MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Dallas Buyers Club and Defamation of the...

Dallas Buyers Club and Defamation of the Trans Community

This film conveys the notion that a man living as a man, Jared Leto, plays a better transgender woman than
transgender women and women. The film also goes with the cliche stereotype of trans women as escorts with aids.
Although the film is based on a true story allegedly, (anyone can say that), and the film supposedly attempts to
convey sympathy for the alleged transgender character , in fact it moreso shows a plot
of disdain for the character by conveying that the only way someone can respect a trans
woman is to have a similar life tragic experience such as aids with her.
What a terrible plot and storyline for the trans community.
Matthew Mcconohey or whatever his name is , was working on Interstellar this year, with the same art director
trans singer Bralalalala sued for libel last year.


Hope you're not too upset about it. This movie is a travesty on numerous levels. You're absolutely right about how DBC continues the cliche, especially because "Rayon" is a completely fictional character. In fact, in a "based on a true story" story there are absolutely NO characters who actually existed in real life...except that of the completely distorted, slanderous version of Ron which the DBC presents.
Don't get me started on MM! He's currently the voice of an energy provider's commercial which actually hawks "free" weekends....PLEASE! I want to vomit every time it comes on. MM is a total shill.
On a side-note, it's sad how many times "true" stories get twisted and turned around in order to make for a more interesting (and marketable) story. For years now, I've known of a transgendered woman who's a pilot for a major US airline. I met her prior to her final operation one day while she was on-duty, in uniform, going about her normal daily routine with the full support of her company and co-workers. If someone would ever make a movie about her, I shutter to imagine what sort of changes to her background, character, and professionalism would take place in order to make for (in the eyes of a stupid and irresponsible writer/director) a more marketable story.


Yeah, I never bought into the, "more marketable story," excuse. The real story is either compelling or it isn't. Real life is more compelling than make believe when the story is clearly not supposed to be make believe. Unfortunately , there are a lot of sick people in the industry who are entertained by hurting people, and their "stories," can amuse people who haven't seen better options available in the "marketplace," of content.


A transgender female is still a genetic male, no different than Jared Leto.

Please explain why he is less suited to play that role than anyone else.... I see you just went off on a PC rant, but didn't really offer any substance to make your case. I'm giving you that opportunity.

I'll have you know, Marlon Brando wasn't really a mobster godfather in true life, and nor is Jack Nicholson, in fact, Satan, as Witches of Eastwick would have you believe.

This isn't a case of hiring a white person to play a black person, or even hiring a person who can walk as a parapalegic. Physiologically, Jared Leto is as equipped to portray a transgender person just as good as someone who actually considers themselves transgender.

also transgenders make up the highest by far statistics of new hiv cases, so not sure you can call this just a stereotype.... Its more close to reality than it not being reality.


Society forces trans women into vulnerable social predicaments via employment discrimination. Instead of Hollywood taking a lead against that it just follows in the footsteps of society. So, yes aids and trans women is a stereotype, caused by desire of society to turn trans into sex workers instead of just workers!
The other problem is continuously displayed in posts on trans women. When one equates playing a woman's role in a film to being an actor portraying a life condition according to a story in a film. This is ignorant . Gender is an extremely fundamental aspect of social and personal life.
I'll use the same example until it gets cross. Gwyneth Paltrow would likely not play a man in a film on most occasions, even if she did it once. Likewise, men, such as Leto, should not be portraying transgender women on most occasions. Those roles should be
retained for women primarily. Anyone who doesn't see the sense of this is in denial of a fundamental sociological fact: transgender women are NOT treated like men in our society. So please leave the genital references behind!


I'll accept your point that transgender people are already discriminated against, and therefore the film-makers should help them out and cast them in transgender roles.... But by no means, would i say the film-makers are wrong NOT to do this. They have a financial bottom line to consider. There was big hype with Jared Leto playing this role. His casting probably put more butts into the theater seats to see it, plus... he won the Oscar. You can't really argue the decision, when you get that result.

A transgender person playing a transgender person, likely would not have won the Oscar. The role didn't call for too much acting, other than Leto acting like he was a transgender. That is what he won the Oscar for. This wouldn't have been a challenge for a transgender.

Regarding, your point on gender, i respectfully disagree. I know this is a hot topic, but i don't believe that gender identity is necessarily ingrained. I believe gender identity is a man-made construct. Boys act like boys because they are typically raised that way, and girls typically act like girls because they were raised that way. If a girl was raised to play with firetrucks and play football, it would seem natural for her. If a boy was raised to play with dolls, it would be natural for him. Of course, this generalization doesn't account for the fact that boys and girl have different musculatures, hence boys might be more physically equipped to play football, and that alone might make them more likley to gravitate towards it (regardless of gender identity). I'm not saying that transgenders were taught to be different than other boys and girls. But something happened to them, most likely at a very young age, which set them on an alternate path to what is considered typical gender identity for boys and girls.


