MovieChat Forums > Westworld (2016) Discussion > The worst Finale: much ado about nothing

The worst Finale: much ado about nothing

Can anyone guess how many endings the finale had?
I counted maybe 3 or 4?
But seriously, this was a 2 hours of just much ado about nothing, the most retarded finale ever, which proves how these writers makes crap up as the go along.

We went back to the past, we are in the present, we are in Bernard's brain, No, wait, his brain lied to him? was actually his own voice.

Mauve died by acting like Moses and holding the Host attack, to allow her daughter and others to flee to another false world while dying.
But wait, Mauve is salvageable for season 3 and her posse too,
so stay tuned for Mauve's Admin Biblical acts all coming to you in S3.

Delores died but she was reincarnated as her nemesis: Charlotte Hale ?!
The plot thickens. Wow!
But wait, Hale or Delores who is in Hale recreated the real Delores and now she has Hale as a back-up copy;
I am getting confused?, Hale is Delores, Delores is Hale????
fck it, who cares, I just call her Delores Hale.

Bernard died on the beach talking to Ford,
No, wait, he was actually talking to himself.
No, wait, Bernard is alive again, he was reincarnated by Delores,
It's real Miracle !


Delores brought back Bernard as adversary in the real world,
But Bernard killed Delores earlier to Stop her?
But I guess Delores needs Bernard to stop her,
so she brought him back on purpose, to oppose her
but also be a rebuild the new world?...
that really made a lot sense..Lol

Finally the REAL ENDIND: (in Bold)

But lets save the best for the last after the titles ran,
Did you turn off and missed what came after?
in case you missed the biggest surprise or the punch line of this stupid show
William, MIB is actually a HOST himself, OMG<
what a Shocker?!.
Did your jaws dropped ?. :(0[

I mean, these writers are just so desperate they had to add that one right at the end after the tiles for the ultimate final cliff hanger. And here is how that info about MIB being a host, its also debunks what they showed us in season 2. We watched the older William visit "James Delos" who was the remake of Delos from his human mind to the robot, but as William said it kept failing. We watched William visit Delos right upto the scene where Bernard and Elsie found him and set him on fire, so that is the time line, which means William was a also a remake robot vising the remake Delos so how did he become so normal and Delos failed over and over?. Lets not forget he was cutting his arm for a while, and got his fingers blown off, but you would think by that time he would know he is Not real?..> This is how Stupid the story line keeps stepping over what its shown you to debunk itself.

But, We need MIB robot to go after these other robots as MIB is the man who is been remade over millions of times to have one purpose: to KILL.

If you honestly can't recognized how incoherent and how awful this show really is; then I guess HBO did what WW did to their guests; to fool you that this show actually is really about something or is got any depth or going some where.?. just a big eye candy production about nothing


I agree that the show is a bit too confusing at times.

Maeve freezing all the hosts actually made sense, because it was something only Ford could do and he had previously given her some super upgrade (“Unlocking Core Permissions”.)


My post was not about just about Mauve or how confusing it is, it was about how STUPID it is, so please know the difference between STUPID and confusing.
There are shows that maybe confusing like "The Leftovers" that was also on HBO, but it was like a jigsaw puzzle, no matter where you were in the time line, in the future or past, the show's story line had a straight path to connect the dots leading to what you saw maybe 3 episodes ago. Yes, it looked confusing but it was Not stupid like Westworld, because I don't mind being confused to figure it out but there is nothing to figure out here, this is what most people don't seem to get, this show is playing you and is utterly empty, it has broken its own time line and story line so many times and if you go back and watch season 1 just episode 6 to 10 then you realize how badly is written because things don't match up.


Besides, 18.000.000 James Delos?


I think those were all virtual/software versions of him, not actual physical host versions.


That was probably my usual habit of not being attentive but - how come Kohana was already behind the door?
Or did Akecheta just imagine her in order to be happy in his new paradise?


