My God is the Princess annoying.

I'm watching this on Netflix and I'm amazed how irritating this girl is. Farah of the game was strong, fiesty, and noble. Tamamia (or however you spell it) is just a bitch.


She was gorgeous regardless of her other qualities, one thing for sure the leading ladies for this period pieces are always drop dead gorgeousSource:Prince of Persia sands of Time Review -review



yep.. i,too, found her manipulative, cunning, and certainly someone i wouldn't turn my back on. Maybe it's because i'm the quiet type? But man.. She wouldn't shut up. she just... wouldn't shut up..:( I don't care how gorgeous a woman is, or how big her mammories are... shut .. up...

My favorite heroines have always been quiet,straight forward, trustworthy strong: Trinity in the Matrix, Io in Clash of the Titans, Electra, Sigourney Weaver and the female crew members from "Aliens" to name a few. Heck, even the little girl in the movie "Aliens"... (maybe even Elijah Wood)..

I've always said: if you trust a woman, and she whacks you over the head with an animal femur or a bottle? after that? ALL BETS ARE OFF.

yes, the princess was annoying. but great eye candy..for the guys..

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


I liked her. At least she wasn't a damsel in distress. She was feisty and she played Dastan. I like the fact that he found her annoying too and that the 'romance' angle wasn't prominant.

Gemma is an awesome actress.


Her helium voice got on my last nerve from the get go. Shame the Iranian actress got arrested before her audition, she would have been much better and much more exotic in the role.


Finally someone told something about her voice. The most annoying about her was her voice. I probably have to see the german dubbed version to find out if the character still is annoying.


Yeah, her voice had me reaching for the mute button. It was like a higher-pitched cartoon version of Rachel Weisz in The Mummy. He should have left in the desert or traded her for a horse.


But that character (different name as aforementioned by you), was irritating in the game as well.

George Lucas talking about: 'Hey, give it to me, I'll fix it. I'll make 20 more of them'


I found her less irritating than the character in the game.
I liked her. She wasn't a Jane Rambo or the super intelligent, over confident, man-hating Mary Sue that we're used to these days.

I won't say she was feisty because that usually means she was stroppy and spoilt and bitched her way through a film and I didn't find her like that.

the tit for tat between her and the prince was refreshing. For once it wasn't the woman putting the man in his place and the man sitting there taking it. She got her insults in and he, surprisingly in todays feminised media, got his in.

Refreshing and made her come across as more capable and realistic to me.


i like her character in this, she also went to my college in Dartford[the miskin] and she had the boys following her around like bees lol


Yes. Yes she was. She sounds and looks like an air-headed cheerleader trying to act like a "strong woman".

In the end she still looks like an air-headed cheerleader. And I disagree on the bitch thing. She was too helpless and useless, and incessantly screaming and falling down. True bitchiness would have been a massive improvement.


Gemma is one of my favorites... I loved her in this, I think I liked her in this more than in Clash of the Titans, even though she was good in that too. I love her accent, I love that she got to fight (more would have been nice, but this worked). The film suffered from a mix of rewrites, re-shoots, and too much messing with the film in post (I could tell things were oddly post dubbed at times, evidencing things were cut out, changed, or added in). Tamina suffered as a result, but Gemma's strengths really shone through at the end of the day, even beyond those hurdles. I remember having issues with the character the first time I saw the film, but I so enjoyed Gemma's performance that I barely remember those issues now.


She was rather annoying, especially in the beginning scenes - I don't know if it was the character or the actress.

Though I did start warming up to her in the third act where she quieted down and was maturer.

Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.
