MovieChat Forums > The Hottie & the Nottie (2008) Discussion > To the 1,729 people who gave the movie a...

To the 1,729 people who gave the movie a 10

I am a big fan of respecting the honest opinions of others. I have enjoyed many movies that others have disliked, and have conversely disliked movies that have garnered universal praise. And as long as you can provide me a reasonable explanation as to why you, say, think that Citizen Kane is dollar-bin garbage or, in our present case, think that The Hottie and the Nottie is filmmaking of the highest order, I will leave you to your own opinions while vehemently disagreeing.

This brings me to my question -- for those of you who gave this movie a 10, the highest possible rating on the imdb scale, can you explain yourselves? Can you provide me with a good reason why you chose to give The Hottie and the Nottie a rating that eludes The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Pulp Fiction, Apocalypse Now, and No Country For Old Men? Would you care to provide me with a list of films you think deserving of lesser ratings, such as a 9, 8, 7, or -- horrors -- a 1? Since no film can score higher than a 10, which is the rating you bestowed upon this piece of cinema, are you suggesting that such masterpieces as Casablanca, La Dolce Vita, Raging Bull, and GoodFellas are of the same or lesser calibre than this film?

I look forward to your responses.

NOTE: Serious answers only, please. If you're a troll, please post elsewhere.

If you've got a problem with this post, go post yourself


interesting post.

I haven't rated the film a 10, and probably wouldn't, but seen as you seem so intent on finding out why then I'll give you my reasons:

unpretentious, funny, sweet, light-hearted, gross, romantic, innocent.

Need I go on? So it's not the best written piece, it's not the best acted piece, it's not even that well directed, but that doesn't mean people can't enjoy it.

I'd give Star Wars a 4/10 and The Benchwarmers a 9/10. Does that mean I think Benchwarmers is a better film than Star Wars? Of course it does, otherwise I wouldn't have voted that way, and I honestly don't see why it's any of your business what ratings I give films.

This film is *beep* there's no doubt about it, but it's enjoyable at the same time. I find Star Wars incredibly dull. I don't like the notion that 'masterpieces' (which is a relative term by the way, so don't spin that *beep* have to be liked by everyone, and if you don't then you have to explain yourself.

Do I asky you to explain why you like Goodfellas? No, so leave me the *beep* alone!



If you'll notice, this question wasn't directed at you -- it was directed at those who gave this movie a 10 on the scale. However, I do have a question for you:

Does the fact that a film is enjoyable on some level mean that it deserves a 10? A 10 being the highest possible rating? Meaning of a calibre higher than or equal to every other film? You yourself admit that the movie is not well made. Then even you agree with me to some extent, right?

And as for rating Star Wars a 4 and Benchwarmers a 9, I understand that while greatly disagreeing. Star Wars simply does not resonate with some people the way it does with others. Hell, Roger Ebert gave "A Clockwork Orange," which almost everyone considers to be a classic, only one half-star higher than "Baby Geniuses." I myself, in an oft-used example, gave Taxi Driver a 6/10 on this site. Some movies simply do not work for me. Some movies work for me that do not for others. And that's okay, AS LONG AS YOU OR I CAN DEFEND OUR CHOICES.

Personally, I see no redemptive quality in this film, and neither have most others. So I'm trying to find out, are most of the people who give this a 10 immature little preteens who think it's so funny to try to get universally reviled movies a spot on the Top 250, or people who genuinely see masterpiece material in this picture? And if they do, I was hoping they could point it out to me.

~Z's dead, baby, Z's dead~


I also didn't give the film a 10/10, but I did give it a 9/10.

I have to say that I disagree with the notion of needing to be able to "defend" one's ratings. We're not trying to establish matters of fact. There are no facts about how good a film is, and yes, I'm also thinking about technical aspects, I'm aware of standards, etc.

Different people use different criteria for rating. They do not need to defend that. Part of my rating for any film comes from technical aspects, such as production design. Plenty of people do not give a crap about production design when they rate. They just don't bother assessing that at all, at least not in any conscious way. That's fine. They can use whatever criteria they like, and they're not wrong for liking or disliking any particular thing they experience.

