MovieChat Forums > Everybody Hates Chris (2005) Discussion > Should have dropped the mother character...

Should have dropped the mother character.

I know it was loosely based on Rock's younger life but the mother was so annoying, so unfair, so infuriating that when she came on i had to either turn the volume down or turn the show off altogether.

Here is a women who complains constantly and berates a man who works two jobs to look after his wife and kids and asks nothing for himself and gets mad as hell when he challenges her for jacking in yet another easy office job.

If this character was removed it would have brought a better atmosphere to the show. It would also have changed the dynamic as Chris would have had to start growing up in another way, taking care of his sister and brother when his dad was working.

I think it would have been much better for the show.



I liked the mother it was like watching my mother on TV. My mother would always nag (as my dad called it) but she kept me, my sister, and brother in line. Most of the slap jokes that was said my mother used to say them especially "I'll slap you into next week" and "i'll slap the taste out of yo mouth". My dad he was in the Air Force at the time so he was like Julius bringing home the bacon.


She was an important part of the show. Sure, her character was over the top but she played it very well, which is why I absolutely loved Rochelle.


drop the mother? no way.


That's bullsh!t. Rochelle was hilarious and Tichina Arnold was fabulous as that character. Just because you happen to not like a character, that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be on a show. In fact, she's one of my favorite characters and without her, I probably wouldn't have watched much of the show. It's a comedy. Yes, she's impatient, short tempered, loud, bossy, brutally honest and quick to mouth off but she's funny and realistic. It's not that serious. Have you ever heard of having a sense of humor? None of Rochelle's antics are malicious nor seriously hurtful. For the most part, she's just trying to keep her family in order. If you think about it, she was the heart of the show and the one who kept everyone in line. She just has a very strong, no nonsense personality; no different than most black mothers of that time and perhaps that's a part of the character's charm and if Chris Rock's real mother was anything like the television character, it's easy to see where he got his sense of humor from. I just think it's kind of unreasonable of you to think that this character should have been dropped.

All typos and misspellings courtesy of a public educational system.


Opinions are opinions but gee whiz you are certaintly mistaken if you think Rochelle should have been thrown away like yesterday trash.

Rochelle was a key factor and huge significance during the show's run and Tichina Arnold nailed that role down like no other.

Most shows has that mother figure whom is somewhat a stick in mud, pointless character, but Rochelle proved otherwise. She was loving, caring, hilarious, a powerful presence on the show, a pivotal character. You never know what to expect with her, yet she never fail to deliver.

Julius, Drew, Chris and Tanya were all unique in their own way but Rochelle added that extra ummph that was needed as the matriarch of the family.

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be



Ugh. No thank you. The mother was a great character, because she was believable. She was full of faults, but ultimately she loved her husband and her children.

You shall have no other Kates before Kate Winslet.

