Jennifer Garner overlooked

Yes MM and Leto were the stars in this film. Both of them were excellent.

Yet I feel Jennifer Garner was very great as well and definetely overlooked.

Her subtle, minimalistic acting (you could see her character struggling between her conscience and her duty as a doctor) stood out.

I think she did a great job and should have deserved a lot more praise.


She looked like a complete amateur next to every other actor in the movie, including the people who played the electricians and the nurses. She belongs in Lifetime movies, if that. The producers of this movie were lucky she was overlooked, when it came to people judging this movie for the Academy Awards, because she was terrible.



Interesting…I thought she was the weakest link in this movie. Totally unconvincing as a doctor.


Thought she was one of the weaker parts of the film in all honesty. She's never come across as a really versatilie actress in general. She wasn't bad but you don't really care for her character when you have such brilliantly masterful acting from the likes of Matthe McConaughey and Jared Leteo - they made the film.


I like jennifer garner but imagine hilary swank in it. Maybe she would have got her third oscar.