Art is about sending a purposeful message more than anything about money.
By virtue of Leto playing a transgender women, this art took an entirely different
semantic and philosophical path, along with the other issues I have already raised
about the film. There is no assurance that a different type of film, showing trans women
as they really are personally in real life (not necessarily how they are treated but how they actually
see themselves) could not be successful because this has never been done before.
As for gender being socially constructed, that is both true and false because all people
have an ingrained sense of themselves before others interfere with them. So, if people are changing
who they are for others, that doesn't mean they were not foremost ingrained with genuine feelings which they
can choose to respect at a social price if they are determined to be themselves .


Interesting debate. I hear what you're saying. I like when a discussion can take place without personal attacks, even if the 2 people don't necessarily agree on all points.



Jared Leto has nothing to do with a transgender female. Bigotry, lies and ignorance about what transgender women are, what their history in the world is, and what they feel inside are conversations above your IQ .


Yeah. And I can't beleive they had Matthew McConaughey in this movie. I mean, there are plenty of people out there who actually have AIDS that could have played that role. Typical Holleywood to get an actor to do it.

And you say it was a stereotype to give Rayon AIDS? The story really wouldn't have worked if he was heathy. The only reason he meets Woodruff is that they both have AIDS.



Do you think an ultra macho character such as the one Matthew M. played in the film
needed to be in a similar life threatening situation as a trans to respect a trans (I guess Rayon was supposed
to be transgender though Rayon/Leto looked like a drag queen with that wig)?
I think if Rayon were a brilliant money making capitalist that would have done the trick just as well
and sent a far more positive everyday message with the concept.
I realize the intent was good here by the creators. It didn't entirely turn out to appear good however.


Maybe Rayon didn't fully look trans because she couldn't afford the expensive surgeries associated with the procedure, hence why she looked like a "drag queen with a wig".
I know you'd like a TG actress to play Rayon because a guy playing a TG just perpetuates the misconception that TGs are just "guys with wigs", but the truth of the matter is that many TG women still retain their male characteristics, unless they were taking hormones during puberty (which doesn't happen often). Before I get attacked, I've known a few TGs in my lifetime and Rayon did get me confused with them at times, because a few of them were in mid transition or just couldn't fully rid themselves of their male selves. Jared Leto was suitable to play the role as a result. He completely transformed himself to be like Rayon and I personally didn't think he was just a flaming guy, but more so someone who was a TG. Like even when Rayon dressed up like a man, she was still very femme and it was very ambiguous as to what her sex was.

Also, yeah they showed her being HIV positive and also many gays as well but the truth of the matter is that most infections are carried by this population and it's more easily transmitted between due to the type of sex they have (anal). It's not a stereotype...this is what it is, and they're still a population at high risk for this virus, 30 years later after the fact too. It would be a disservice from the filmmakers to show an unrealistic view of this disease by not showing the gay community having it as well. I mean the main charactor is straight so they did their job ( but even I think that's questionable as in the very beginning you see another guy sorta with him but I dunno, and it's also reported that he was bisexual).


Well transgender women are not gay men, so that's your first misstatement. Transgender women often do not want to have sex with men at all, and among those women I doubt HIV is any more risk to them than anyone else. Remember sexual orientation and gender are not the same. Only some trans women want to have sex with men, so the filmmakers aren't realistic in that notion.
The other issue you misstate regarding gender itself is that trans women do not need to be post op to be trans yet that does not make them butch or masculine by any stretch of the imagination either necessarily. The fact is, Leto is a guy with a beard and wearing tuxedos at award events in real life. It comes across he is not really transgender in the way he moves and conducts himself, and yes a wig (and no a trans girl doesn't need an operation to have real natural nice long hair).



I don't know enough about this particular subject, probably only enough to get me in a lot of trouble should I go trying to sound like some kind of expert. However you state that "a "transwoman" is no more a woman than a person with expensive cosmetic surgery", right? I've heard that transgendered people have the brains of the opposite sex and that's what makes them transgendered in the first place. Besides all of the extensive surgery that they undergo, they undergo hormone therapy also. My point is, perhaps they ARE more of a member of the opposite sex than simply a person with expensive cosmetic surgery.



Although not commenting on your opinions concerning the merits of Leto's performance perse, reading over your post above I did want to add something that I believe I am qualified to address and that's in regard to what, indeed, a disservice the filmmakers did in depicting an unrealistic view of the disease, what was known at the time, how it was treated, the inaccuracy of extremely important details such as the description and effectiveness of drugs which were being distributed then, the actual story of Ron Woodroof's life, personality, and sexual orientation...not to mention their (the filmmakers) blatantly dishonest marketing of their product as "based on a true story".

