MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Dallas Buyers Club and Defamation of the...

Dallas Buyers Club and Defamation of the Trans Community

This film conveys the notion that a man living as a man, Jared Leto, plays a better transgender woman than
transgender women and women. The film also goes with the cliche stereotype of trans women as escorts with aids.
Although the film is based on a true story allegedly, (anyone can say that), and the film supposedly attempts to
convey sympathy for the alleged transgender character , in fact it moreso shows a plot
of disdain for the character by conveying that the only way someone can respect a trans
woman is to have a similar life tragic experience such as aids with her.
What a terrible plot and storyline for the trans community.
Matthew Mcconohey or whatever his name is , was working on Interstellar this year, with the same art director
trans singer Bralalalala sued for libel last year.


It makes more sense for a trans woman character to be played by a male BC she would have male characteristics after all. Most trans people do not pass at all.


Spoken like an idiot who thinks Hollywood will show you
what real trans women are. Leto doesn't pass as one.
He doesn't think like one or live like one and it's obvious.
Most women wish they looked as femme as Bralalalala.


Lol they don't pass


Fu** it, we wouldn't want talented actors for this.


This film conveys the notion that a man living as a man, Jared Leto, plays a better transgender woman than transgender women and women. The film also goes with the cliche stereotype of trans women as escorts with aids.

First off, Jared Leto is a tremendous actor and played the part perfectly. Why would they audition thousands of real trans people to find someone who can act in a production like this when there was an actor they already knew could do it, and do it well? Most transgendered people aren't actors, and the ones that are probably don't have the same acting ability as Jared Leto, and they aren't going to spend months finding someone and training someone. This is why you aren't a director. Secondly, it doesn't convey a clichéd stereotype by showing one person in this situation. Sheesh, if you think that one person is a clichéd representation of anything then you need to stop watching films altogether. Your post shows how narrow minded you are when it comes to films and filmmaking.

It's called acting and it's called a character. It's not a statement nor a cliché.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


I really don't think it is necessary to repeat myself here,
but being that this thread continues to debate the subject
and that I'm remarkably creative I'm willing to try and explain
this yet another way.
If you were making a film considered "an opportunity for the public
to be exposed to a community for the first time , " or for
a "rare portrayal of a community to the masses," as the Dallas
Buyers Club morons appear to have sold the notion about DBC
and the transgender community, would you pick a man to speak
for transgender women, or let a real trans woman speak for their
community? Of course, trans women are misunderstood as mere genetic
males and therefore basically non existent and the same as men,
so idiot bigots with no sense of an individual identity of being transgender
figure Leto or just some actor guy that can act as a guy is good enough to fill
the role.
If you wanted to portray Jews to the masses would you turn to the Muslims or
Christians to speak for them and play their roles in film? Should
a Jew represent a Christian character in a religious film? Should a white woman
play a black woman to represent the black experience?
Think before you speak. Leto, although he seems like a nice guy who may very well
be a good actor in other films,
is ignorant about trans topics and should not have played this role.


Really the only response I can give to you is this...this is a film, not a documentary. It's not even a docudrama. It's a film. We will just have to agree to disagree, no more than that.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


...A film allegedly based on a true story which Leto claims is a good way to educate
the masses of what trans women are from what I've gathered from his


If that's what he said I don't agree with his statement, as in it's not a way to educate the masses about trans women. It's actually sort of a stupid statement for him to make. Heck, the character of Rayon was entirely fictional.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


It's a film, not a documentary and it doesn't show how all trans-gendered women behave or what lifestyle they have. Do we need a politically correct film about a transsexual living a "normal" life? Probably. But DBC can be considered as a historical movie that focuses on a specific topic, hence the characteristics of the two main characters.

That makes me think of the gay community complaining each time a film shows a gay character as a villain or a murderer, as if films were supposed to teach people that gays are more decent and über great human beings. As if people thought that all women are biches after seeing Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada.

I'm really for a more accepting society towards transsexuals. I'm tired of discriminating people who don't tolerate differences and are unable to accept transgendred people. But complaining about the depiction of one character in a good movie because it doesn't fit your standards makes you bigoted and intolerant. And I'm likely to think that you don't trust people's judgment: people can think when they see Rayon and they can understand it's a fictional character that doesn't represent all transsexuals. When I see a black guy killing a white man in a film, I don't think that all black men are murderers.

Films are an artistic expression, they are not always obliged to present moral or positive values. So you can write or wait for a socially and politically sanitized movie that will picture transsexuals in a positive light. That's probably a good concept and if it's well made, I'd be happy to see it.

