Ok, Betty haters...

do you still hate a woman dying of cancer, you heartless bastards?! Is this what you wanted? You wanted her to die and disappear, right? Congratulations, now your wishes got granted!


It took eight years but finally she is gone.. Good riddance.


We laughed, we danced, we popped a cork and raised a toast:

Here's to the death
of the Queen of self-absorption.
Here's to the end
of hair sprayed to stiff contortion.
Just before we bury you
why not have one final smoke?
Surgeon General's warning never was a joke.


Betty was a child abuser who slapped her kids often, she was a racist who looked down on her African-American servants so no I will not miss her.


Child abuser?.................LOL

Comments like this is why the Chinese are killing us.

Thats a clown question , BRO.......



Just having her as their mother was abuse.


Emotional and mental abuse is still abuse


"Betty was a child abuser who slapped her kids often, she was a racist who looked down on her African-American servants so no I will not miss her."

That wasn't child abuse. That was normal for back then. It's only considered "abuse" because Betty is white. Black mothers are ten times worse and need to be. Kids need their asses beat. As for her looking down on black servants, it was the 60's. What did you expect? She isn't a racist. She is a product of her time. I'm sorry her character is going to die so young and leave three children and a husband behind.

Actors are mere products of a good writer's imagination


Yes us heartless bastards who dislike a FICTIONAL character. We really should hang out heads in shaming for hating on a FICTIONAL character who is now FICTIONALLY dying.


They are a reflection of real life people. It's not a comic book TV Show


Betty is still a made up person you dolt.


What did she do in this episode to redeem herself or make viewers change their opinion of her? Write a self-indulgent note to her daughter describing her burial wardrobe and hairstyle? When she sees Sally in the house, she walks toward her and we are all anticipating a hug of reassurance. Instead, she huffs and brushes right past her daughter. And this is supposed to make us like her? She went from a cold-hearted bitch to a dying, cold-hearted bitch. Any emotion I feel is due to the children being left without whatever mother they ever had. But I still have no emotions toward Betty.


Betty told Sally she loves her.


It wasn't the first time. I thought that the motherly love she showed Sally in 5.12 (Commissions and Fees) was far more real.


I'm not suggesting that Betty didn't love her children. I'm simply responding to the original post that suggests that Betty did something new or unique in this episode to reveal herself to be a good person. I didn't see it.


"What did she do in this episode to redeem herself or make viewers change their opinion of her? Write a self-indulgent note to her daughter describing her burial wardrobe and hairstyle? When she sees Sally in the house, she walks toward her and we are all anticipating a hug of reassurance. Instead, she huffs and brushes right past her daughter. And this is supposed to make us like her? She went from a cold-hearted bitch to a dying, cold-hearted bitch. Any emotion I feel is due to the children being left without whatever mother they ever had. But I still have no emotions toward Betty."

Are you really this clueless? The woman is dying. She is handling the news with grace and dignity. She isn't falling apart and isn't pretending it isn't happening. She is HANDLING it. The letter was a reflection of the rocky relationship she's always had with her daughter. Did you not see Sally break down when she read it? She loves her mother. She does not want her to die. And Betty does not want to die, but she knows she is going to and wants to make sure everything is organized. I have a daughter Sally's age and am just a few years older than Betty. I would have done the EXACT same thing if I were her. In fact, even though I am well I have already told my daughter where I want to be buried, what I want to be wearing and how to handle my affairs. There is nothing wrong with preparing for what you know is going to happen to you one day. Betty just happens to know it's going to be soon.

Actors are mere products of a good writer's imagination


Is she handling the news with grace and dignity, or in an emotionally detached way? Her emotional detachment was what most people disliked about her to begin with. But now that emotional detachment is supposed to draw us in to her? Nope. You would have done the EXACT same thing as Betty? You would have walked past your daughter without hugging her? Somehow I doubt that. And yes, I feel horribly for Sally. But the question posed wasn't: "Now that Betty is dying, do you feel sorry for Sally?" It is: "Now that Betty is dying, haven't you grown to like her?" Two very different questions with two very different answers.


This show is fiction so you (o/p) really need to calm down. I like Betty and just ignore the ignorant comments made about her. Posts like this only feed the frenzy and make you look like a psycho.

Actors are mere products of a good writer's imagination


Just like everyone else on this show, Betty is neither all good or all bad. She clearly has been shown to be less than fully admirable as a mother over the course of the show. But in this most recent episode she also showed a stoicism, a willingness to face the truth, that is admirable.

The truth as is so often the case is somewhere in the middle, but for this thread her haters are really missing the total picture.


...but for this thread her haters are really missing the total picture.

I can't speak for others, but I certainly don't "hate" Betty. Never have. I just don't think that her conduct in the last episode revealed any great change in her overall approach to life (or death). (Recall her stoicism (or is that grace and dignity?) when her father died.) In other words, if the question is: "Do you feel differently about Betty now than you did a week/month/year ago?", the answer would be no. Didn't hate her then, and don't hate her now. I just don't see the monumental change in character that others seem to think was her redemption. She was able to hug her daughter in Season 5, and she is able to write a letter to her telling her she loves her now. Where is the huge change in mothering skills?


To be fair, people wanted her to die a long time ago. The series is over. I imagine it's a very bitter sweet triumph.



God you are suck a f-cking moron.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I have to agree with you, Moonlighty. Did that person watch the same show we did? True, Betty was not a perfect parent (nobody is).....but evil? Give me a break.


LOL. Physically abusing them? Growing up in England in the fifties, we were frequently slapped around by our parents. Our teachers too.


À la Madame Bovary, Betty had to be punished for her sins.
