never thought anyone else could be Ares but I just rolled with it since the movie seemed to imply Ludendorff was Ares, but that was a cheap twist at the end.
5. So explain how war continued after Ares was defeated, and how the world survived when Ares was around before Diana came about? It's a huge plot hole.
6. Bye bye credibility, every vet online has bashed the Hurt Locker for being unrealistic, stupid crap. Yes, most are Hollywood, but the actors were complete idiots acting like dumb, irrational women.
7. Are you getting paid to shill for this film? Starting to wonder. Why didn't he land the plane somewhere else? You know he only killed himself so the movie wouldn't have to include him in future films, right or explain his presence in the future?
8. No, he talked about how his people were wronged and had their land taken, etc., and when Diana asked who did it, he looked at Chris Pine and said, "his people." I think it's fairly obvious, if you have a brain, that you know what he meant.

Had a good time refuting your stupid counterpoints, do a better job next time, shill. This was one of the worst films I'd ever seen. I do not encourage anyone to see it. BYE.




Translation: "Wahhh someone disagrees with me, time to jump to wild conclusions to protect my fragile ego!"


You, of course have a right to your opinion, but I take issue with number 6.
"6. A woman directed this movie and it was totally obvious. This is why you don't watch war movies made by women. It was just unrealistic. There was just a lot of dumb shit, especially with Diana walking around moping about how horrible war was despite growing up training for war! What did she expect?"
I take it you haven't seen "The Hurt Locker". It was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and won the Best Film Oscar for 2010 plus 5 other Oscars.


Hurt Locker was total crap. Many vets hate the movie. Were you on the IMDB boards for that film? When it came out on DVD, the criticism really started to come out. Bigelow is an AWFUL director.

If you don't believe me, go ahead and ask vets and read reviews, you'll find the criticism.


Son, I am a vet. Don't talk about something you don't know anything about. And I have read reviews. And most of what I read was good. I guess you would have had to live through a war to really understand.
Yes, now you will call me a studio shill, or a WW fanboy, or some such other foolish remark. You didn't like Wonder Woman? That's fine! You are entitled to your opinion. But attacking others who do not share your views is immature. Get the facts first.

(to all other posters on the site that are vets, maybe you should tell this poster how you feel)



I can see that I am not getting through, so I will go the other way...Bye bye!


Poor guy, couldn't win the argument so he ran away...


This sounds familiar...


1. They are magical people (non-human or something?) living on a magical island.
2. I think the Warship hit a reef and was sinking. Not sure, as it was on the screen for a second or so.
7. I didn't quite get it either. There were timed bombs on it. Why not disarm them and just land the plane.


1. No, not buying that excuse. If she can speak modern English well, the Amazons should have had knowledge of modern weaponry as well.

Also, if Chris Pine and the Germans could make it to the island, why couldn't Diana? I'm sure that's bullcrap, you'll see Diane lane back in the next movie for certain. It'll be like Thor, they'll just ignore what happened in the first movie.


The language thing was because the amazon women were created for the men. It made sense to me that they would magically have the power to understand all known languages. If that's an issue, why not argue over the whip or the magic shield?


Give me a break. That's just a writing copout to avoid having to explain how people isolated for millennia can know languages from around the world instantly. If you can know that, then you should be able to know about modern weaponry, given that your people were organized solely for battle. If the writers wanted to pull this crap, then at least have her instantly learn the language by like, say, touching the person's hand or something. That would make more sense than having Diana just be like "Hey, I know your language even though I don't know a thing about your people."

Come on.


I dont think its a cop out. Magic. If the whip can use it to compel people to speak only truth, why cant it give the Amazon women the power to speak all languages.


It just opens up so many holes.


Wow the trolls are here in full force. It must suck to have to be contrary like this. This movie is damned good and most everyone thinks're going to have to face that. There is no getting around it.


It sucked bad. It's my opinion and I provided reasons for it. Other people are waking up too. Take your shilling ways somewhere else, thanks.


It's just amazing how you can sit up there on your high horse when it's clear that even a Wonder Woman movie was somehow too smart for you.


The fights werent very impressive. They had way too much slo-mo people flipping and jumping, half the time the shitty green screen effects made it look terrible.
The plot was very lackluster. Why add the extra guys in the second half of the film? Thats not the time you have a recruitment drive scene. They served the plot in no way what so ever. The only reason they were there would be to have them in the picture, they could have done that in plenty of other ways.
Ares is the character that drove Diana from her home, but he isnt even introduced until the last 2 minutes. Why he even confronts Diana I have no idea.
This film should have been much better.


I don't think this film will stand the test of time. I really don't.


Just like DCs other films it was filled with lost potential. I still think WW is better than the other 3 though.


What bothered me about the Native American is that his sole reason for being there was to bash white Americans. He did really nothing else other than that. I cannot believe more people did not catch this. It's because he didn't directly say that, I'm betting, that it went over most people's heads.

Then there was the end with Ares...SIGH.


Personally I think it would have been better had she learned Ares had been dead for centuries. Would have really driven home how warlike people are. You could still have her fight some chemically enhanced super villain and make the fight interesting.
Having Ares die and then all the Germans start hugging like they were hopped up on love was just stupid given the context of the story. It undermines what was the basic message of the film.
It makes WW right from the start, when she set out saying confidently 'I will kill Ares and the war will end, you will see.' We should have seen her learn that Ares was dead already and that she was wrong. That would have been a better driving force for her walking away from humanity.


Tottaly agree with you OP...and there is alot of logical retarded gaps in this movie that made me furios...I rated this shit a 1 cause of all the retardness in the script....this is not worse than Suicide Squad but almost....


When this gets on Blu-Ray, I think the backlash against this movie is going to be huge.


Is it the time that elapses between theatrical release and the Blu-Ray that will lead to the backlash or the Blu-Ray itself (content in the featurettes and ability to view and re-view at home)?

Who do you think the huge backlash will come from? Will it be from the general public who doesn't buy it in the numbers projected? Or critics in online/print venues that change their stated opinions? Or online discussion forum postings from private citizens?

What will quantify a huge backlash?


It's like what happened with Hurt Locker. It got all sorts of unanimous praise from people who cared to watch it when it was released wide for about a week and from critics, then when it came out on home video, it was bashed left and right, especially by those in the military.

When movies are released on home video, people rewatch them without friends, without other people in the audience, and tend to notice things they didn't notice before. There's no way Wonder Woman stands the test of time.


It won't. This will be a fan favorite for a very long time.


I'm sorry Ares infected you with hatred and jealousy.
