MovieChat Forums > Music and Lyrics (2007) Discussion > Did this drive anyone else nuts??

Did this drive anyone else nuts??

Finally saw this movie, and I just loved it! I mean it wasn't perfect plot-wise, but I was surprised about how many laughs it actually had :)

There's just one thing I CANNOT get over...Kristen Johnston is not a believable sister for Drew!!! She is a completely different build, nothing like Sophie's personality, and the only thing they have in common is the same hair colour! I know sisters don't have to be twins, but seriously?!! Terrible casting choice, not just because of looks, but acting ability too - was it just me or did she look awkward pretending to be obsessed with Alex? Definitely wasn't a fan of Kristen...

*sigh* well that felt better - now I can go back to drooling over Hugh's dance moves haha!!

Luke, this is your father....come set the table for dinner


not really :) i mean, they did mention that they were 7 years apart. I have friends who look like their moms and their sisters look more like their dad. So, it's completely plausible for me. Oh, and the writing in this movie is very good! I agree that it had more laughs than I expected!Hugh is good with the funny comebacks and one-liners!


I loved Kristen.! I thought she was very funny & They looked like sisters to me, 7 years apart and, who knows, different fathers. *shrugs*



To me, she really embodied that fan, getting totally swept up again in her earlier life's obsession. She also did such a great job, just with the humor, and her chemistry with Drew and with the actor playing her husband. Loved her!

Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.


perhaps not the best casting but its perfectly possible for sisters to look completely different. Look and Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, for example


I thought they had a nice dynamic and worked very well as sisters on screen.


i completely agree!! there is no way sisters can have such a height difference...


My sister and I look NOTHING alike. She's got dark skin, I'm pale. She's thin, I'm not.

The only thing we have in common is the same hair color lol.

I have had parties were people have said to my sister "so how do you know (me)" and she goes "um, she's my sister" and they are like NO WAY!

And yes, same father and mother.



"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


Frankly loved this movie including Kristens part.

I thought she added a nice touch of the "manic fan" vibe to the film and as to your assertion that sisters have to look alike, I say nonsense!. Three of my sisters look nothing alike in either looks nor build/height as one is 5ft 1 and chubby, one 5ft 6 stocky and the other was stick thin and 6ft tall.

Si vis pacem, para bellum