I feel that this film was well made. In my opinion, and it's just an opinion, it has good cinematography, good production design, good editing, good lighting, make-up, sound, etc. So I certainly didn't subtract any points for that stuff. Plus I found it funny, I enjoyed the story, I was interested in the characters, etc. So it clicked with me emotionally, too, it resonated with me aesthetically. Part of that is that there's a definite absurdist lean to the comedy, and I'm a pretty big fan of absurdism in general.

As for a "redemptive quality" in a film, that's definitely not something I care about. The film didn't do anything wrong as a film. It doesn't need to redeem itself.

As for demographics, I'm a middle-aged guy (I was born in the 1960s). I have five degrees, four of them graduate degrees. Two of my degrees are in philosophy, and one of my areas of specialty is aesthetics. I have worked in arts & entertainment industries for most of my life, including some work with film. I have taught at universities. At one point I co-hosted a morning drive AM radio talk show. I'm married, and I've been married for over 10 years now.

Re "seeing a masterpiece in this picture", an assessment like that is not in a film itself, in my view. Whether it's a masterpiece is in the head of someone evaluating the film. I can't help you to have my evaluation, and I don't know why you'd want someone else's evaluation. It would be like wanting someone else's desires rather than your own.


Opinions can be wrong.


What do you expect to accomplish here?


This is ridiculous the op had a very good post and to tell u truth i really agree with him.. i havent watched this movie and probably never would but i have seen other movies which i thought were absolutley ridiculous which were still getting 10's by many people..these d!kheads on this site take everything so seriously its sad..go op ur the man.


The answer to the original question is fairly obvious. to the OP, you seem like an inteligent person. Do you actually think that the people who took time to actually see this film give a sh!t about the IMDB rating scale? do you think that they legitimately gave the movie a 10 because they thought it was a wonderful piece of cinema? i know you are not under the mpression that they think this, so why ask?

It is clear that these people gave the 10 rating for 2 possible reasons. They are trolls who thought it would be funny to give a movie like this a 10.


They love paris hilton and clicked 10 just because they love how hot she is and because they get off seeing her half naked (i know i do, but still, i respect film too much to even bother giving this a rating.)

either way, there are trolls on both ends. Over 23,000 people voted a "1" for the godfather. Do you actually think these people think this movie is a "1" calibur movie? of course not.

there was no point to your original post, because you already know the answer


So veiled sarcasm is not a "point," I take it?

~Z's dead, baby, Z's dead~



either way, there are trolls on both ends. Over 23,000 people voted a "1" for the godfather. Do you actually think these people think this movie is a "1" calibur movie? of course not.

I didn't give the Godfather a 1, but a 4. Yes I really think it deserves that. One of the most highly touted films I had never seen that I finally did see; couldn't believe how incredibly overrated and still is today.

As for your assessment of why people are voting this movie a 10, I think you're spot on. However I imagine there are a few who genuinely liked this movie. Just as I one of the few who genuinely didn't care for The Godfather.


no, the "point" to your post was to legitimately receive answers regarding why people would bother giving this a 10, and you know the answer to that already. Belittling people for their taste in movies is not a "point" it is just obnoxious. Also, unless your sig is purposefully wrong, I don't really trust your opinion on film or think that you care about movies very much. The line from Pulp Fiction is "Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead." not "Z"...small detail, i know, but at least get your facts straight.

SpookShow, I respect if you do not like the Godfather, as I am sure your expectations were for it to be flawless, perfect cinema, and the best movie of all time. Luckily for me, my father watched the Godfather with me when I was younger, long before IMDB or any type of website as such, and when the only way for me to really judge a film was to watch it myself. I think people who watch the Godfather for the first time further and further away from the time it was made miss more and more wonderful aspects that it entails. First off, originality of its ideas are incredible, and the fact that every ganster movie since then has been influenced by it. Sure, there have been plenty of ganster films before Godfather, but there was never anything like the Godfather. Every scene that you feel is boring, I feel is innovative, beautiful, and masterfully well done. Acting is classic, cinematography is to die for, and the score is priceless. To me, this type of originality is what I look for in a movie, but I do respect others who feel differently. I just would like to hear more of an explanation as to why you think it is overrated.

sidenote: it is hilarious that we are discussing the godfather on the message boards for "hottie and the nottie"



Actually, I did not expect to receive any legitimate answers. I expected either little Billy in his side-cocked Cubs cap to tell me how Citizen Kane pales in comparison or for some easily amused 14-year-old to call me a nasty name. But I would have been genuinely (and hell, even a little pleasantly) surprised if I did get a good answer.

