Similar Movies

I would like to know about some similar tragic romance movies.

I would prefer if they is more tragedy than romance such as in this movie and they make you really sad. It would be all better if hero and heroine do not end up together.


The Duchess...that movie always makes me bawl


surprised no one mentioned "The English Patient" it also was nominated for quite a few awards.


Legends of the falls is one of the best epic tragic love stories ever in my opinion!


Add City of Angels


The English Patient
The End of the Affair


Never Let Me Go, based on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, also starring Keira Knightley along with Carrie Mulligan and Andrew Garfield. It's more of a dystopian tragic romance story than war romance, but guarantee it will make you cry your eyes out. Plus, Garfield's acting is spot on, you'll appreciate him more as an actor. Kind of annoying how everyone now only sees him as "the new Spiderman." His earlier movies are way more awesome than Spiderman. :D


Peculiar all the ones mentioned. Very few I have seen or heard of.

But I saw Atonement several years ago on tv, with not a clue what to expect, and after a thought, I was so captivated and wanted to see it again, I've ordered it on DVD and am watching it now.

I think it is an absolutely astonishing story, mainly for the little girl and what happened.

A movie I couldn't help but compare it to was made in two movies; one in the thirties called These Three, and then remade in the early sixties as Children's Hour, which was the name of the play, about two female teachers accused of being lesbians and all their students are pulled out of the private girls school.

This is an American play, and I found the remake with Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine to be simply dreadful.

The original had all homosexual content removed and it's been felt none of this hurt the first movie, but it's not the tragic romance that is compelling me with Atonement, it is that little girl. Her actions are striking an unbelievable chord that I can't help but relate to.

No, I can't think if any incident I may have done from my childhood like this (that I would care to discuss here), but to have it haunt one all one's life. Just so striking.


Many Asian movies are like that. Try Lust, Caution, Crouching Tiger, Memoirs of a Geisha, House of Flying Daggers, My Sassy Girl

Then other Western films like Crazy, The Lobster, Braveheart, Gladiator, Chocolat, The Deep Blue Sea, The Constant Gardner


The Deep Blue Sea with Rachel Weisz
