MovieChat Forums > Music and Lyrics (2007) Discussion > Did this drive anyone else nuts??

Did this drive anyone else nuts??

Finally saw this movie, and I just loved it! I mean it wasn't perfect plot-wise, but I was surprised about how many laughs it actually had :)

There's just one thing I CANNOT get over...Kristen Johnston is not a believable sister for Drew!!! She is a completely different build, nothing like Sophie's personality, and the only thing they have in common is the same hair colour! I know sisters don't have to be twins, but seriously?!! Terrible casting choice, not just because of looks, but acting ability too - was it just me or did she look awkward pretending to be obsessed with Alex? Definitely wasn't a fan of Kristen...

*sigh* well that felt better - now I can go back to drooling over Hugh's dance moves haha!!

Luke, this is your father....come set the table for dinner


I like Kristen. She's playing the part that Bonnie Hunt plays so well. Like in Jerry Maguire. I really liked how KJ fawned all over Alex, in her zaftig way. (same with Alex's fans - all women in their 30's or 40's, while the men stayed in the back, clueless. That might have been the funniest part of the movie).
