MovieChat Forums > Dexter (2006) Discussion > The Reboot: Hannah Yes or No?

The Reboot: Hannah Yes or No?

So.........any thoughts on bringing back one of the most hated characters for this reboot?

I imagine we're going to get some kind of resolution to her & Harrison's fate. Last we saw they were in Argentina & she presumably believes Dexter died at sea.

Think that maybe Dexter will try to find them?


Hannah is one of the worst things about this show and arguably the biggest reason for the drop in quality. For fuck's sake, stay away from that character.


Well I see Clancy Brown is set to be the main villain of the revival. Maybe his character kills/killed Hannah!


Don't watch The Handmaid's Tale then. She's much worse in this one.


As far as I know, Yvonne Strahovski hasn't been cast for the revival. Still,we're going to have to get some kind of answer to her & Harrison's fate/whereabouts. We also don't know in what time period this will be taking place. The show's original time frame was the years it was broadcast,ending in (I think) 2013. So is the reboot going to start a few years later,or jump to the present day?


Yvonne Strahovski has confirmed she will not be returning for the reboot. Julia Styles, Julie Benz and James Remar have also confirmed they will not be involved. Remar went so far as to say except for Hall no member of the original cast was even approached to reprise their roles.


That's understandable. Rest of the cast probably have moved on with their lives and have found new jobs/roles elsewhere. So gathering the old cast back would be difficult.


Remar should be in it. He's the only character that could logically still be in Dex's life.


Remar is the one I can understand not being able to do it. He was busy
completing filming Black Lightning on the opposite coast.


I mean from a storyline standpoint. If the actor can't do it, yeah. I get it.


Got it.


Wow, lol interesting that he was able to speak so confidently about the rest of the cast. Did they all touch base with each other? XD


Why do we "have to get some kind of answer"? Harrison ended up with her. There was closure.


Not nessecarily. His son is with her in another country. I can't imagine Dexter NOT wanting to find out what happened to them. There may have been 'closure' when the series originally ended, but with this revival that kind of changes things in regards to 'closure' about them.......


I can't imagine why you would WANT to see her again.

Not to mention, I think you are missing the point of her and Harrison's fate. Dexter CHOSE isolation over them. It was on purpose due to how he lives and him caring about their safety.


I can't imagine why you would WANT to see her again.

Let me make this clear: I am NO fan of Hannah, & certainly DO NOT want to see her again. That would definitely kill any enthusiasm I have for this revival.

And yes, I do get it about Dex wanting to isolate himself from them,etc. The point is that assuming this revival takes place several years later,maybe he changes his mind about wanting to reconnect with them, and discovers that something bad has happened to them & how that might play out. We don't have to ACTUALLY have Hannah & Harrison appear for that.


I don't think you DO get it. Their story is over. Finito. They didn't reboot Dexter to bring Hannah fucking McKay back into our lives. Dexter has a new identity. He washed his hands of his old life. IT. IS. OVER. She is out of his life just like Rita, Lumen, Lila, Astor & Cody, Deb.


Who knows


Well, we can have an answer, and maybe even Harrison, without Hannah. I always felt pretty neutral about Hannah. She was a cool idea that got way too much focus, so whatever.

But the revival is presumably years later. I imagine Dexter has developed a way to keep tabs and checks on them now and then. Maybe he learns that Hannah ditched Harrison. I just don't think she has it in her to spend the next decade+ raising him. So maybe Harrison turns up and is sent home somehow. And it's not like Harrison can't be recast, given the character's age, that'd be very easy.

Honestly though I don't think anything will be done with it for the sheer fact that if Harrison turned up alive in South America, that'd raise huge questions to the public about what really happened to Dexter. And Harrison was just old enough where he'd probably remember some of the truth to tell. And that kind of storyline would completely dominate the season to exclusion of most other plots, and that's probably not what they want for the revival. Plus if it brought about a return to Miami, that'd make the other original characters much more needed to return. If anything I'd say that's a storyline likelier for the second season of the revival (I know, they say there won't be one, but we know ratings and pay will be the likelier factors in that).


I always felt pretty neutral about Hannah. She was a cool idea that got way too much focus, so whatever.

It started out as a good idea, but quickly ran out of steam. Then even more ludicrous was her sudden reappearance in the final season with the most convoluted scenario imaginable.


..........for the sheer fact that if Harrison turned up alive in South America, that'd raise huge questions to the public about what really happened to Dexter

Exactly. That finale left A LOT of loose ends ,the biggest one of which is Elway getting M99'd on the bus. He KNOWS Harrison is w/ Hannah!! Also, Dexter going to the lockup to kill Saxon/Vogel: Batista & Quinn don't even ask ""Hey Dex? Where's your son" ? I really can't see how they can completley ignore these questions in this revival. They're going to have to answer them somehow in SOME way no matter how small. Once again, we DON'T NEED TO ACTUALLY have them appear for that to happen.


I don’t think any of it takes place in Miami at all.


She's hot as hell, I hope so


Well, 1- she's already said she won't be in it ,& 2 - yeah she's good as eye candy & all but her character wasn't written very well & quite frankly she's not a very good actress IMO.


Well they've confirmed Harrison's return, so I guess it's not a big stretch to bring back Hannah now.


That's news to me. I know that Debra will be back in some form (ghost?) & Trinity for at least 1 episode, but I haven't heard anything about Harrison.





Wonder what happened with Hannah in Argentina....


Bring her back. She’s a Babe.


bring her back indeed! the hottest woman on the show


dead ass loox like a dude. her bulbous jaw makes me lol

