James McAvoy = HUGE miscast

I just watched this movie and I must say I think James was a major miscast. I thought his performance was very forced and un-natural. He just didn't come off as a doctor wanting to change Uganda... at all.
The movie overall was a good period piece. I kinda enjoyed it. Forest Whitaker was nothing short of amazing. He deserved every inch of his little golden man.

Kelso- "If anyone else makes fun of me I swear I'm gonna kick SO MUCH ASS!"


He looks way to young for the part !! and small against all the big African brothers LOL


I felt he delivered a fantastic performance! I'm going to read the book though, to see how the doctor is described. However, his performance wasn't unnatural in any way. In my opinion.

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Jennifer


While you're obviously entitled to your opinion about McAvoy's performance. if you say "he didn't come off as a doctor wanting to change Uganda" you're right, but only because his character wasn't supposed to be. He was only in Uganda because he wanted to get as far away from his father as possible. Despite his naievete and good nature, his heart was never really in the right place.

As for McAvoy I thought he was ok, but he's obviously blown off the screen by Whitaker.


Agree 100%, I started to watch a couple of years ago and stopped it after the first 20 minuets. The McAvoy casting did not work at all for me.

Then after watching the entire movie, I was pleasantly surprised by how good the complete movie was. The title and the first ¼ of the movie are very deceptive; it starts out like a comedy or something but then gets pretty good after you figure out the McAvoy. It could have been the directing also.


McAvoys character nevr wanted to change Uganda. He just wanted to get away from from home.

This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence


One question...have you read the book???


DWL is right... He just wanted to get away from Scotland, his goal wasn't to change Uganda at all. I'm sure his intentions were good but once he met President Amin he got caught up in it all and it was a whirlwind affect from there on. I didn't think he was a miscast at all. Played the role great and really carried the movie along with Forest.

I'm just here to kick azz, sleep till noon. http://longnorthhorn.wordpress.com/


McAvoy played the Doc really well I thought. He was suppose to be a little young, selfish and self serving.

Also, I'm sure they cast a short guy on purpose. When Whittaker held him he was smothered in Whittaker'd big chunky arms. These images don't happen by accident.

There wasn't one bad performance in that film. It was good casting.


He is young, looking for some action and away from his father...thats why he went to Uganda...and look at how he pick uganda at the start of the movie, he couldve gone anywhere...McAvoy performance was really good,lively btw


I thought McAvoy played the part perfectly (based on the book).


really? I was the only reason I watched it till the end!