The higher you fly, the faster you fall.


Bigoted and intolerant? No you mean Jared Leto comes across that way when he claims this film is helping trans women.
That's nonsense. People can make whatever films they want.
However, when they go out if their way to act like they have done
a good social deed with the film and it has a real life meaning , people
have a right to disagree . It certainly isn't bigoted of trans women to not want
men to speak for them at every turn in life.


You don't seem to know what bigoted and intolerant mean. Jared Leto may be delusional or naive when saying this but not intolerant.
You have the right to disagree with the film and I have the right to write that it's non-sense to blame a film for hurting the trans community: the director and the writer have empathy for the character they created and Jared Leto didn't mock Rayon or the representation of a transsexual in this film.

The higher you fly, the faster you fall.


Transgender women disagree with your statement by a very large majority and that's all that matters .
By transgender women I mean those who have lived their adult lives entirely as out transgender women .
They have expressed ZERO notable appreciation for this film or Leto. That's a fact and that's therefore the
verdict on what is real here.


Transgender women disagree with your statement by a very large majority

Facts? Source? Polls? I love when people extrapolate their opinions by quoting the majority. The majority i know loved the movie.

And I don't think that's what matters anyway. I don't like how some gay men are portrayed in films or TV series and I don't see myself in them. But I don't care because I don't think that they are meant to represent me. I don't expect movie-makers and actors to be spokespersons for me or my community. Too bad that some of the transsexual women disagree with "my statement" but there are so many more important issues to fight for and to spend energy on out there.
The higher you fly, the faster you fall.


Hey don't be a bigot. Trans women have spoken loudly against this film and
against men playing trans roles. Again, Leto was notified of this by many trans women.
He didn't care and took the oscar while the trans ignorant public cheered him on.
Don't give credit where it isn't due. Hollywood is trans woman bigotry land still.
Look at the zero trans actresses in film to start.


So i guess Matthew McConaughey was also not suitable for his role since he doesn't have AIDS so they should have gotten someone with AIDS cause they would be better in that role. And while we at it, replace Jennifer Garner with a real doctor.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


What's the first thing asked about a newborn baby? Boy or girl ? Right?
Don't put gender beneath other life experiences as they are already treated
by society . The real reason Leto was cast as a trans woman is not because
no transgender women can act a trans women better, but because Hollywood
has never hired such real life trans women to be actresses due to bigotry.
Yes, the script for the film was, without noticing, transphobic as well..trying to pretend the only
way a man can accept a trans woman is to be on death row with her.
It's like trying to convey acceptance through the most negative equation
possible even though that's definitely not the best way to do it.


Oh you know why he was cast now?
So you have some inside information we don't know?
Spill it.
Also a question. Should have does two girls in Blue in the warmest color been casted as lesbians since they are both straight?

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Gender orientation is not sexual orientation. It isn't even in the same ballpark. Again,
the first question of a newborn is , boy or girl, not gay or straight . Being transgender
is not a sexual act. It has a lot more to it. Being trans is a visibility issue which gay
doesn't have to be.
I know they cast a male calling Leto a transgender woman actress because they are ignorant and bigoted
of what real trans women are. They showed a total disrespect for the trans
women community and they clearly made their voices heard at the Santa
Barbara film festival when they confronted Leto.
So, since that obvious info isn't clear enough for you, buzz off!


Or, hear me up now, or cause he is a good actor? Mind blown, right?

P.S. i never said Gender identity is a sexual orientation.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Leto is not transgender. He did a disservice to the trans community playing a trans woman..
but he got his $ so what does he care about ethics? Leto didn't impress any trans women with
his performance I know of..and I doubt other men would do better.
Trans women actresses don't exist in Holywood films because we live
in a transphobic rape culture .


"Leto didn't impress any trans women with his performance"
Oh, so you know each and every trans women on this planet so you can speak in their names what they like and what they dislike?
Also "didn't impress any trans women with his performance"
Cause all trans women around the world act the same, speak the same, love the same things, right?
Look who's being trasphobic now.

"Leto is not transgender"
How do you know?

"Trans women actresses don't exist in Holywood films because we live
in a transphobic rape culture"
I am talking about this movie and this movie alone, not Hollywood.