And my signature is not "purposefully wrong," as you so vehemently (and mistakenly) claim in a sad attempt at ad hominem argument. In the English-speaking world outside the United States, the 26th letter is properly pronounced "zed" not "zee."


~Z's dead, baby, Z's dead~


I stand corrected on the sig....and i feel dumb for not making the connection haha so sorry bout that.


woah, woah, woah, STOP THE THREAD!!!

You pronounce the letter 'z' as "zed"? What the hell?

Are there other letters like this?

In America (apparently only here) letters are called by their pronounciation in actual words.

Do you pronounce words with 'z' in it with a 'd'? Ever? How about buzz? Is it pronounced "buzz'ed" where you're from? And if it is, how is it in past tense? "Buzz'ed'id"? Or am I being too simple? there are two 'z's, maybe it's pronounced "buzedzed"?

I know there's a precident for words having a name other than their pronounciation (Greek/Roman), wait a second, even French and Spanish don't do that, are you serious?

I'm in serious need of some foreign common knowledge on this. Is this where "Lord Zed" comes from? Does this have anything to do with why you refuse to put 'z's in words that are clearly pronounced with 'z's (realize, actualize,etz.)?



In Canada, every letter, Z excepted, is pronounced exactly as it is in the United States. Same, I believe, in England, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. In place like Ireland and Scotland, the letter H is pronounced "haitch" not "aitch," but that's the only other exception I can think of.

I can't say I understand what you mean by "In America, letters are called by their pronunciation in actual words." Doesn't the pronunciation of most letters vary within words? Do you call C /k/ or /s/? And is L merely /l/ not /el/? I don't think so.

As for the pronunciation of Z within words, it's pronounced just as in the States, no extra sounds. And you're not quite right, French and Spanish also pronounce Z as "zède" and "zeta" respectively if I'm not mistaken.

And the refusal to put Z's (zeds) in words is mostly a British feature; in Canada, those words are spelled like in America, e.g. "realize" and "modernize" not "realise" and "modernise."

Hope this explanation helps,


~Z's dead, baby, Z's dead~


For me, Citizen Kane does pale in comparison, by the way. On my last viewing of Citizen Kane, I only gave it a 5 or 6/10 (I don't have my actual rating recorded, unfortunately, I have to go by memory for that, as I last watched it prior to keeping a list of all of my ratings).

There are a lot of well-respected classics that I rate low--8 1/2 I last gave a 4/10, The Seventh Seal I gave a 2/10, M got a 4/10, Alphaville a 3/10, etc.

A lot of well-respected classics I rate highly, too--The Godfather, Touch of Evil, 12 Angry Men, Schindler's List, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Amarcord . . . those are examples of films I've rated a 10/10.

There are also films as despised and rejected by the mainstream as The Hottie and the Nottie that I have rated a 10/10--some examples: All About Steve, Deck the Halls, Feardotcom, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

And there are some in that category that I don't like, either, like Jake Speed, Wishmaster 3, Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, etc.

I do not look at all at the critical or popular consensus when I evaluate something.

And for example, I couldn't care less if everyone loves Citizen Kane because it was technically innovative and influential--I do not rate on those criteria, as I think they have no connection to how good a film is aesthetically, and I couldn't care less if folks hate The Hottie and the Nottie because they do not like Paris Hilton--I also do not base anything in a rating on my opinion of someone personally, aside from their work in a film.

I just report what I honestly think about films, with no regard to how unusual or typical my reaction might be.


You rated Fritz Lang's M a 4 and The Hottie & and the Nottie a 10. Sorry to sound harsh, but from now on could you keep your opinions on movies to yourself?


