MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Very unlikely that Ron was infected havi...

Very unlikely that Ron was infected having sex with HIV positive woman..

...because HIV/AIDS is typically not passed that way. Sorry, I know it's not politically correct, but its a medical fact.

Unless there is a transfer of body fluids, typically blood, there are few cases of men contracting AIDS from AIDS infected women, including having unrotected sex with AIDS infected hookers.

The chances of a woman contracting AIDS from an AIDS infected man via vaginal sex is higher, but still not that high.

The way AIDS typically is passed is with anal sex, where semen is poassed from a man to a partner anally (whether that partner is male or female).

Of course another common way the virus is passed is by sharing dirty needles, where one user has AIDS and passes it to another user that way.

We were warned in the 1990s of an impeding AIDS epidemic among the general population via straight, unprotected male+female vaginal sex. That was a lie in order to create panic and increase funding for AIDS research. The epidemic never happened, because that is not how AIDS is passed.

I have been reading more and more articles by people who know Ron who suggest he was gay or at least bisexual and that is probably how he got it -- having anal sex with another AIDS infected male, not from having unprotected sex with an AIDS infected female.


Absolutely correct, silentmovie and cynthiam.
Facts are facts, unpalatable as they may be to some.

As for the situation in African countries, regarding the rate amongst heterosexuals, the high risk factors remain the same - not to mention a qualification of the term 'heterosexual.' Full-time or part-time?

Also, a little-known, but confirmed fact is that anal sex is a common method of contraception in Africa.


You probably know this but you havent mentioned it in the OP so ill jut put it out there: the reason the odds are much higher in anal sex is because during anal sex most of the time there are micro-tears and bruises in the anal tract, which often is a direct acess to the bloodstream. So if you put your semen in contact with recieving end blood stream the chances are far higher than if you put it into vagina. This is also why unclean anal sex often results in infections.

Now onto the main point - he had HIV but we do not know if he got it from that woman. After all, that would be one hell of a fast HIV to affect him into needing blood transfusion is less than 24 hours after having sex with her. And if we assume they were doing it for a long time there is nothing there to stop the assumtion go that they tried anal sex as well, so your rant here is unfounded. And even if we only use vaginal sex, while the chances are smaller they are not zero and there still is a chance he could have gotten it.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.




To begin with:
The film is not saying tons of straight guys got HIV from women.
It is saying Ron did. You said it may not be the most common way the virus is transmitted, but it's not impossible. So why the fuss??


The epidemic never happened

Wow it is unbelievable you wrote that!! It's absolutely insane and I can't believe others didn't answer this allegation.
HIV/AIDS IS A PANDEMIC which basically means it's a super epidemic. Are you out of your mind????
Just google it and you'll habve all the serious, relevant sources if you don't believe me.

More important:
HIV is passed from females to males, you have to get this through your head. Worldwide, the majority of infections by HIV = STRAIGHT INTERCOURSE. Only in the USA (maybe Canada too, not sure) is there a majority of transmissions through gay sex.

We can wonder why. Here is my idea although this is really just my personal interpretation.
You may want to read about the man considered to be patient zero in Europe, Arvid Noe. He was straight and it is believed he caught the virus from prostitutes in Africa (was a sailor there). Then passed it to his wife in Sweden (or Norway? I have a doubt). During years he worked as a truck driver throughout Europe and also had frequent intercourse with prostitutes there.
However, one of the first cases in North America was a gay flight attendant, Gaetan Dugas, who had hundreds of partners. He may not be patient zero but surely contributed a lot to spreading the virus.
The oldest case ever recorded in the USA is from the late 60s, a teen boy who was probably gay.

I've always thought this was the explanation as to why more gays are concerned in the USA and more heteros in Europe.

Anyway, the fact remains that most of the time it is through straight sex that HIV is transmitted. There is in general only less than 1% chances to catch HIV during unprotected sex with someone infected whether it's straight or gay sex, whether the person is active or passive.
Anal sex is a bit more dangerous than vaginal sex for the receiver (whether male or female) and the chances can go from less than 1% to 3% to become infected through it.
Gay anal sex is NOT how the virus mostly spreads. On the whole the % are close no matter what the sexual act is (oral sex not included).

Besides, there are so many other elements to keep in mind. Like the fact someone infected whether male or female becomes way more infectious during the first weeks with HIV in their system. Meaning if Ron had sex with a recently infected female, his chances of being infected dramatically increased. The chances also increase when a partner has a sexual disease. Which could have been the case of Ron's partner.

Your allegations of high improbability need to be revised. I suggest you check the Wiki page on HIV, the "Transmission" part. The page is well sourced. But plenty of other documents are at your disposal on the web.


Thank you for instilling some basic common sense in this thread!
Hard to believe how in 2014 so many ppl know so little about HIV, and truly scary for the young generation!


I'm assuming Fat Limbaugh told you this? Or you are delusional.


Actually, silentmovie, there is a massive epidemic of heterosexually transmitted HIV, in Africa and other places around the world. About 35 million people are HIV+. 25 million of them are in Africa. Most of those are heterosexual.

The warnings of a heterosexual epidemic were certainly not lies. The situation wasn't very clear at that stage. Extrapolating from the situation in Africa was a fairly sensible precaution. Western heterosexuals were simply lucky that the extrapolation was misleading.

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.


HIV can definitely be passed from a woman to a man so why couldn't it have happened that way? It's more likely from male on male anal sex (or male on female for that matter), but it can be passed vaginally.

Anyway, am I imagining things or when Ron was reading on the microfilm there did he not read something about "bisexual men" and then have a flashback where he was with a man?



"Anyway, am I imagining things or when Ron was reading on the microfilm there did he not read something about "bisexual men" and then have a flashback where he was with a man?"

I got the same impression from that scene. The flashback was of Ron with a man.


I read through all this crap and not one person seems to recollect the confusion when this disease was becoming mainstream.

We did not use condoms back then like we are taught now, and I would think (but do not know) that is why heterosexual contraction in Africa is still widespread.

BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS! That also was a cause of the spread of the disease and took a while for anyone to figure out.

Any contact with infected blood on open sores/cuts could also have caused it, and in his line of work you see that they don't use latex gloves when there are very bloody injuries.

Didn't realize this was a true story til I watched it, but it brought up memories of how scary the times were in the mid 80's, and how homophobic people became, mainly due to, as here, misinformation being spread.



At least it's not Fox News or Newsmax that has me under its control



MSNBC and ABC are "extreme liberals" ha ha ha
