Who Is Nero?

Never once in the movie did it ever state who Nero was. Just an angry Romulan or something who hated Spock for some strange reason. Also if you look in the trivia JJ Abrams never ONCE watched star trek. Therefor he is a star wars fan and made the reboots look garbage and catered to star wars more! Fire J J Abrams. That' P'Tak


Nero blamed Spock for the Romulan home planet being destroyed.
That was made clear during the mind meld scene.
Spock was trying to help but to no avail and Nero being a nut case took offence.

No cash here!! Here, no cash!!! Cash, no!!!! Robbo? No Cash!


Obviously you're as stupid as you are an imbecile. Fully explained in the movie and many of the Trek tropes are in this movie. Noticeable if you aren't an imbecile.


Can't we Trekkies at least try to get along?

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night.


imbecile used twice huh? That must have been the "cuck" or "incel" type insult 7 years ago that gets pointlessly overused without meaning today.


Looked to me like the second usage was a conscious reference to the first and therefore quite reasonable. Also... Imbecile is a familiar, even ancient, term and unlikely to become overly trendy unlike neologisms that come and go.

And, it was explained in the movie. The movie still stunk, but it did tell its... imbecilic... story with adequate detail.


Ancient is my point. Regardless of intent, using a fairly antiquated term twice seemed redundant in such a short post. But agreed, it was pretty clear in the movie as to the antagonists motivation.


You got it right OP, the movie does a horrible job explaining who Nero is as well as Ambassador Spock.

It's really dumb that the audience actually has to read a now defunct comic called 'Star Trek Countdown', which really should have been made into the 5th and final TNG movie, as that comic is better than Star Trek 2009, but anyways.

Nero and his crew, were a part of the Prime Universe of Star Trek, yes that old Star Trek universe where Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E just dispatched Praetor Shinzon in Star Trek Nemesis a mere 8 years earlier, in movie time, before the start of this film. The year is 2387.

Ambassador Spock was still working for reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan people until he discovered that the Hobus (now Romulus Star) Star was about to go nova and destroy Romulus. With the help of Lt Cmdr Geordi La Forge's design of the 'Jellyfish' prototype superfast starship, Spock attempted to stop the pending supernova by creating a singularity via red matter and essentially sucking in the star before it went nova.

He was too late, the star unexpectedly went supernova, and destroyed both Romulus and Remus. Before the supernova could destroy other worlds in the Romulan Star Empire, Spock was able to destroy the supernova using the red matter.

The Narada, Nero's vessel, was sucked in by the singularity and then was Spock's ship, seconds apart from each other, but both emerging in different times in the alternate JJ Abrams Star Trek Universe during the time just before TOS begins.

Star Trek Picard series is the reason the above went to non-canon, as it has its own explanation for the destruction of Romulus, apparently the Romulan Star Empire didn't have enough ships to evacuate its own homeworld and had to rely on the Federation, which is absolutely ridiculous because the Romulan Star Empire consists of hundreds if not thousands of habitable worlds, and the Picard series acts as if Romulus was the only inhabited planet.


very well explained!


I prefer Countdown being canon to Picard, i was quite shocked when it overwrit Countdown as it was part written by the same guy(Kurtzman)


Of course! Abrams must've taken one look at one or two episodes from either Classic Trek or one of each of the 1960s-1990s shows (probably bad ones) and thought "I can't be fucked with this philosophical shit, give me PEWPEWPEW lasers and REVENGE stories every time!" What a CUNT Abrams was!


He still is a miserable cunt.


Yep, wrong tense there on my part.