Honestly? This film made me laugh, and at the end cry. And it had a very sweet upbeat ending. I could overlook that it was clearly a vehicle for Paris Hilton, and that it propped up her massive ego... because other than that(which I was expecting) it made for a nice piece of entertainment. It was so bad that it was funny/good to me. There are a lot of Ed Wood films I can say the same about. It tried ernestly... and wasn't completely awful. The humor was outrageous(kind of like Zoolander or There's Something About Mary). And, looking at it from that point of view? - The writing was pretty good/funny. I think it's an underrated little film... and that lots of people won't give it a chance because they hate Paris... but if you didn't know anything about Paris Hilton, you'd find the unabashed worship of her ego in this film a little odd(considering she isn't all that hot) but you could accept that the idea that she is 'a hottie' is a conceit of the film, and just go with it... I don't know. I was in a very easy going mood when I saw this. Maybe it had something to do with it! But I LIKED it. It's OK if no one else does. I'm not really basing my opinion on comparing it to other films or to what other people might say about it. I'm basing it on how much I enjoyed it on the day I saw it... which was a ten on a scale of 1 out of ten. Hope that explanation helps. :)


Instead of asking why less than 2000 people gave it a 10 which it clearly does not deserve, why not ask why over 17,000 people gave it a 1 which it also clearly does not deserve? Anyone who has seen this film and doesn't have a bias against it for starring Paris Hilton will most likely give it somewhere between 3 and 7 at the very extremes but more likely between 4 and 6. It should have an average between 4.8 to 5.6.

Bow to her greatness:


I see really bad indie horrors worse than this movie get a lot of 10 votes


i gave it a 10
why ?
trying to compensate the lack of integrity of others who gave it 1/10 only by seeing the cast
get it ?


"trying to compensate the lack of integrity of others who gave it 1/10 only by seeing the cast
get it ?"

I gave it the movie a higher rating because of all the bogus 1/10 votes for the sole purpose they hate Paris Hilton who happened to be the star. The movie was not bad at all. Be honest.


It was terrible. Honestly.



You say it clearly does not deserve a 1. I'd say, clearly, yes it does.


I saw part of the movie earlier and it was too bad to even watch more than 15 minutes. I could have probably watched it with someone else to make jokes about it with maybe. Reasons I think people gave it a 10,

1. Fans of paris hilton that didn't really think it deserved a 10 but higher than where currently is and hoped to balance it out
2. Trolls that give bad movies a 10 on purpose
3. Maybe a very small number of paris hilton fans that did think this movie was pure gold. Don't get me wrong, there are probably 1000s of people that think this movie is gold, because there is something for everybody and there are billions of people on this planet, but my guess is most of those people aren't on IMDB voting for this movie.


While I agree this movie isn't a 10, it isn't a 1 either. So I gave it a 10 to try to balance out the rating from all the Paris Hilton haters.


That's a retarded reason to give a movie a 10.


First off, I didn't watch this movie and never will, so I didn't rate it. I learnt my lesson when I saw an earlier attempt she had at acting. However I imagine there being 2 categories of people who vote 10 on her work. The first one being girls who think they need to prove their loyalty in an attempt to become Paris' best friend of the season and the other being unknown guys who think voting 10 is a requirement for getting into her pants. Which is crazy, I'm sure she doesn't check imdb before sleeping with someone - She probably hired someone to do that for her.


Religious wars are really just about who has the better imaginary friend.


Whilst I sympathise with your sentiment, I don't understand why you're bothered with it.

I, too, have made similar posts. 'Why did you rate this a 10... in other words - there is nothing better?', but ultimately it doesn't matter. There are enough votes to counteract the stupidity, and it ends up with an (at the moment) average of 1.8... in other words 'crap'.

What I tend to do is ignore the score. If I really want to know what others think I go into the demographics and try to work out how people voted. If lots of <30 year olds vote it high and older people vote it low then I realise that I'm likely to be not enjoying it as much as I might.

The top 1000 voters is also a good thing to look at. It goes from 8.1% of voters giving it a 10 to 4% of voters giving it a 10, so clearly they are a bit more discerning.