The transgendered character, Rayon, is a fictitious one. There was no such person in the real Ron Woodroof's life. Same can be said of the character of Dr. Saks (Eve). She did not exist in real life. The version of Ron Woodroof that the DBC presents is a completely distorted one. If neither of the only two other principal characters in the movie ever existed in real life, none of what transpired between them and the completely fictionalized version of Ron could ever have actually taken place. The importance of that seems to be lost on most who comment here on IMDb.
The movie was inspired by a colorful article written by Bill Minutaglio entitled "Buying Time" which appeared in a supplement of The Dallas Morning News in early autumn of '92. It expounds very little beyond it. The only bits of "fact" in the movie were taken from court documents which are a matter of public record.

Bringing it back around to the topic of DBC and the defamation of the trans community (although again not commenting on any technical aspects of acting), I do find it therefore inherent that such a project (inauthentic at it's core) will be hollow and insulting to those in which it tries to portray.


I don't believe that anyone not involved in the casting process of this movie should take issue with Jared Leto's having been cast as Rayon. Maybe somebody knows something I don't - were transgenders considered for the role of Rayon? Do we know for a fact that none were? In any case, nothing succeeds like success.

I knew nothing of this movie except who the two lead actors were, and the basic plot, before renting it. I hadn't watched, or read about, the Academy Awards. I became so enamored of Rayon that I came here to find the name of the actress (or actor) playing her, and to find out what character Leto would be playing. It seemed pretty late in the movie for him not to have appeared. To say I was surprised by what I learned is an understatement.

After a couple more scenes I "forgot" that it was Leto playing Rayon - I tried, but couldn't "see" him, so again simply looked forward to her every scene, her every line.

BTW, tipoff, I never had the impression that she was a "sex worker." Maybe I missed something, or failed to stereotype. Later in the movie when she gives Ron the money and he yells, "You been sellin' your ass?!" I took this to confirm that she had not been doing so previously.

tyrexden, I'm not so sure about nurture over nature (to misquote you, I know - but you get the gist) when it comes to sexuality. I grew up in a neighborhood of boys, playing "their" games, gutting fish we caught, getting in fistfights . . . Yes, I wore dresses to school, as it was required, but couldn't wait to get home to change, despite my mother's best efforts to "feminize" me. I have a strong memory of playing with Barbie dolls with the visiting female cousin of a friend; I had no idea what to do with them, or what the attraction was. It was boring! Yet we moved, I acquired girls as friends, and my tastes and interests changed to more feminine ones. I suppose if I'd stayed in that heavily male environment into puberty, it might have been a different story.

For the record, if I could hang out for a day, have dinner, or go out clubbing with any one fictional movie character, it would be Rayon.


Nothing succeeds like success? Really? So liars and thieves who are successful are good to go in your eyes? Defaming the trans community while pretending to have sympathy for trans is ok to you? Award winning singer Bralalalala was raped by the Interstellar supervising art director and sued him for it is real life. That's a real life trans woman. Was it reported by the news , by Hollywood? No. Now, the supervising director of all those films Amazing Spider Man, Iron Man, Django Unchained etc is being sued again for trying to sue her as his victim. Men don't speak for women. They don't decide who we are and what we consent to and what we are about. Jared Leto knew trans women didn't want to be represented by a man in films. It is bigoted. There is a huge difference between a man and a transgender woman-duh. Hollywood doesn't cast real trans women for anything -period-and it isn't because there are none worth casting. Anyone would have been better than a man. Again, the plot of this film was cynical anyway. In order to accept a trans woman, a guy had to have aids with her. Very despicable. The public will believe what Hollywood tells them: this is good for the trans community-even though trans women don't like it. Get a grip. There is nothing that isn't transphobic about Hollywood. Go watch a trashy sons of anarchy rerun. It is all very sleazy and male dominated.


Hey tipoff, Planet 146XZ from dimension 96 called and it wants its opinions back


Gender orientation is genetic. No one makes a "choice" as to his or her gender. I grew up in a heterosexual home. I played all of the games that the other boys played. I socialized with the other boys. I played with toys that boys play with. Yet from my birth I have been a gay man. I am masculine, and I am a gay man. I have always been attracted to other men. I am 65 years old, and I am a proud gay man.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Yes and following that logic, transgender women, whose circumstances are far more socially encompassing than mere sexual orientation, should not be portrayed by non transgender women. Again, this is not a direct attack on Leto as much as the general defamation of what being a trans woman is, which is rampant in society today. Leto was just a puppet for the defamation.


If a transgender had played that role, you would probably complain that the actor wasn't realistic enough.
Its just a movie, acting is acting...


No..a real transgender woman doesn't have a problem
being herself..duh..there are no transgender actresses in
major Hollywood films because Hollywood is bigoted despite
claims to the contrary. Facts are facts.


You make absolutely no sense. These are individual characters in an individual story. The only stereotypes I witnessed in the movie were brought up by you.
