MovieChat Forums > Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010) Discussion > Since when do Persians have English acce...

Since when do Persians have English accents?

So Gyllenhaal is playing a persian; did he spend a few summers in modern-day England in his youth or something?

I hear a very lazy, very distinct english accent from him, at least in the commercials...


Because he's a prince, and everybody knows that rich Middle-Easterners send their children to Oxford.


I don't understand all the complaints. Ok I didn't understood why Jake had to talk with an english accent,I thought it seemed so unnecessary, until I came here and got an explanation - he talks with an english accent in the videogame and his backround is unknown. THERE, explained. So drop it.

And I really dont understand all this ranting about them speaking english. Seriously? There are a million hollywoodmovies in which they speak english when it is totally unappropiate. Schindler's List, Gladiator, Luther, Joan of Arc, 300, Munich, Doktor Zjivago, Marie Antoinette etc etc.

Didn't hear anyone complain about those movies. So shut up for gods sake. If they would talk persian in the movie, you would totally complain about that instead. Speaking of that, I am so freakin tired of hollywood making bad, soulless remakes of every foreign movie. "But it's distracting to read the subtitles when you're watching a movie". Stupid americans.


Best answer ever. XD


REALLY! who the *beep* cares what accent the characters had in this film. Did you guys honestly expect them to have authentic Persian accents? I'm Persian, and it doesn't bother me at all, so it REALLY shouldn't bother you guys. Anyways, Persian accents would sound wayyyy to silly IMHO. Just imagine Jake Gyllenhall trying to pull off a Persian accent, LMAO now that would crack me up.

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.


God, these types of posts are incredibly stupid and insipid! You might as well ask, "Since when do Persians speak English?" or "Since when do Germans speak English?" or "Since when do Russians speak English?" and so on any time you see a film where Persians, Germans, or Russians are speaking English in a Hollywood film.

As for the attempt at English accents imposed by Hollywood, this goes back to the Golden Age when the big studios expected their stars to affect a high-mannered (i.e. pseudo-English) dialect in order to sound more refined. Nowadays this is generally only done with period pieces, but usually only with the villains being English or affecting English accents (i.e. Star Wars and National Treasure) or some other non-conventional accent.

In the end, it's a stupid Hollywood movie based on a stupid computer/video game. So, just shut the hell up and watch it and stop complaining or go back to playing your Wii. Dufus.


Since when does Persians talk English? Since when does English with accent, from the country they are shooting, make it look more real? Since Hollywood says it does?

Last but not least. This is based in a video game. Play the video game than we talk.


"If you had even bothered to realise WHAT this film is about you would know WHY.

This film is based on a GAME. The prince in the game has an English accent. This is for reasons unnknown. The prince has unknown origins of birth and may have infact come from England or English speaking provinces.

Now spread the word because i'm sick of these repetitive comments."


"crappy african accents which are indistinguishable from crappy jamaican accents."

And I thought Leo's African accent in Blood Diamond was pretty good, though Matt Damon's in Invictus I found to be sub-par, as was Morgan Freeman's.

But let's get serious and stop nit-picking here... I'm also pretty sure they weren't speaking English in Persia, but I don't know any other languages but English and Spanish. I'm not going to learn an entire language just to see a movie, and that's exactly how film-makers see it. Having a Persian accent would just be ridiculous because I'm PRETTY sure once again that they WEREN'T speaking English with a Persian accent back then. May as well just speak as the game had it. And I wouldn't mind a sub-titled movie, but that's really hard to market as mainstream these days...

Face it, there are independent movies, and there are mainstream movies, that's not going to change, so stop complaining.


Another thread about the differences between humans instead of the similarities.

How about this, Prince of Persia is played by a human. We are all humans. Hooray.


WORD: The English/British accent is the internationally standard accent for the English language. For example, TV news channels that are based in non english speaking countries, but have English programming, use the British/BBC accent.



Disagree with you there, I have been to many places, and the most common Language I saw was the Neutral U.S. American English you see in most of the US TV news stations. But I do think this guy got the right and accurate reason here:

" As for the attempt at English accents imposed by Hollywood, this goes back to the Golden Age when the big studios expected their stars to affect a high-mannered (i.e. pseudo-English) dialect in order to sound more refined. Nowadays this is generally only done with period pieces, but usually only with the villains being English or affecting English accents (i.e. Star Wars and National Treasure) or some other non-conventional accent".

Some people in the US think the British accent is more "refined", clearly those people went to England in the 50's and have not visited the country lately


Honestly... One of the more stupid threads i've seen.
Theres *beep* hundreds of Films where people accents are *beep* up, for example, I just watched 'The Boy with the striped PJ's' on sky the other night, all the Germans had English accents, It was fine. Movies do it all the time, you cant expect him to put on a Persian accent, *beep* that. Especially when hes got an English one in the games.

So in conclusion:
Scratchhokon999 you are a *beep* you should be smart enough to figure out that it doesn't matter and that it doesn't mean *beep* what accent they have.


because you're an obvious retard and gyllenhaal wanted to pull your leg and piss you off during the process...


Who cares?
