MovieChat Forums > The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) Discussion > The greatest 60 seconds of acting ever? ...

The greatest 60 seconds of acting ever? (SPOILERS)

...when he's told he's got the job, and he tears up in the office til he goes nuts in the street. It's the most emotional piece of acting I've seen for ages.

But is it, as the subject line says, "The greatest 60 seconds of acting ever?"

There are some more famous, more memorable 60 seconds from some legendary actors.

- "I coulda been a contender..." Al Pacino, Raging Bull
- "'Do I feel lucky?' Well, DO you, punk?" Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry
- "Take it off. Take it off." Brad Davis, Midnight Express
- "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again!" Vivien Leigh, Gone with the Wind

BUT are they great examples of ACTING, or are they just SHOUTING and GESTURING wildly? Something any of us could do.

I invite you to submit your favourite 60 seconds of acting.

- It must be a SHORT SCENE (around 60 seconds or less)
- The excellent acting must come from ONE ACTOR, not an ensemble. If there are many excellent examples of acting in one scene, choose only one actor you feel performed the best.
- It is the ACTING that we're assessing, not the popularity of the scene.

Let's give it a go then.


I have two scenes of mindblowing acting featuring great great actors at the top of their game, on their best day, with amazing material to work with. They are

The end of Schindlers List when he breaks down realising he had the power to save more people and didn't.

And Raging Bull when Jake is thrown in jail and takes all his anger and frustration out on the wall

Sends shivers up my spine every time,



A lot of great scences mentioned. In my opinion My favorite hands down is Hugh Jackman in Prisoners when JG catches him at the liquor store and they are both sitting in his car and HJ goes off on how he should be there for his daughter.

Honorable Mentions: Bridge to Teribithia, when the father chases down his son after his best friends death.

I am legend: when he is talking to the maniquin? after he sadly has to suffocate his dog.

Good Will Hunting: the scene where robin williams tells matt damon "it wasn't his fault"

Green Street Hooligans: when the older brother is in the hospital bed and finds out his younger brother has been murdered in the street fight

Any Pixar movie Haha.

Click: when Adam sandler chases down his family in the rain and regrets so much

Punch Drunk Love: Adam sandler literally takes the phone all the way to the guy he was talking to over the same phone to emphasize his point "say that's that"

Everest (2015): pretty much the last twenty minutes haha but in particular when rob is talking to his wife through the walkie talkie into the phone.

So many more, but that's all i can remember right now!


Apollonia Corleone removing her bra in the Godfather.


Maybe not exactly 60 seconds, but the following for me:

Joaquin Phoenix - The Master (the processing scene)

Daniel Day-Lewis - There will be blood (the baptism, "I abandoned my boy" scene)

Mickey Rourke - The Pledge (he's merely a cameo, but what a performance)

Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken - The Deer Hunter (the Russian roulette scene when they were imprisoned during the war)

Marlon Brando - The Godfather. (the opening moments he is on screen. that presence and transformation is just amazing).

Richard Burton - Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? (the little mouse story).

Nick Nolte - Warrior (in the casino, when Tom Hardy yells at him)

Marlon Brando - Apocalypse Now (the "errand boy" speech)

Rutger Hauer - Blade Runner (tears in rain)

Ellen Burstyn - Requiem for a Dream (her final meltdown)

Viola Davis - Doubt (when she starts crying, she is only in one scene, but she is absolutely amazing)

Christian Bale - Fighter (the scene in the documentary where he talks about drugs)

Ryan Gosling - Lars and the real Girl (several moments, him dancing alone at the party)

Jeff Goldblum - The Fly (can't pick a particular moment, but Goldblum was amazing)

Ben Kingsley - Death and the Maiden (final confession)

Vincent d'Onofrio - Full Metal Jacket (his final scene)

and many others :)

Laura:You left a dead prostitute buried alone in the desert?
Kyle:She's not alone.


The last scene with wil smith was amazing one of the best scenes I have ever seen!


Glad to see this thread is still going! Anyways, here's mine:

Heat: When Robert De Niro sees Al Pacino approaching him near the end of the movie. The way he goes from smiling at Amy Brennenman, to deciding whether or not he should leave her after he sees Pacino, and then to finally deciding to leave. Such a great scene. And to make it even better, he leaves her in exactly 30 seconds and stays true to his word. "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Great scene.

Heat: When Val Kilmer sees his wife, Ashley Judd, and she shoos him away since the cops are investigating their home. It's incredible how is expression goes from hope and love to heartbreak and loss in a matter of seconds, knowing that he will probably never see his wife again. It's a shame he never received an Oscar nom for his performance in "Tombstone" due to the fact that the producers did not send all the "for your consideration" stuff in time.

(Gonna break the rules on this next one a bit, but had to share it because no one else is)

Crash: When Matt Dillon rescues Thandie Newton from the burning car. Such a powerful, emotional scene after considering what happened between them before the scene. It always gets me when he crawls back in to save her. Such a great performance from the both of them.

First Blood: Sylvester Stallone's breakdown at the end of the movie. Very realistic portrayal of PTSD and what it's like to have no one to relate to.



William Shatner - Spocks death
