James McAvoy = HUGE miscast

I just watched this movie and I must say I think James was a major miscast. I thought his performance was very forced and un-natural. He just didn't come off as a doctor wanting to change Uganda... at all.
The movie overall was a good period piece. I kinda enjoyed it. Forest Whitaker was nothing short of amazing. He deserved every inch of his little golden man.

Kelso- "If anyone else makes fun of me I swear I'm gonna kick SO MUCH ASS!"


I thought he was great, personally. His performance didn't appear forced to me - nor does it ever in anything. He was supposed to lose his idealism bit by bit, and I thought that came across really well.


I just watched this movie and I must say I think James was a major miscast. I thought his performance was very forced and un-natural.

I see. So this is what they call "looking for something that just isn't there and imagining it when it can't be found". This isn't an opinion, it's a self-delusion. Whitaker got the Oscar he so badly wanted in the end anyway so what are you so worried about? The guy is talented enough all on his own. He doesn't need your bad-mouthing his co-star just to make him look good.

And I noticed your handle. Now what you did is even more unforgivable because that's no way to treat a fellow BttF fan!

He just didn't come off as a doctor wanting to change Uganda... at all.

Whoops! My bad. Guess you weren't talking about the McAvoy I had in mind after all since we're apparently, you know, watching completely different movies.
