MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Nothing against homosexuality but my god...

Nothing against homosexuality but my god the AIDS epidemic

I have nothing against homosexuals but the AIDS epidemic is a major, major problem of homosexuality. As homosexuality has become far more accepted, the spread of AIDS has increased violently. There needs to be much more education about AIDS.


Umm...that is not true. The death rate and the percentage of people with HIV/AIDS has gone down since the 1980's. Mostly do to scientific advancements, awareness, and promotion of safe sex.


And yet what you just said didn't change what the OP said. Interesting.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


It didn't 'change' what the OP said, it directly contradicted it.

Just because I stumble down the road like a drunk, that doesn't mean it's the wrong one.


that is the most ignorant thing I've ever read. please do your research. and there are actually 3 ways it can be contracted ... not just from sex. Breast Milk and Blood as well ....


There needs to be a LOT more, and more aggressive, AIDS education. I will agree with OP on this point. But to label it as a 'homosexual problem' is only making the real problem worse: we have a virus amongst us against which we (all of us) cannot defend ourselves, and this virus leads to certain death.

Sexual intercourse - of *any* kind - is only one of the vectors of transmission; there are many. No one is 'safe'. We have come a long way in terms of understanding the virus and changing our actions (e.g., blood donor screenings, needle swap programs, increased control of fomites in dental and hospital settings, post-exposure and most recently pre-exposure prophylaxis), but all that we have accomplished is not enough.

We have to deal with the issue realistically, and until a vaccine is available (if ever one is), we have to acknowledge that there is no one group to whom HIV/AIDS 'belongs'. Currently, one of the populations experiencing one of the highest rates of new HIV infection is, in fact, our senior citizens. Why? Education. We, as a society, do not like to acknowledge that all humans are sexual beings THROUGHOUT THEIR LIFESPAN, and so we do not see to it that our seniors have access to information and protection.

I am not going to occupy a soapbox here, but one of the reasons HIV is making a resurgence in the male homosexual demographic is that today's young adults have grown up in a society where drug cocktails are readily available, and education is back to being all but nonexistent. AIDS is not a 'gay disease'; it is the inevitable result of a virus that attacks humans. ALL humans. Hopefully DBC has helped some to understand that HIV is everyone's problem.



I agree that there needs to be more education about HIV/AIDS, but to say "it's a major, major problem of homosexuality" sounds rather uneducated, I'm sorry. HIV/AIDS is a problem of the human race, because anyone can get it, gay or straight, young or old, man or woman. And once you have the virus, you have it until your eventual demise, because it has no cure.

By saying "it's a major, major problem of homosexuality," you're actually perpetuating the stereotype that "it's a gay disease," which is one of the many reasons many people, who suspect they may have and/or contracted HIV, refuse to get tested because it still evidently comes with a stigma, which is not helping at all.

HIV is the virus that one contracts; AIDS is the syndrome one eventually gets due to the virus. HIV, on its own, does not kill you, but if left unmanaged/untreated (i.e. you're not taking any medication for it because you didn't get checked), your immune systems gets weakened so much so that you "acquire" AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Once it turns into AIDS, there's no going back, and that is when opportunistic illnesses start coming into play, due to your weakened immune system.


well, it's disingenuous to consider it a "gay problem" but it is not a natural disaster. no one, no one deserves disease ever; we know how it is contracted and people should be empowered to make safer decisions for their personal health.

For example there are charts to access how safe a sex act is. Additionally we can empower people by informing them how they can mitigate their personal risk. thirdly policies that promote harm reduction ( easier access to safe sex supplies, clean needles etc)


I like how you start out assuring us you're not a homophobe. 10 to 1, any time you hear (or read) that, you're about to get some standard homophobic nonsense. And lo and behold...

It's just like people who say "i'm not racist, but..."

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong


The reason it turned into an epidemic was because of Ronald Reagan. One of the many "wonderful" (sarcasm) things he did for the country that people want to saint him over. Read And the Band Played On, you'll see how the Reagan administration completely ignored it and refused to fund the CDCs efforts to halt it in its tracks, because...well, gays, you know? Thanks Reagan: bringer of AIDS, trickle down policies that have destroyed the middle class, and negotiator with terrorists and guilty of treason and illegal arms sales. There's your Saint Ronnie. Go put him on Mt. Rushmore. But certainly don't blame homosexuals, they were just the first casualties.


He didn't force gays to practice a high risk lifestyle.


he also did not force people to obtain surgeries where they needed blood transfusions ala Arthur Ashe or hemophiliacs to need clotting producs ala Ryan white so your point


Magic Johnson got AIDS from messing around with other women bc he was a big NBA star. Charlie Sheen got it bc he was a big hollywood star and decided to sleep around with lots of women. Were these men practicing a high risk lifestyle too?


You don't catch AIDS you contract HIV.

Sheen got it from a transexual.

Wow you have no clue.


