Movies set in Africa

Hello guys i enjoy watching films set in Africa and i have a few: Tears of the sun, The last king of Scotland, Blood Diamond and Black hawk down. Can u guys tell me any other action movies set in Africa? Cheers.


Try Hotel Rwanda, a truly amazing movie, that almost brought me to tears.


Shooting Dogs is also great.


i really enjoyed Tsotsi, filmed in Johannasburg, and Wah-Wah filmed in Swaziland.


- Lord Of War(Liberia)
- Stander(South Africa)
- Sahara - 2005 (Yemen, if I remember correctly)
- Sahara - 1943 (Ehm...Northern Africa, not sure where exactly. Wherever the Americans where in Africa around that time in the war)
- Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Egypt)
- Congo (Ehm, Kongo )

Those are the western movies that spring to mind. Not too familiar with African movies though.
I'm not sure but I think they filmed parts of the movie Guerre Du Feu (Quest for Fire) in Kenya.

You can also try The Ghost & The Darkness. Oh, and The Wind & The Lion.


The Power of One, a very inspiring movie which happens to be excellent, with Morgan Freeman, Armin Mueller Stah, Daniel Craig and Stephen Dorff.

You wont regret it!

Life is precious, and it’s our own - not any god’s.


There's also La vie est belle(Life is beautiful). The story is set in Kinshasa but the movie was probably shot in Brazzaville, in the Republic of Congo on the other side of the river.

La Vie est belle

Best African Movie - Papa Wemba - La Vie Est Belle Part I

Best African Movie - Papa Wemba - La Vie Est Belle Part II

It's mostly a comedy but a very accurate protrayal of the typical life of the average African/Congolese. There's another famous comedy:

Bal poussière

Or you can watch Nigerian movies where the themes of the movies almost always deal with witchcrafts and typical African beliefs. Try to keep an open mind when watching these movies and try to remember that by Hollywood or the rest of the West standards, they are extremely "low budget"...

Nollywood movies h_type=&aq=-1&oq=


In addition to those already mentioned:
Shaka Zulu
Constant Gardener
In My Country(2000)
The Egyptian(1954)


no one suggested Africa Addio yet ? :P

The Constant Gardner as well.


How come no one mentioned:

1. Out of Africa (Beautiful Photography location:Kenya)
2. The Gods Must Be Crazy (Botswana)

I'm glad The Constant Gardner was mentioned twice. One of my favourite movies.


The Air Up There


Hotel Rwanda, Blood Diamond are must watch.


Agreed on Shooting Dogs . . . by the way, it's released in the United States under the name Beyond the Gates.

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Jennifer



Trials, Sometime in April is an AMAZING film. I never see anyone bringing it up.

I can't think of any off the top of my head (other than what is listed here), but I know there are Hollywood studios in Morocco.;with+locations+including;Morocco


I saw Sometime in April. It was very heartbreaking and one of the best films about Africa I've seen.

Beat The Drum is good
Yesterday and District 9



Die Weisse Massai (Tanzania)
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (Botswana)
Ukwa (Nigeria)
The Battle of Algiers (Algeria)
The Night of Truth
Konate's Gift
Super Love


Other than this movie, my two favorites were Hotel Rwanda and Sometimes in April, both about the Rwandan Genocide. They both give a different perspective each about the situation and both are extremely well put together.


Jerusalema (2008)


How could everyone forget "Born Free"? It's a beautiful film centering on African wildlife (specifically lions!) and is very respectful to the local culture. And unlike many western produced films of Africa, it's not the least bit patronizing and focuses on the positives.

Born Free= Winner!



District 9


A lesser-known film worth seeing is the feature film Shake Hands With the Devil starring Roy Dupuis as Gen. Romeo Dallaire, the UN Force Commander at the time of the Rwandan genocide. You can get it on DVD and it's probably available on Netflix. It is a low-key but gripping retelling of Dallaire's story and is factually accurate though compressed. The protagonist bears a striking physical resemblance to Dallaire and like Dallaire is fluently bilingual.

There's a 2004 documentary by the same name, directed by Peter Raymont, that is also worth seeing but it's not a "story" film, rather a retrospective on the genocide and what we have learned (sadly, not much -- witness Darfur).



Some more:

Noirs et blancs en couleur (Black and White in Color)
Mille mois (A Thousand Months)
Indigènes (Days of Glory)
Satin rouge (Red Satin)
Massai: Les guerriers de la pluie (Masai: The Rain Warriors)
The African Queen
White Hunter Black Heart (partially shot in England)


Dont know if this has been brought up before, but "The Gods must be crazy 1 and 2" are genuine African movies that takes place in Africa!


"Catch a Fire". awesome movie

Spencer: why can't you accept me for who i am
Paula: because who you are is not acceptable