Also, how do you know he was transgender and not a crossdresser in the movie? He never said anything that would imply he's a woman. Plus Matthew's character kept saying "he" and he never corrected him. Movie is loosely based on a true story.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Leto himself said he thought the character was transgender
and that he was bringing the topic to the public, as though he
were an authority.
It's safe to say Leto, the bearded guy in the tux, who took the
award at the oscars for Dallas Buyers Club is no real life transgebder
woman . You're clearly transphobic and ignorant to suggest he is.
Leto didn't rail in the film for being called he because he doesn't get
the whole thing of what transgender is.
Clearly you are an *beep* looking to provoke trans women.
Yes it is a community that does exist and communities of special
interests exist because they feel the same about certain issues.
You won't find any real life trans women who live full time as trans
women calling Leto trans. Since none in the community have
praised Leto , but actually only confronted him,
it's safe to say that's because they feel he isn't


"the bearded guy in the tux, who took the
award at the Oscars for Dallas Buyers Club is no real life transgender
Yep, you are definitely transphobic.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


But how many famous transgender actors are there? If they wanted to go with a 'name' actor, they would have been stymed in casting the role. Since the average 'trans' person actually DOES have vestiges of their original 'birth' gender, it would have been pointless to cast a woman in the role. You suggested Gwyneth Paltrow for the role, but what about her screams 'born a man!'?


"Trans community" my behind. Men who dress as women with bras and makeup are mentally ill. They are also MEN. There is no such thing as a sex change, merely (mostly) men masquarading as women, and if they have the money, pay an unethical physician to cut their genitals off and sell them harmone pills.

This should be called "The pervert community".


Ironically, it is stupid people like you who are the real perverts.
Sex inequality and forced gender roles on others is an oppression
and perverse. Also, if you look up the term,"sex," in the dictionary
it refers to many things,including behavior. For low IQ people like you,
Dallas Buyers Club served a positive purpose despite it's huge flaws.
As for surgery,it is not synonymous with being transgender.
However, it is true many women, including genetic women,
use surgery of various types to enhance their appearance.
Again, this is an individual choice and I see few bigots like you
calling such women perverts, only trans women.


To Tipofff (you ignorant b.tch),

Calling me stupid doesn't change the fact that so called transgendered (or transvestite) people have a mental illness.All your petty insults, all the violent threats of the homosexual "community" and all the idiot lawmakers do not change the fact that this is a mental illness.

If you went to school and graduated high school, you may have learned that males and females have different chromosomes, XX for female and XY for male. This cannot be changed or altered. Obviously, males and females have different bodies, and one sex has different body parts that the other body doesn't have. I am a male and do not have a vagina, a uterous, or fallopian tubes. Females do not have a penis or testicles. I as a male cannot bear a child, a female cannot ejaculate sperm into another woman to get her pregnant. I mean, didnt they teach you this in school?

As for being a "bigot", I do not accept men wearing a dress, makeup, and fake breasts. It is wrong and a MENTAL ILLNESS. People are not born this way, they learn this growing up. Many homosexuals and trannies probably had sexual abuse issues growing up. Or stupid people like you giving them these ideas in a time of great confusion. I mean, if you want to play "make believe" and be the other sex, that is fine. When you push these boundries in my face, or lie to children that your mental illness is normal, this is not OK. And no, it is not OK for a MAN dressed as a woman to use the woman's public bathroom. Because this opens up for any male to be able to do so, and do you want this to happen? If I had a female child, would I feel safe for her to use a public bathroom knowing some mentally ill PERVERT might be in there doing who knows what? It creates confusion, and it creates sexual crimes.

What makes me angry is that some people in this lifestyle recognize this to be wrong, and want help to get out of it, but are told wrongly from evil, lying, violent organizations like LGBT that they cannot. WRONG. LGBT are LIARS. They are the bigots dear. They are the liars. They have no interest in fighting for their "rights" to be left alone. They want power, and will not stop until everyone bends down on one knee and kisses their behinds and to force five year old children to be "educated" in the joys of anal sex and feces eating. There is an agenda, and lots of FOOLS like you follow it, with a lot of victims in their wake. Truth is truth, and lies are lies, and you are on the losing team.

This is a road to your own destruction. Pedophilia, sex with animals, polygamy, these are all coming up next because it is "natural" to them, and how dare people say anything different. It's wrong and disgusting and it always will be.


Get your facts straight.
Mentally ill people commit sex crimes on innocent
victims..and guess what? Most of those in jail
for such crimes come under the category of hetero
sexual male. Obviously there are many sane and
natural heterosexual males. However, of the
various populations, women and LGBT populations
included , it is heterosexual males who are convicted
of over 90% of violent sex crimes.
As for your obsession with genitals,
I hope you enhance your mind one day and
realize clothing and make up and genitals aren't
the same thing. Until you get your facts straight
you'll just be chalked up as another low IQ Imbecile
trying to harass random strangers for no reason at
