MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > Wow that was an amazing series finale

Wow that was an amazing series finale

I gotta say i'd put this series finale probably in my top 5 favorite series finales of all time, i just couldn't have pictured a better ending than what they came up with.

Now at first i was a bit taken back by Dean dying from a MOTW, thinking it was ridiculous, but as the scene went on and Dean talked about how this was how we always knew it was gonna end for him, it made all the sense in the world for that to be Dean's ending, going out fighting a monster on a hunt.

And from Dean's death on for the rest of the episode i was balling my yes out, Sam mourning Dean, and then we see Dean in heaven and its probably the greatest kind of heaven you could ever imagine, and what we all hope heaven is, a beautiful paradise with everyone you love living all around you. And man when he got in the car and Carry On My Wayward Son started playing, the tears came flooding and i knew this finale was fucking perfect from that point on.

How they handled Sam's ending was good, getting married, having a family, growing old and dying in his bed with his son there. I know some may not like it, cause you wanna think Sam kept on hunting and being selfless until he met a fate like Dean's, but for me its good to know he found someone and wasn't alone and got to have some kind of normal life. And he may have still hunted, cause we do see the son has the tattoo on his arm at the end.

One thing i could've done without was Sam in the bad old man wig and glasses, that looked a bit silly

And yeah the finale did give me vibes of my number 1 series finale of all time Six Feet Under, with how they handled Sam's ending while it cut back and forth between Sam growing older and showing Dean driving with Carry On My Wayward Son playing. Definitely made me think of that, and i have to think it was inspired by it which aint a bad thing since its as perfect as you can get for a series finale.

The only thing that disappointed me was no Jeffrey Dean Morgan, that would've been the only thing that would've made it better than it was, Sam, Dean and their mom and dad reuniting. Not sure why that couldn't make that happen it would've been amazing.


I'm mostly with ya on this. More mixed to positive on the finale, but people have to keep in mind that endings are always the hardest part of a Tv show or franchise. It's possible too that they wanted to bring more characters back for the finale but couldn't because of the pandemic restrictions.

But I agree on Sam's wig. It was hilarious. Couldn't stop laughing.
