MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > My favorite 2013 film. What's your top 5...

My favorite 2013 film. What's your top 5?

1. Dallas Buyers Club
2. Gravity
3. American Hustle
4. Evil Dead
5. Nebraska

Honorable mentions: The Conjuring, This is the End, Star Trek Into Darkness

*I still need to see The Wolf of Wall Street


I don't think I can pin it down to just five. I'd have to go with:

1. 12 Years a Slave
2. American Hustle
3. Dallas Buyers Club
4. Inside Llewyn Davis
5. Wolf of Wall Street
6. Nebraska

Honorable mentions: Out of the Furnace, Star Trek Into Darkness


of the 83 2013 released movies i have seen here is my Top 10 currently...

1.At Middleton (2013) - 7-7.5/10
-.Before Midnight (2013)
-.About Time (2013)
4.Adore (2013) - 7/10
5.Only God Forgives (2013)
6.Warm Bodies
8.2 Guns
10.Gangster Squad

but there i still some other movies i got to see that could get into my Top 5 but the main movie i have not seen that i sort of expect will be my #1 of the year will be The Wolf of Wall Street. i think Nebraska could end up in my Top 5 also if Alexander Payne's reputation holds up as his last two movies (Sideways/The Descendants) where memorable and if Nebraska scores anything similar to those it will be basically my #1 of the year based on my current Top 10 above but i expect Wolf to beat it in my estimations.

p.s. i gave Dallas Buyers Club a Thumbs Down mostly because it's not a movie ill care to see more than once but it was decent enough for a viewing though. i give it a 6/10 (Thumbs Down).

My Vote History ...


1. Gravity
2. The Wolf of Wall Street
3. Rush
4. American Hustle
5. The Spectacular Now/12 Years A Slave (can't decide which I liked more)


1. Dallas Buyers Club
2. About Time
3. Prisoners
4. Gravity
5. 12 Years a Slave

Honorable mentions: This is the End, Lone Survivor, Enough Said

I too need to see The Wolf of Wall Street. American Hustle has been the biggest let down.

surrender is death, and death is for pussies - Kenny Powers


1. Prisoners
2. 12 Years a Slave
3-5 in no particular order: Her, Rush, Dallas Buyers Club


I need to see Prisoners a few of my friends said it was amazing.


Your friends are right. I saw the movie because I was bored and there was nothing else but crap showing. I had the entire cinema to myself, and during the climactic final 20 or so minutes I scrambled over all the seats to get closer. That's how drawn in I was. Both Jake and Hugh turn in excellent, flawless performances. Jackman's character is what makes this movie great.

Some heavy, emotional impact.

Some may never live, but the crazy never die.



Wow, it sounds like it might be top 5 material. That's what my friends said. It was really, really intense. There weren't many films that totally blew me away this year. I thought Jackman was amazing in The Prestige and Gyllenhal can be great in the right role with a good director.


It is


it really is


Don't bother. Strong performance by Hugh Jackman, but the story line is as predictable as it gets. If you don't mind that in a crime thriller then go ahead.


Haven't yet seen 12 years a slave, otherwise, basically same list. Prisoners was great. Wolf of Wall Street would be in my current top 5.


1. Gravity
2. Wolf of Wall Street
3. Star Trek Into Darkness
4. 12 Years a Slave
5. Rush


1. Dallas Buyers Club
2. The Wolf of Wall Street
3. Mud
4. The Way Way Back
5. Star Trek Into Darkness

Honorable mentions: American Hustle and This Is The End

I still need to see 12 Years A Slave and Captain Philips though, those are the two other awards contenders that interest me.



Haven't seen Dallas Buyers Club or The Wolf of Wall Street, buuut...

1. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
2. Frozen
3. Gravity
4. Pacific Rim
5. Rush


I need to see Place Beyond the Pines. I've heard nothing but good things. I don't know anything about Disconnect. The cast looks interesting. Thanks for the recommendation.


I thought it was awful!!


1. Her
2. Inside Llewyn Davis
3. Gravity
4. Saving Mr. Banks
5. Before Midnight