The world that Akecheta and others entered to was illusion, a storage space like the cloud; where the essential software or blue print of all the info and identity as hosts but their physical body died. However, that storage area also was already created to make all the hosts that cross to feel safe and happy, Kohana was there because she was also backed up software in that area, probably along with other hosts partners or family members too.

But I also think they threw Kohana in that scene to make us the audience also happy that Akecheta found her, it was a touching scene and it worked. They spent an entire episode 8 on Akecheta, so that was like kind of closure I guess. All those hosts that did cross along with what Delores backed up in the drives she carried to the boat will be remade once their physical robotic bodies can be recreated. Remember when Logan was showing the large data library of all the info backed up with guests and that was also included all the info for Hosts too, Bernard almost destroyed it. So basically, they are on saved on back up drive in something fictional Matrix like world.


I see, thanks.
But what was then the point of so many people walking through the door if they were already there in this storage space?


They weren't already in the storage space - they were entering the storage space when they walked through the door

Their bodies dropped off the cliff. The technicians who found those bodies said their brains were blank, like they were just made versus wiped clean.


I'm really struggling with this one:

Kohana was there as a backed up software before anyone entered. Also probably some other hosts partners and family members. Then... why not assume that everyone who entered the door was also there? If this new paradise was just a blank slate then it should've been devoid of everyone except the newcomers. But if someone was already there then what's the principle according to which someone is there and someone is not?


We don't assume those who enter are already there. We SEE them enter and "split" away from their physical bodies. Those bodies are left with the "virgin" brains.

But no one said the Valley Beyond was a "blank slate" before that.

It contained those whom Ford placed there beforehand as well as those who later walked through "The Door."

Kohana was already there as a kindness from Ford to Akecheta.


Thanks. Everything is much clearer now.


The MIB is actually on the beach at the end, in the tent. The MIB inside the little prison is a result of Delores setting up a copy in his own little hell, one I think she got from the library.


you need to go back and watch the ending again, MIB left the beach to chase delores, his hands was blown off, its the same MIB.


MIB was shown on the beach at the end of the "present day" storyline.

The MIB who got up near the dune buggy and staggered into the elevator is the future MIB.

You got fooled by Westworld's narrative time-shifting. They made it look like MIB blew his fingers off, fell down, woke up, took the elevator down to the Forge, and met a host version of Emily.

In fact, MIB blew his fingers off, fell down, WAS RESCUED, and wound up on the beach.

In the far future, and MIB/host/hybrid with his fingers already "blown off" wakes up, takes the elevator down to the Forge, and meets a host version of Emily

In case you have any lingering doubts, consider:

- When are we shown MIB ever leaving the beach? He's in a tent, unconscious. Why would he later wake up by the dune buggy?

- Why wouldn't Bernard have met MIB in the elevator after he shot Dolores (to stop her from deleting the Valley Beyond)? There was only one way into the Forge.

- Why wouldn't Bernard, Strand, Costa and Hale (actually Dolores) have found MIB still lying out there? Again ... only one way into the Forge.


Thank you for the explanation about MIB, but if you read my original post when I started this thread that I really DO NOT care about this show that much, its just a waste of time and its really badly written. So really, who gives a Shit which MIB was on the beach or in the elevator?

From the very start of this show these writers took it to so many directions, the time line has been stepped on over and over, if you go back and watch season 1 just from ep 6 to 10 you will see what I am saying. The show is incoherent , just borderline stupid to watch because they are making it up as they go along; that can create more problems for the viewer. Yet, at this time this show is gotten so much hype that people will watch it no matter how dumb it gets. My post was about that how dumb it is.

If you ever watched the original Twilight Zone with Rod Sterling, the stories were short, less than 30 minutes but in those 30 minutes the story was so engaging and he took you some where with the story. The reason for that generation to have a writer like Sterling or Gene Roddenberry is because
THEY READ BOOKS, they were highly educated people that read almost anything from philosophy, history, poetry, mythology, science, etc and all of that was incorporated into very solid coherent meaningful stories, that is the original Twilight Zone series is a timeless piece of art.

