MovieChat Forums > The Hottie & the Nottie (2008) Discussion > To the 1,729 people who gave the movie a...

To the 1,729 people who gave the movie a 10

I am a big fan of respecting the honest opinions of others. I have enjoyed many movies that others have disliked, and have conversely disliked movies that have garnered universal praise. And as long as you can provide me a reasonable explanation as to why you, say, think that Citizen Kane is dollar-bin garbage or, in our present case, think that The Hottie and the Nottie is filmmaking of the highest order, I will leave you to your own opinions while vehemently disagreeing.

This brings me to my question -- for those of you who gave this movie a 10, the highest possible rating on the imdb scale, can you explain yourselves? Can you provide me with a good reason why you chose to give The Hottie and the Nottie a rating that eludes The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Pulp Fiction, Apocalypse Now, and No Country For Old Men? Would you care to provide me with a list of films you think deserving of lesser ratings, such as a 9, 8, 7, or -- horrors -- a 1? Since no film can score higher than a 10, which is the rating you bestowed upon this piece of cinema, are you suggesting that such masterpieces as Casablanca, La Dolce Vita, Raging Bull, and GoodFellas are of the same or lesser calibre than this film?

I look forward to your responses.

NOTE: Serious answers only, please. If you're a troll, please post elsewhere.

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