MovieChat Forums > Rescue Dawn (2007) Discussion > Angry Family Members: The Truth

Angry Family Members: The Truth

Several posts have been made asking why Gene DeBruin's family members are angry about Gene's portrayal in Rescue Dawn.

I am a relative of Gene DeBruin's and I'd like to take this opportunity to explain why our family is upset.

The majority of the early promotional pieces for this movie tout it as a "true story." Example: ("This summer experience the incredible true story of one man's fight for freedom.") Some movie reviews have been posted under the title of "documentary." This leads people to believe that the movie is factual and that the characters are factual. However, the movie is not truthful. In many instances, it does not even closely recount the book upon which it is based: Escape From Laos, written by Dieter Dengler himself.

If you know the facts behind the story, it quickly becomes apparent that Herzog did not do his research for this movie, nor did the performers who have respresented the real POWs in the movie. In fact, Herzog, ignored repeated attempts on the part of my family to discuss the character of Gene DeBruin. We offered to provide Herzog with the facts about Gene. We offered to consult with him - free of charge. We emailed him, called him, wrote him letters. All were ignored.

Instead, he created a completely fictionalized chacter that is "based" on the real person Gene DeBruin and used Gene's name without out permission. The fictionalized character completely defames the real Gene. When challenged by our family, Rescue Dawn, promoted as true, suddenly changed to fiction. This was an interesting shift that left my family without legal recourse.

Our contention is that if Herzog wanted to make a documentary, then he and the performers should have done their homework and made it a true documentary. If Herzog wanted to make a work of fiction, then he should have dropped the "based on a true story" approach and not promoted it as a true story. He needed to make his intention clear, rather than riding both sides of the rail. His mixing and matching of fact and fiction has had a very sad and troubling result.

Gene DeBruin was a kind, highly intelligent, gentle man with a solid sense of morality. He wasn't perfect, but he was no idiot, either. His mother was always amazed how he earned so many A's in school without hardly cracking a book. He loved baseball, hunting, fishing, and the out of doors. He graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in Forestry and worked as a smokejumper (parachuting out of planes and putting out forest fires). He always left packages of Juicy Fruit gum in his pants pockets so his little sisters would find them when they cleaned out his pockets when doing the laundry. He made sure they would have a treat after helping their mom do the laundry for 10 kids in the old wringer washer. He sent me hand beaded slippers from Alaska. I still have them - complete with holes in the bottoms due to so much wear and tear. I won't give them up.

Gene DeBruin was a living, breathing human being who does not deserve to be misrepresented so non-chalantly in the the movie, Rescue Dawn. There are much better and more respectful ways to artistically express the message that is intended to be conveyed in Rescue Dawn. It is a pity that Mr. Herzog did not rise to this challenge.


Herzog had already made a doco on this subject. And in the making of Rescue Dawn he even states that this time around it was a narrative film based on real events, but that it is not going to be completely factual because he was making entertainment, not non-fiction.
And De Bruin's character was really good for the story, albeit a little antagonistic.

I for one wouldn't have even remembered the character if he hadn't have been portrayed/acted as well as he was..


Mr Debruinhein

After seeing the movie, my immediate concern was, how do we know that Gene was what he was portrayed to be, when he dies in the movie, and is not there to defend himself ?

I came onto IMDB boards, only because I was upset at the character portrayal about your brother. My respect for Herzog has gone down tremendously

So I think you should relax a bit. Lots of people will watch the movie, have fun and forget about all the characters. But those who are going to think on the character portrayal, will surly empathize with you.

Darkness lies an inch ahead


Dude. The director doesn't care. And neither does a lot of people.

The thing is, you have a fair point about your relative being apparently unfairly portrayed. But, come on. Do you honestly expect the director to put a lot of work into researching it and stuff, as you suggested? Isn't it one heck of a lot easier to state that it is based on a true story and just wing it on the details.

I mean, you don't really do your job 100% well, do you? You do it well enough to achieve your objectives because this is the real world and in the real world there are finite resources.


Nobody cares about your family - y'all just a drop in the bucket.

How dare you question genius Werner Herzog? This is not a documentary. The documentary is called "Little Dieter Needs To Fly".

You're just trying to milk money from this.

A drop in the bucket.


Its crazy that I was just on the Argo board arguing with people say it was not portrayed accurately. I said so what, everyone knows based on a true story means minimum truth and maximum fiction. They did not make anyone look bad in the film, they just left out some of the real people involved and added things like the runway chase to make the movie exciting. Its no big deal.

However, after watching this tonight and seeing the true story, its beyond messed up what they did. I mean they took a REAL person and portrayed him 100% different than in real life. He was a coward in the movie. He was selfish, threatened to tell multiple times, and was pretty much a secondary antagonist that could ruin the escape plan at any time.

But in real life this man was the real leader and hero of the group. In the movie he fails to help in the escape, showing he could care less abou the others. In real life it was HIM who went back to save someone at the expense of his own life. For a movie to try and discredit that memory is ridiculous. You have every right to be furious and I gladly support your effort to get the truth out. If they had just made minor changes to him for the story it would have been ok. But to make a hero look like a coward in a movie disgusts me. They could have changed the damn name. Dont listen to the jackasses on here. I served 2 tours in Iraq and cant imagine the hell we went through. Then his name is slander to death makes me sick. He has my upmost respect, as do you.

Haters gonna hate


Drops in the bucket, all of you.


There is a continual debate on imdb: if a movie says it is a true story, or "based on" a true story, some people want it to be true to the facts. Other people say it doesn't have to stick to the facts, "it's just a movie."
I belong to the first group. Some movies are honest enough to have a message at the beginning or end, pointing out the parts that depart from the truth, like saying "many people played a part in the rescue but for dramatic reasons the character .......was singled out to represent them all."
So many movies portray people falsely. For instance, the recent movie "Capt. Phillips" totally misrepresents the actual cowardly and stupid actions of the real Capt. Phillips, substituting his own puffed up version of what happened. No wonder members of the crew are suing. I am very disappointed in Tom Hanks for going along with this charade.
I think it is terrible that a person like Gene who the facts show was a good and brave person in the prison camp is portrayed as he was by Werner Herzog. I think his family has every right to be angry, and I think Werner Herzog is a jerk for defaming the man's character.
For dramatic development, they always like to have someone who is weak or immoral in a group. No one was, in the real case, so Herzog invented a villain. Jeremy Davis often plays this kind of role, as he did in Saving Private Ryan.