WW can not do any of that in one hour, its just eye candy, back and forth flash backs; dumb scenes with the Samuri subtitles, Bernard's brake down, Delores's relentless revenge, Mauve's admin control, Indian love story, etc. The story has NO heart, it does not make you feel anything, its just eye candy BS with high production value but no value, its like eating a meal with no calories . This all goes back to Nolan and those retards writers he is working with, they have no concept of narrative line or theme for this show. This show had so much potential to be cerebral than fluff and this is the sign of our time where everything is just entertainment.


I have to agree with you, Birdman. The writers made absolutely EVERYTHING happen, and when it was apparent they were going for just about all possible scenarios, which made the story basically NOT MATTER, I decided to finish with this season and not revisit again. I don't care what happened when, or who became who, because it was written so that anything was possible, so where is the audience to worry and fret? (By the end, I didn't care about anyone except the MIB/William.)

And as much as I enjoyed watching Ed Harris look Yul Brynner hot, the subterfuge foisted upon us and twists weren't worth the figuring out.

I've been rewatching all of Lost, and that show knew how to manipulate its audience (til the end, don't get me going). I enjoyed figuring out and exploring the teeniest detail including books on shelves, character names and their literary and philosophical connections, etc. I lost 6 years to that one. Westworld, in comparison, just flailed about with no real purpose to the manipulation. Yes, just eye candy. And blood.

Which is too bad, bc the original story was such a fantastic concept. As you say, there was so much potential and it pisses me off that they just threw everything at the wall and figured it would stick.


Thank you for your post, yours was the only one among all others on this thread I started that actually maybe read my entire post. I got all these other emails people asking me questions or what made sense or didn't, or that I was wrong about the MIB and it was the copy. That again shows that people like us are in the minority to maybe see the mess this show is, but it's seems to also bother some people if you do point out the flaws....Lol

I didn't care for Crithon's work that much, yes, they were interesting like "Coma" and "West World", but he was also into commercial films and not so much about depth. When I first read about HBO doing West World, my first thought was it could really be thought provoking show, because of the time we are in and so close to A.I. When the first episode aired, the production and how they took the premise to such higher level for the androids was very impressive. The malfunction of Peter Abernathy was also interesting but the focus of the show kept shifting, to do that in your first 3 episodes is a bad sign. I think I waited until episode 7 to 10 to get some clarity as to what this show's theme or is there one?.

Arnold's struggle to solve how the hosts reach consciousness was what kept me watch the show. That idea alone should have been the spine of story line; to revisit over and over in other episodes. We see Mauve got awaken, but we didn't see how she arrived to it?.but suddenly in season 2 we are given new info that Mauve has super powers and Admin rights. We watch what appears to be Ford or his ghost, standing over Mauve's injured body, telling her, she was his favorite?. Really? Was there one scene in the first season that remotely hinted that?. Scenes like that are inserted into the second season all over the place; it contradicts other info and the time line, which I wont go into anymore as I did previously posts here.

I always wonder if Rod Sterling was alive today and what direction would he have taken this show?. instead of a rebellion, perhaps at first more focused stories about the hosts, like episode 8 about "Kiksuya "; that got the highest praise of all episode in both seasons. Why? because it's dealt with a struggle and pain that they need to reach consciousness, because according to Arnold in the first season that part is inevitable and no matter how much they erased them. Within the base story line, then you have the rebellion with more structure, not just shoot and kill to find freedom. They could have explored so many other issues that hosts struggle with that reflect on humans too, but we are not living in the age of depth to invoke thoughts. In fact depth is become boring to the "millennials"; they are rather text.

I am sorry I never got interested to watch "Lost", because it felt like it was maybe for younger audience, 20 to 30?. I don't really care much for anything on Network TV, because I don't even watch TV, I have not for over 10 years. I stream on Amazon and Netflix, that's it. However, I recently discovered and watched a show that ended last year called "The Left overs".
I think it was the most interesting creative show I have ever seen in the last decade or longer, I don't know how to even compare it to anything else, because it's so unique in its presentation and story line. Here you truly see a masterpiece where no matter how you felt confused, that you saw something in episode 2 and was not explained until in episode 6, but it was so tight and so well done. That show is like this giant jigsaw puzzle that pieces just come together slowly; every episode to me was like a experience. I have never seen a show that actually move and engage you so emotionally in every episode so strongly. You could never predict where the story was going, you could be in a dream, then reality, then fantasy and back to real time, but all these incoherent broken scenes all connect in different episodes.

I think its one of those shows you either get it and love it or just dismiss and hate it. It challenges its audience to think on a plausible issue, that what if due to an unexplained event, people may actually believe its the end of the world and the effect on human behavior?. That's just one among many other issues in that show that I doubt anything will top "The Left overs" in years to come. What was the most interesting that writer/creators went to HBO and told them from the start the show will end in the third season because it was based on the book and they wont add to it.

I hope you try to and watch it, if you have not already, that show is still on my mind and what it really conveyed about existentialism. We need more shows like that, because this medium was not just for entertainment, but to also reflect on current culture, not as parody or irony, but to invoke thought and conversations. Rod Sterling did that in just 30 minutes with the Twlight Zone episode, but not even a 2 hour movie can do today or WW in 2 season


" the hosts reach consciousness was what kept me watch the show. That idea alone should have been the spine of story line; to revisit over and over in other episodes".

Spot on, yes. Exactly! This could have taken many episodes for the hosts to work out. That would have been fascinating. I think we got robbed. (After all, Asimov did it over many robot books.) Instead we get (seemingly) super powers and Ford being this master manipulator?

I'll check out The Leftovers. Hopefully wont be TOO weird. I tire of that going on for too long. Stopped watching Legion after episode 8, for instance.

But do try Lost. It was groundbreaking and a wonder it was on network TV. Especially for 6 seasons. There were many sites, forums, and books dedicated to it. Def not what it appeared by its promotional materials. I used to say that the only thing better before it was the Twilight Zone, so you may like it.


After seeing the temper tantrum that the blonde actress threw on twitter and being aware of the diversity quotas in every show these days, you can't help but wonder if the writers feel satisfied for giving an implicit "fuck white men fuck the system" message to the detriment of the story line. If you take a look at the show from that perspective you will notice every "good guy" character is either a minority or a woman and every bad guy is a white male, being that the only "good" white male in the show is the one who is trying or helping destroy the system of oppression. It's crazy how political these shows have become. 90% of the shows are like this.


Yeah it went downhill fast. Just a bunch of garbled mumbo jumbo at the end.


BTW, her name is "Maeve". Mauve is a purple like color.



Wow, you read the thread and the only thing you could come up
with was to point out "Maeve" correct spelling?...Lol

Are you related to Maeve ?

You know what makes me laugh about you FANBOYS?...its how
you focus on the dumbest things, as if Maeve was name's correct's spelling was of such importance?...Lol


I'm not a fanboy, and did I say I read the thread? It's too long. And the King's English is important to me.



"Queen's" English if such things are important to you not King's English.


Details! Details! It's just a figure of speech, robbyj4.



Touched a nerve there, didn't I bird?



I know Trolls like you just send dumb email to get a reaction, but
it's just funny to me, it didn't hit any nerve, but funny that first its so hard
for you to read the thread because its "too long", but you would be concerned about the correct spelling of "Maeve"... Lol

That speaks volume about YOU, how infantile you are that now you are email me twice to see if it touched a nerve, instead of maybe contributing to the thread, maybe even express your take on what you could read, but a TROLL that you are is there to start shit; that's what a TROLL does; it's just pathetic and maybe you grow up one day and realize that.


Yeah, I really did touch a nerve there. Since you're now "flaming me", I have reported you. That will probably touch a whole other nerve, as you will probably get a warning from the Mods. Have a nice day.

